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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    2 (58)
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Iconography is an identity-oriented theory in political geography that emphsizes ideational forces in a sates's survival more than other forces, and it is more reperesented in the weakness eras of a country. Iran in 19th centry as a weak country did not have required instrumnets to guarantee its own survival, and had been directly threathened by superpower countries (Russia and Britain). The rivalry of these two superpowers in the great game covered all Iran's territory, and finally because of wars, imposing contract, social, economic and geopolitical pressures of superpowers most part of the territory was seperated from Iran. In this research, based on Nasekhottavarikh as a valid work of Ghajar era, in addition to the investigation of the relations of frontiers and central government, some of their request to be a part of homehand is investigated. Research findings show that Iran’s terrotories were seperated because of powers' rivalries and expansionism sentiments, not their tendency to separatism.

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مطالعات ملی

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    2 (58)
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آیکونوگرافی (1)، نظریه ای هویت گرایانه در مباحث جغرافیای سیاسی است که بر نقش نیروهای معنوی در بقای کشور بیش از سایر نیروها اهمیت قایل است و در دوره های ضعف یک کشور نمود بیشتری می یابد. ایران که در قرن نوزدهم بسیار ضعیف بود، برای تحکیم بقای خود وسیله ای نداشت، و از سوی قدرت های برتر جهانی (روسیه و بریتانیا) مستقیما تهدید می شد. رقابت این دو قدرت در بازی بزرگ، سراسر سرزمین های ایرانی را در بر گرفت و در نهایت در اثر نبردها، تحمیل قراردادها، فشارهای سیاسی، اقتصادی و ژئوپلیتیک قدرت ها، بسیاری از این سرزمین ها از ایران جدا شدند. در این پژوهش با مراجعه به کتاب ناسخ التواریخ به عنوان یک اثر معتبر دوره قاجاریه، ضمن اشاره به مناسبات سرحدات ایرانی با حکومت مرکزی، به برخی درخواست های آنان برای باقی ماندن در تنه اصلی کشور از دیدگاه آیکونوگرافی می پردازیم. نتایج حاصل از پژوهش نشان می دهد سرزمین های ایرانی در نتیجه رقابت و توسعه طلبی قدرت ها از کشور جدا شده است.

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    2 (58)
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This article by the presumption of ever-becoming nature of nation-building process and its continuous reproduction, studies the relationship between social policy & identity especially in diverse societies. The present writing is composed of two sections. The first descriptive-analytical section is done by documentary method and in the second part; the qualitative content analysis method is applied. This article is inspiring by opinions of Bland & Lecourse concludes that the inclusive feature and equality-based nature of social policies leads to creation of real justice community, strengthening of social solidarity & social integration that will eventually bring social rest and political stability as prerequisites of nation-building process.Applying the relationship between two variables to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, denotes that the approach of the Constitution toward macro social policies confirms its inclusiveness, equality-based & egalitarian orientation in allocation of material and spiritual resources without ethnic, class, religious, linguistic and other differentiating criteria.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (58)
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Geographical names are reflections of cultures and beliefs in names of places, in fact human communities borrow from treasure of their culture, history and beliefs in the selection of names for human-made and natural phenomenon. Rarely we can see that names of places are not borrowed from culture and history from meaning and concept point of view. So, name of places are often reflective of spatial patterns of linguistic distribution and historical events of geographical areas. Azerbaijan area is one of those areas that we can profit from it's geographical names to study it's historical and cultural realities. In historical debates, this area holds two different attitudes to clarify its cultural and geographical realities and geographical names are one of those elements that can be used in clarifying linguistic and cultural realities of this area. Historical stand of Azerbaijan in Iran’s changes and record of its names in the historical books and documents, gives researchers the chance of studying ancient history and culture of Azerbaijan through names of places recorded in these resources.This paper explores the features of geographical names of Azerbaijan area in historical texts of Safavid period and the changes they have faced. Research methodology used in this paper is descriptive-analytical and information collecting tool is librarian studies. Results of investigating historical texts especially Sarih-al-Molk states that geographical names of Azerbaijan area are mainly Non-Turkish and the process of change of some of these names to Turkish suggest it’s following of political and social changes during this period.

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    2 (58)
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The National Identity is the feeling of belonging and commitment to the National community and if it is accompanied by different aspects of knowledge, the feeling of faithfulness to its components as well as unity and interrelationship among members of society will be added. This research aims to studyding the effects of cultural-scientific usage of media on finding the identification of teenagers which has been done through measuring method and using the questionnaires, interviews, and cluster and simple random sampling among 348 senior students of high schools in regions 3, 5, 8, & 16 of Tehran.Moreover to national identity and cultural-scientific usage of media, the research variables are based upon the adopted model of Giddens ideas including human relationships, fundamental trust, intellectual ability and democratic relationships.The data have been analyzed using of comprehensive and descriptive statistical methods. Upon information processing, the results of research show that the average of national identity among students is %84.23. Identification among boy and girl groups and among different fields and regions of education did not show any meaningful differences. Cultural-scientific usage variables of Media with coefficient %23, intellectual ability with coefficient %18, directly and indirectly, and human relationship with coefficient %19, directly, and democratic relationships, with coefficient %34, indirectly, have influenced the national identity of teenagers.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (58)
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Modern historiography of Iran has been profoundly affected by a kind of patriarchal nationalistic discourse. During late Qajar and Pahlavid periods, this historiography was an important factor in formation of modern Iranian identity. The modern state of Pahlavi has a certain approach toward historiography which resulted in an Ideological narrative. This study addressed the contribution of modern Persian historiography in the process which led to the construction of modern Iranian identity. Moreover, it seeks to find an answer for this question that why most of historical texts which produced during early Pahlavis, carried a nationalistic theme? It also tries to examine the constructive elements of this discourse through a historical-analytical method. The results of this study show that: modern historical texts in Iran were conspicuously overshadowed by Pahlavid nationalistic discourse and have been written mostly to meet some socio-political needs. This historiography was influenced by different ideological factors such as modernization, racism, orientalism, and anti-Islamism westernization which contributed a clear role to Iranian modern identity.

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    2 (58)
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This paper presents the results of an investigation on identity status for 119 Iranian adolescents/adults categorized in three gropes; 1-permanent resident in Iran, 2- resident in Iran with living experience in the England and 3- currently living in the England. Data collection was done using EMOEIS2 questionnaire and demographic forms developed in this research. The results revealed differences between identity statuses for three groups. The dominant scores for the diffusion identity status were seen for group 3 and group 2, for moratorium identity they were seen for group 1, 3 and group 2, and for the achievement identity status they were observed for group 2 and 1. It is concluded that since in the process of immigration, the social supports required for achievement identity get affected, immigrant adolescents were facing more difficult challenges towards receiving achievement identity and the majority were characterized as diffusion and moratorium identity in the early years of immigration.

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    2 (58)
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Many studies revealed that among other socialization agencies, educational (formal and informal) plays the main role in process of national identity formation. That is, so the present article purposed to studying the social variables affecting national identity particularly school affiliation and mass media (internet and satellite TVs). This survey administrated in 2012 among 400 students from high schools of Karaj indicate as sample. The data gathered by using self-constructed questionnaire. Findings indicate infer that religious socialization, reference group, mass media and school are correlated with national identity significantly. Among these variables media has negative effect on national identity. In addition, ethnical identity has not significant effect. The regression analysis showed that only religious socialization, media and reference groups significantly predict the variance of national identity. While, using non-national media decrease the level of national identity other factors increase it. The findings are explained based on the implications of Jenkins and Tajfel theories.

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  • Issue: 

    2 (58)
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Religious identity is a complicated conception and contains experimental or emotional and mentalor knowledge.The goal of this research is surveying the religious identity rate among high-school students (district one of Shahre-Rei) according to equipments and probing theories not only through field researches but also by means of questionnaire.Through applying survey method and using questionnaire technique on 400 high-school students in available schools in the district one of Shahre-Rei, with random sample survey (in the statistical society of schools) with 5% of error level and 95% of confidence index of selection, the required data and information was gathered. The result of Kendall's-tau and Somers'-d testing shows that there is a relation between religious identity and independent variables. The quantity of Kendal-tao and Somers'-d among dependent variable and religious emotional, beliefs, knowledge and impression are 0.23, 0.20, 0.29, -0.03 and 0.13.The findings of this investigation show that at first steps of testing the hypotheses of research, the variables of religious impressions, knowledge, beliefs, practices, identifying pilgrimage and holy monuments, pietistical personalities, and strong combination with religious and holy affairs have meaningful relation with students' religious identity.The values, the students' motivation and purpose to participate in religious ceremonies, their actively participation to understand and interpret religious meetings and celebrations have influenced religious identity.

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