Introduction: Diabetes is one of the most important health, and economical-social problems all over the world. The increase of patients suffering diabetes and its complications has led to a reasonable programming and allocating proper funds to this matter. Since it is a chronic disease, it can impose heavy costs on health and medical services system. So, the knowledge about prevalence of the disease and average blood sugar of society is important for estimating the probability of the disease, and it allows preventive and curing actions. The fasting hyperglycemia usually implies the diabetes and there is a direct relationship between the chronic diabetes complications and blood sugar level. So, this study investigates the prevalence of diabetes and the average fasting blood sugar level, in the six areas covered by WHO.Methodology: In this epidemiologic study, the row information from WHO, s website in 2012, about the diabetes prevalence and average fasting blood sugar level, have been investigated and evaluated.Results: In the rate of hyperglycemia prevalence is 10.35% through the world. It has the highest prevalence in Easter meditraniar (12.34%) and the lowest prevalence in south eastern-Asia (8.5%). Besides, it is more prevalent in women than men. Also, the average fasting blood sugar level in 2008 was 5.5 mmol/L for a healthy person (it was higher in men women (5.4<5.5) this level has increased compared 23 years ago (5.3 mmol/L).Conclusion: Regarding the fast rate of diabetes prevalence all over the world, and especially the eastern meditranian, the education about the controllable risk factors of disease and preventive ways is highly needed. From among the educational tasks, change of lifestyle, proper nourishment, and proper actions can be named.