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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: Now days, diabetes is prevalent and it can cause severe psychotic effects and depression. Thus, it is necessary to consider effective factors to fight diabetic patients mental disorders. It seems that the role of religion is significant and by augmenting religious attitudes, diabetic patients' depression’s intensity can be decreased. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between diabetic patients religious beliefs and depression in diabetes clinic of Ali Asghar hospital of Zahedan.Methodology: This is a descriptive analytical and cross-sectional study. Out of 350 diabetic patients, 70 were selected by easy sampling method. Data gathering tool were Bach's religious beliefs and depression standard questionnaires. X2 (chi-square) statistical test and Pearson correlation index have been used for analyzing the data.Results: Obtained results of the study showed that there is not any relationship between age, sex, education, illness duration and family members background of depression with depression.Conclusion: Results of the study showed that the stronger religious beliefs decrease depression intensity. So it is necessary to strengthen patients religious attitudes by proper plans to decrease depression and some strategies are presented in the study for these plans.

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Introduction: The purpose of the present research was to investigate the simple and multiple resilience and hardiness with problem-oriented and emotional-oriented coping styles in patients suffering from diabetes type 2 in Yazd city.Methodology: Present research is of a causal-comparison Type. Present society includes all patients with diabetes, referred to diabetes research center of Yazd in Bahman and Esfand, in 1390 year. Statistical sample was 310 patients (160 women and 150 men) that were selected with lain sampling and Kereschi and Morgan. The instruments used in this research include Caner and Davison resilience, Ahvaz University's questionnaire of hardiness and Lazarous and Folkeman coping styles questionnaire.Results: Results indicated that were correlation between resilience and hardiness (R=0.54), problem-oriented and resilience (R=0.41), problem-oriented and hardiness (R=0.6) that have significant (p<0.001) and results indicated that hardiness interpretation 36% (R2=0.36) variance of problem- oriented (F1, 228=222.04, P<0.001). And resilience interpretation 1 % (F1, 228=6.4, P=0.01).Conclusion: Resilient it indicated that individual's have self -control (one of resilience dimensional, this competency helps that diabetic patient feel determinant in his/her life and actively use coping styles in bad situation.

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Introduction: Diabetes is one of the major and real stress in life that is controlled by a Several factors Including the behavioral factors, attitude and healthcare. so integrating social and psychological aspects of the bio-psycho-social model approach to chronic disease is essential. This study investigated the relationship between attachment style and self-efficacy and self-care in type 2 diabetic patients.Methodology: In this cross-sectional study, 200 members of diabetes association of shahrekord with type 2 diabetes were randomly selected data collection included demographic questionnaire, the adult attachment scale, diabetes self-efficacy scale (CIDS) and Glasgow and Tolbert Diabetes self-care scale. the data were analyzed using SPSS software.Results: The relationship between attachment styles and diabetes self-efficacy and self-care was significant (p<0.01). The attachment styles with (p<0.05) and (p<0.001), predicts diabetes self-efficacy and self-care respectively.Conclusion: Attachment styles Affected by internal active models and the structure of the memories that has been established in relationship disease such as loss, threats, isolation and dependence, enables attachment behavior. So, checkout the attachment style so patients at the rapeutic relationship is essential because attachment style that formed in childhood, continues into adulthood and seems to be one of the most important factors in therapeutic relationship.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a common chronic metabolic disease. Optimal management of psychiatric problems, especially depression, may lead to better control of blood glucose levels in diabetics. Unfortunately, depression is usually neglected in medical diseases. We evaluated the prevalence of depression using a simple test, (Beck test), to screen. depression in diabetics.Methodology: This Cross sectional study was performed on 100 patient's refered to diabetes clinic in zabol during a 4-month period. Beck inventory questionnaire for depression was used for data collection. Beck inventory is a depression screening test having 21 indicators; 13 for cognitive and 8 for physical symptoms. To analyze the data, the Beck test scores for each case were added. Scores of 0-9 were considered as "without depression", 10-16 "slight depression", 17-29 "moderate depression" and scores of 30-63 as "severe depression". Chi-square test and spearman correlation coefficient were used for data analysis Results: Results showed that the majority of patients (52%) were female. The majority of patients (52%) suffered type 2 diabetes. Results suggested that the patients that most of men (23%) has mild depression and 12% in average and the majority of women (18%) have moderate depression and 10% had severe depression. The majority of patients (38%) had mild depression and moderate depression (30%) and 13% had severe depression.Conclusion: Our findings revealed high prevalence of depression symptoms among diabetic patients (type I and II). Considering the conventional simple therapies for depression, proper screening among diabetics seems to be necessary.

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Introduction: Obesity is a chronic disease and a public health problem that in some studies, is introduced as an important risk factor for catching sleep apnea. The present study has sought to investigate the relationship between obesity, body mass index and sleep apnea in patients with type II diabetes.Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 1389 on 100 diabetic patients referred to the Diabetes Unit of saghez city using available easy sampling. Patients' height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure were studied. Using the Berlin questionnaire, patients were divided into high and low risk for sleep apnea groups. Data were analyzed by SPSS software (Version 18) using descriptive statistics, independent t-test and Chi square and. P value was less than 0.05 and it was considered as statistically significant Results: 46 diabetic patients (52.6% of males and 44.4% women) were at high risk for sleep apnea. There was a significant association between obesity and sleep apnea (p<0.002). After controlling the variables, i.e., waist circumference and blood pressure, sleep apnea risk in obese patients was 4 times the other patients (95% CI: 1.45-11.19, p<0.007). There was a significant association between sleep apnea and hypertension (p<0.002).Conclusion: The body, mass index and sleep apnea in patients with type II diabetes are related.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Diabetes is one of the most important health, and economical-social problems all over the world. The increase of patients suffering diabetes and its complications has led to a reasonable programming and allocating proper funds to this matter. Since it is a chronic disease, it can impose heavy costs on health and medical services system. So, the knowledge about prevalence of the disease and average blood sugar of society is important for estimating the probability of the disease, and it allows preventive and curing actions. The fasting hyperglycemia usually implies the diabetes and there is a direct relationship between the chronic diabetes complications and blood sugar level. So, this study investigates the prevalence of diabetes and the average fasting blood sugar level, in the six areas covered by WHO.Methodology: In this epidemiologic study, the row information from WHO, s website in 2012, about the diabetes prevalence and average fasting blood sugar level, have been investigated and evaluated.Results: In the rate of hyperglycemia prevalence is 10.35% through the world. It has the highest prevalence in Easter meditraniar (12.34%) and the lowest prevalence in south eastern-Asia (8.5%). Besides, it is more prevalent in women than men. Also, the average fasting blood sugar level in 2008 was 5.5 mmol/L for a healthy person (it was higher in men women (5.4<5.5) this level has increased compared 23 years ago (5.3 mmol/L).Conclusion: Regarding the fast rate of diabetes prevalence all over the world, and especially the eastern meditranian, the education about the controllable risk factors of disease and preventive ways is highly needed. From among the educational tasks, change of lifestyle, proper nourishment, and proper actions can be named.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Depression and anxiety is among the most common mental disorders in human societies and can have a significant impact on prognosis in diabetic patients. So this study was done with the aim to survey anxiety and Depression prevalence in diabetic patient referred to Abadan taleghani and khorramshahr valiasr hospital in 2011.Methodology: This study is of a descriptive cross - sectional and sampling was done throngh available sampling method. Samples included 102 patients referred to taleghani and valeiasr Hospital in Abadan and khorramshahr. Data were collected by questionnaire formed from three segments: demographic questionnaires, Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventory eshpylberger. Data analysis using chi-square test and SPSS17 software, T-test and ANOVA.Results: Among 102 diabetic patients participated in this study, 60.8% were female, 75% married, 5.1% percent illiterate, 54.5% percent unemployed, 87.3% of patients with type 2 diabetes, mean duration Diabetes 10.13±7.10 years. In this study, 56.9 percent had moderate anxiety and 42.4 percent had severe depression. Results showed that between depression and marital status (P˂0.01), education (P˂0.01) and duration of diabetes (P˂0.01) and between anxiety and sex (P˂0.01), marital status (P˂0.01) and duration of diabetes (P˂0.05), there was a significant relationship statistically.Conclusion: This study showed that anxiety and depression in diabetic patients participating in this study were high, which could jeopardize their health. Due to this, the importance of counseling and psychotherapy centers in diabetes centers is clear.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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