Zeolites are aluminiumhydrosilicates that have cations and alkaline and soil alkaline metal oxides. Benefits of zeolite use for poultry and broilers are substitution of zeolite as a food constituent for zea mays and soy, reduction of feces and dormitory humidity that result in coxidia life cycle disorder, inhibition of aspergillus toxicity, regulation of calcium and phosphorous absorption and so stability of the egg shell, health stablishment in stocks and its transmition to broilers. In this study, the included broilers were divided to four groups that are contained of 6 broilers. In first group 2%, second group 4% and third group 8% zeolite added to broilers food and one group regarded as control. Effect of different levels of zeolite that added to broilers food, resulted in significant difference between weight rise proportion in zeolite group of 4% (001/±2.0023) and 8% (001±/2.0574), in comporison to control group (001/±8534/1) but these levels didn’t have any significant effect on spermatic parameters of male broilers that contain of sperm count, motility and viability. This matter indicated that zeolit have positive effect onbody growth of broilers without any reproductive adverse effect (at least for spermatic parameters). This result showed the economic value of the zeolite for broiler farming in order to multiple uses.