The purpose of this study is to assess the attitudes of elites under the auspices of the National Elite Foundation of Tehran Province about social, economic and scientific research factors in origin and destination as repulsive and attractive factors and how they affect the tendency of elites to emigrate abroad. The research method was qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative section, 22 semi-structured and in-depth interviews were conducted with purposive sampling in 2018. The interviews were inductively coded, then categorized into subclasses and subcategories. The results of this stage showed that problems: social, economic, managerial, planning, legal and communication and technological infrastructures are among the factors repelling the migration of elites. In the quantitative section and survey method, 200 people were surveyed by cluster and quota methods. According to the theories of the world system, the pattern of cosmopolitanism, Lee and structural duality, dignity crisis, human capital and relative deprivation of factors affecting the migration of elites were explored. After regression analysis, it was observed that scientific, social and intervention factors in the destination and social factors at the origin affect the tendency of elites to emigrate abroad.