Jā bir Ibn Yazī d Ju'fī was one of the transmitters of the time of the followers and contemporaries of Imam Bā qir and Imam Sā degh (AS). Scholars of Rijā l, earlier, later and contemporary Shiites are disagree about his trustworthiness and untrustworthiness. The main source of their disagreement is the existence of numerous and various traditions that have been transmitted about Jā bir; As some of these traditions refer to the truth and knowledge of Jā bir to the secrets of the Ahl al-Bayt. On the other hand, there are traditions that indicate the mixing and weakness of Jā bir. Najā shī and his teacher, Sheikh Mufī d, early Rijā l scholars, are the leading scholars emphasize his personal mixing. On the other hand, those who support Jā bir's reliability do not consider Jā bir's weakness as his own, but as the result of his transmitters, most of whom are considered to be weak and infamous transmitters. The proponents of his trustworthiness are mainly the latter and some Shiite contemporaries; However, most of the earlier and later ridjal experts have believed in the weakness of Jā bir. Among the contemporary ridjā l experts such as Ayatollah Khoei and Allameh Shū shtarī , who believe in his reliability and have cited traditions in his defense in which these traditions are either narrated by Jabir himself, or their chain of transmitters is weak, or they have invalid Isnad or have conflicting traditions. They have justified the weaknesses about Jā bir and the conflicting traditions with aspects that, contrary to their appearance, imply their preference and unjustified preference, and on this basis, it seems that the evidence of Jā bir Ibn Yazī d Ju'fī 's trustworthiness is incomplete. .