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One of the most important issues in civil law is the issue of “ Conditions in the contract” . The condition here is a sub-agreement in addition to the main contract, and such a condition is by nature a legal act. In the Iranian Civil Code, the provisions regarding the condition are stated in Articles 232 to 246. The source of inspiration for the provisions of this law is the French civil law and the books of Imami jurists. Nevertheless, because in the French civil law, an independent and coherent issue is not assigned to the conditions, the legislator has adapted all the rulings regarding the conditions from the books of Imami jurists. Therefore, to fully understand it, you should refer to these books. The book, entitled Advanced Civil Law-Analytical the Conditions in the Contract, written by Hassan Rahpik has dealt with this issue. Although this valuable book contains significant analysis and to some extent has been able to present the subject in a correct and understandable way, its critical review, both in terms of form and content, reveals some of its shortcomings and inadequacies. Therefore, it can be useful in future reforms if these suggestions aretaken into account.

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John Rawls, as one of the twentieth-century theorists in his theory of justice, explains the two principles of freedom and the principle of difference, and ultimately proposes the principle of equal opportunity for all the people of the community. In the present study, using library resources and applying a descriptive-analytical method and comparing them in the framework of gender justice, the principles of justice of John Rawls were criticized and analyzed on the basis of Islamic studies. Sometimes, it is believed that in the context of women’ s affairs, it can be argued that in describing the principle of difference, a new definition of gender justice in the Western world can be presented; however, the method of accepting the principle of the Rawls’ difference and the priority that prevails over the principles of justice itself was discussed. It makes no difference between gender equality and gender equity. Accordingly, while analyzing this attitude, the quality of gender justice is aligned with Rawls’ dualistic approach. The results of this research show that, based on the Islamic worldview, one can more clearly respond to the concerns of justice in general and gender justice in a specific way while ensuring respect for justice, the particular situation and the special needs of social groups Like women.

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The principle of information flow, also known as the exchange of information, has been recognized in the field of international tax law and tools and mechanisms have been considered for its realization including the mechanisms of tax information exchange agreements. With the globalization of the international tax law, taxpayer activities are no longer limited to a specific Border, but still the tax administration needs to be restricted to their borders. Therefore, governments need more cooperation with each other and to this end, the exchange of tax information in various forms, including exchange-to-demand, automatic exchange, and spontaneous exchange of information through the conclusion of bilateral and multilateral international treaties is possible. This article critically reviews the tax information exchange agreements. The descriptive and analytical methods can be used to enter into an appropriate document to set up the exchange of information agreement between countries with different systems of income tax had hoped.

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Banking legislation is indeed a tool to achieve the goal of legislation in the government in which it leads the money market towards its own targets. The case of government’ s intervention in the economy and its amount in the money market has been analyzed and reviewed here and there. However, how much of this intervention leads to bad loans is a matter to discuss. Bad loans as a fundamental problem have made trouble to the banking system. Since the government itself is a macro debtor to the banking system, this legislation designed by the government is of the intrinsic defect. In this legislation, there is the case of encouraging and punishing aspect to paying the bad debts; nevertheless, the amount of credit should be considered. Therefore, this banking legislation style in making or receiving bad loans has serious defects.

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The present study was conducted with the aim of the pathology of internship implementation in the field of law among undergraduates. This study adopted a mixed approach. In the qualitative section, interviews were conducted with 28 experts, faculty members, lawyers, and graduate students from the University of Isfahan. The statistical population of the quantitative section of this study was students in, and graduates of 20142017 in psychology, 115 of whom were selected by stratified random sampling method. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and researcher-made questionnaires. The results of the quantitative research showed that the most important obstacle in the successful implementation of the internship is the lack of attention of academic authorities to the practical courses and the lack of cooperation between the university and non-academic centers for conducting an internship course. Participants in the interview also emphasized that the internship courses are mostly ignored, and there are a large number of law students, hence the most important disadvantages of the internship. Educational planners can use the results of this study to improve the curriculum of other courses in humanities.

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In presenting a lawful image of society, the sociology of law faces the difficultly of constructing a legal definition. Identity analysis is the main issue for the legal and sociological disciplines. Identity as an individual right versus identity as a collective culture creates an unending conflict between legal sociologists inside each discipline. The present paper takes this challenge as an assumption and goes on to focus on the Iranian identity to provide an analysis based on natural rights. The hypothesis is that identity, as a fundamental right, develops outside the society, while identity as culture, though looked upon from a legal perspective, is a right under the statutory rights, which is closer to the sociologist analysis. The value of this perspective in research lies in its presentation of a solution to the deviated analyses of the Iranian identity forged over the past few centuries.

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The present article, the analytical research conducted in an analytical-descriptive manner, seeks to answer the question of Conformity of The Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) with the Treaty law and customary international law. As one of the most important restrictive arrangements for the rights of developing countries in the field of advanced technologies, critics of the PSI believe that the intention of the members of the PSI to seize ships in the high sea and territorial waters violates the principle of freedom of the high seas and the right of innocent passage in territorial waters. In addition, the practices conducted in the framework of this initiative violate the right to self-defense and Security Council resolutions such as 1718 and 1540. On the other hand, the nature and manner of joining the initial operations and statistics about the success of its operations are vague and distorted. The finding of this article is that regardless of the justifications and support formed by this initiative, such an arrangement cannot be considered in conformity with treaty law and customary international law as well as the Security Council resolutions. The Proliferation Security Initiative is an illegal arrangement worthy of persistent objection, non-recognition and tries to prevent it from becoming the customary rule of international law.

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Hosseini Seyed Abdolrahim | Musavi Moqaddam Seyyed Mohammad | Soleymani Baghshah Omolbanin

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Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran is the newest comprehensive research work in the West about the interpretive studies of the Quran accomplished from 2000 to 2006 by the Chief Editor, Jane Dammen McAuliffe, in the city of Leiden in the Netherland and published by Brill Publishers. The article Zakat (alms-giving) written by a researcher named Azim Nanji has been published in the first volume of the Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran (pp. 64 70). The most important issues and themes that have been criticized and reviewed in the view of the authors of the article include the essence and the constitutive elements of sadaqah (charity), the ideal donation and its aspects in the view of the Holy Quran, the relationship between piety and donation, the synonymous concepts of sadaqah, the status and the aspects of sadaqah, the semantics and the conditions for the payment of zakat, and the process of formation of the institution of sadaqah and its distribution. The abovementioned issues, while focusing on the original and valid sources in the two perspectives of unfinished, biased perceptions and presenting a different and undocumented interpretation of the teachings of the Islamic traditions, interpretation, and the clear texts of the Quran, have been critically reviewed with a look on their different aspects.

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The obtaining of evidence is one of the most important and fundamental subjects in Iranian criminal law and the International Criminal Court. According to it, without evidence, it is not possible to detect a crime and attribute the crime to the accused and to execute punishment and acquit the perpetrator. Among the most important principles governing the obtaining of evidence in Iranian criminal law and the International Criminal Court, we can name the principle of legitimacy of obtaining of evidence, the presumption of innocence, the principle of free evaluation of evidence, the principle of freedom of obtaining of evidence, and the principle of legality of evidence that non-observance of these principles and obtaining of evidence through illegitimate ways is not only against human rights and the dignity of humans and the administrators of justice but also causes a reversal of the verdict in the Court of Appeal. Although there are no clear provisions in Iranian criminal law in this regard, in the procedure of the International Criminal Court, non-observance of those principles is one of the reasons for the invalidity of the investigation process. This article tries to deal with different aspects of this subject and provide solutions to that.

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یکی از مهتمرین مباحث حقوق مدنی بحث «شروط ضمن عقد» است. مقصود از شرط در اینجا توافقی فرعی در ضمن عقد اصلی است و چنین شرطی از نظر ماهیتی نوعی عمل حقوقی است. در قانون مدنی ایران احکام راجع به شرط در مواد 232 تا 246 بیان شده است. منبع الهام بخش احکام این قانون، قانون مدنی فرانسه و کتب فقهای امامیه است. اما به دلیل اینکه در قانون مدنی فرانسه، مبحث مستقل و منسجمی به شروط اختصاص نیافته است، قانونگذار تمامی احکام راجع به شروط را از کتب فقهای امامیه اقتباس کرده است. بنابراین، برای شناخت کامل آن باید به کتب مزبور مراجعه کرد. کتاب «حقوق مدنی پیشرفته-مباحث تحلیلی شروط ضمن عقد» نوشته آقای دکتر حسن ره پیک به همین موضوع پرداخته است. با وجود اینکه این کتاب ارزشمند حاوی تحلیل های درخور توجهی است و تا حدودی توانسته است، موضوع مورد بحث را به درستی و قابل فهم ارایه کند، اما بررسی نقادانه آن هم از حیث شکلی و هم از حیث محتوایی پاره ای از نواقص و نارسایی های آن را نمایان کرده است که اگر مورد توجه قرار گیرد در اصلاحات بعدی آن می تواند مفید واقع شود.

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Daneshpajooh Mostafa

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The ambiguity and conciseness of the law on the citizenship of the children of Iranian mothers, on the one hand, and some dense social problems for the children of Iranian women married to Iraqi nationals and increasingly Afghan migrants, on the other hand, led the legislator to pass a single article in 2006. However, the conceptual ambiguities and implementation problems of this single article caused the legislator to repeal the previous single article by approving a new article in 1398. This article is an attempt to illustrate the article’ s strengths and weaknesses by reconsidering the “ critical-corrective” nature of the new single article, and especially to explain its incompatibility with the forty-first principle of the constitution; it is finally suggested that due to the truth and nature of citizenship and more compatibility with Article 41 of the Constitution, maternal lineage, like paternal lineage, secure the Iranian citizenship to the child.

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According to its most famous definitions, jurisprudence is based on the science of expressing and deducing judgments on their reasons, and the sources of jurisprudence and the textbooks of this field of humanities have not left any effort in expressing religious judgments and their reasons, but have proven experience. Due to the fact that the rulings are applicable in a variety of social and historical conditions, it is feasible and viable. Reasons alone are not enough, and the reason for the sentences and method of its implementation is significant, but unfortunately in the jurisprudential works, especially the Shiite jurisprudential works which include being afraid of divorce from divine commandments and falling into the trap of analogy and tastes, little has been done on these two categories. This research tries to increase the efficiency of the sources of jurisprudence and the strategies of the studies in this field and the need to address these two categories and the consequences of neglecting them in the sources and texts of jurisprudence. The present paper makes an attempt, through examples and actual examples as two important strategies, to increase the efficiency and outcome of jurisprudential texts and, at the same time, to highlight the damage of extremes in the methodology and causality of sentences.

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The decriminalization approach can be corrected in some individual or social dimensions. The dimensions of the veil are not limited to the individual scope and have many social effects, but the neglect of social effects and neglect of other dimensions are against the principles of Islamic law and can be criticized. The realm of law is not limited to the social sphere, and the individual and divine dimensions are not outside the sphere of law, and the entry of law into this realm is rationally defensible and is based on the correct drawing of the boundary between ethics and law; Accordingly, in this article, on the one hand, by presenting logical arguments for the entry of law into all necessary human relations, under the correct draw of moral and legal boundaries, criticizes arguments against entering the law in other cases to individual scope. On the other hand, as a violation argument, an attempt has been made to prove the entry of law into the subject of the veil by referring to and analyzing various domestic and foreign laws due to the social dimensions of the veil.

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The science of law is bound to examine the state of affairs of each country and to design the relations of government agencies with one another and with the people, in order to achieve the best conditions for the prosperity and improvement of any civilization. The Book of Administrative Law is the work of Bijan Abbasi, one of the last authors in this field that tries to explain the basics of administrative law knowledge to researchers and practitioners in the six chapters. In this article, through a fair study, review and critique of this work, we sought to identify its strengths and weaknesses and to help improve the state of administrative law knowledge and consequently improve the administrative structure of the country. This book seems to have been written for the general public, as it has not been deeply embedded in any of the dimensions, theoretical foundations, administrative structures of the Islamic Republic, and the administrative structures of the Islamic Republic in comparison with other leading countries in administrative law, and especially for law students. It is not useful and can only be a gateway to knowledge of administrative law.

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Qashqaee Hossein

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A critical study on works that have scientific content will lead to the growth and development in a field of knowledge. Having a right understanding of legal articles depends on referring to the original texts from those laws that have been enacted. One major shortcoming of this book is that only some minor religious sources were pointed out to interpret a legal article, while to review a legal article, it is essential to see all the documents and resources, or all legal reasons should be investigated. At least, well-known fatwas available at the time of the law must be examined because it can be considerably helpful. Foundations and presuppositions of any legal article are appropriate with a legal system, and for the interpretation of every legal article, the special legal system should be considered and examined.

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This paper reviews the book “ Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) of Oil and Gas” , and provides a critical view on the content of the book. The emphasis of the author for writing the book is to make the MA and PhD students of “ Oil and Gas Law” , “ Energy Law” and “ Oil and Gas Contracts” and other interested people be familiar with basic concepts and foundations of “ Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) of Oil and Gas” and give them access to short and simple texts in this regard. Although the book has tried to fill the gap mentioned in the goal for writing the script, it has failed so far as chosen texts and their arrangement do not have a suitable relation with oil and gas law and contracts, and it seems that review and reorganization of the script in such a way that the reader can understand the relationship between the chosen texts and oil and gas law and contracts help to increase the coherence of the book.

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The book Ā yā t al-ʾ Aḥ kā m, compiled by Khalī l Qebleei Khoei, unlike most of Fiqh alQuran books written based on fiqh titles, is segmented in three parts in accordance with law sections: public law, civil law, and criminal law. In the interpretation of verses, the author has not confined himself only to interpret verses known as ʾ Ā yā t al-ʾ Aḥ kā m, rather in some cases, he has deducted some rules from verses that were not common in his predecessors’ works. In this essay, some examples are mentioned. However, in ʾ Ā yā t al-ʾ Aḥ kā m Tatbī qī (comparative ʾ Ā yā t al-ʾ Aḥ kā m), the author has followed the traditional method of ʾ Ā yā t alʾ Aḥ kā m books and addressed all of the fiqh chapters, including ʿ Ibā dā t and Muʿ ā milā t (in the general sense), and compared opinions of Shī ʿ i and Sunnī jurists. Both of the author’ s works are contextually evaluated as both academic and inferential, whereas the author, while expressing the opinions of the previous jurists and scholars of the past, expresses his innovative inferences from the verses. This book needs some modifications, including bringing goals at the beginning of each chapter and giving a concise list before the detailed list at the end of the chapters and adding additional readings and quizzes to assess the trainees.

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In October 1929, in Warsaw, the Convention on the Uniformity of Aviation Regulations was signed by the participating countries and entered into force on 13 February 1933, following developments in the field of aviation and the occurrence of deficiencies in the text of the treaty. Twenty-five years later, the Warsaw Convention was amended on 28 September 1955 in The Hague, and the Protocol entered into force on 1 August 1963, with the most important change being the convention, which doubled the carrier’ s liability. In 1975, the Iranian government acceded to the Warsaw Convention and its amended protocols and accepted the implementation of its regulations on foreign flights. In 1985, the Islamic Consultative Assembly considered the provisions of this treaty applicable to domestic flights. Many countries, such as Iran, acceded to the Warsaw Convention and its protocols. In the Iranian law, with the approval of the Law on Determining the Limits of Liability of Airlines in Iran on 5/11/2012, and despite the many criticisms leveled at this law, the amount of liability of domestic companies towards Iranian passengers on domestic flights is equivalent to ransom and what about foreign passengers. In domestic and international flights, it is equal to 16600 Sdr and in front of Iranian passengers in international flights, it is equal to 16600 Sdr. In this article, after presenting the common definitions in aviation law regarding the responsibility of transport operators and stating a history of a set of actions and documents, the principles of liability of the Convention and Iranian law were comparatively studied. The timing of the beginning and end of responsibility is one of the most important and challenging issues, which is discussed in detail in this article. The amount of damages payable is another chapter discussed in this article.

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Jurisprudence and expediency are controversial issues that took place after the Islamic Revolution before the jurists and thinkers for practical reasons. In the 1979 constitution, legislation by Parliament was limited to the compatibility with the Islamic law and constitution, and thus the Guardian Council was determined for the maintenance of this state of affairs. In practice, Parliament had passed laws according to the expediency and necessity that were met with Guardian Council opposition, and during this period, there were tensions and impasses in the country. Expediency Council was created after instances of interference with the late leader of the revolution to solve such problems, for his initiative and according to his Command on 6 February 1988. This entity in the 1989 revision of the constitution has been a legal status. This paper reviews the fundamentals of jurisprudence expediency, the genesis of the Expediency Council, and the most important duty of this council.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Given the effective role of cyberspace and the use of new electronic achievements in today’ s life and facilitating the provision of government services and optimization of public resources, e-government services in the form of freedom of information can lead to democracy and institutionalization of democratic mechanisms. It can also provide the needs of the people, leading to the freedom of information in the context of e-government. It can also lead to the growth and development of society as well as the participation of citizens in the decision-making process and the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms, as well as to the institutionalization of democratic mechanisms. On the other hand, it can have challenges such as conflict with the principle of privacy. There is a conflict with the principle of human and national security and a conflict with the principle of the right to be forgotten in the face of human rights norms. In this regard, the authors of this article, through the analytical-descriptive method, achieved the important point that freedom of information is an absolute and unlimited right and should not be opposed to human rights norms like other human rights.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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