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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    2 (23)
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Metaphor and art of imagery is one of the most effective artistic tools that have long been considered by poets and orators. In the poem of Ashura in which the poet faithfully describes and analyzes the uprising of Ashura, the imaginative language of metaphor exes his passionate love and feeling for Imam Hussein (PBUH) and Prophet Mohammad’s Household in the most beautiful images. The ritual poet expresses a subject through poetic imagery in various ways. Repeating a concept with a different artistic language, and more imaginatively, will attract the audience to understand the subject and enjoy it, especially when the subject is related to belief and is bound to the beliefs of the individual. The gist of the content in this article is to answer these questions: 1- what metaphorical images have poets used to address the most important educational teachings? 2- How and to what extent are these images consistent with the message and the content of the work? 3- Is there innovation in the metaphorical images?…

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    2 (23)
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Describing and investigating the compound verbs have included a wide range of researches among language researchers (grammarians and linguists); however the issue of compound verbs seems unclear. The abundant criteria for recognition of compound verbs which most of them are often deficient can be as a good reason for this assertion. It appears that one of the elements resulting in this ambiguity is the method used in their researches. The main theme of this descriptive- analytic study, therefore, concerns with the mistakes in the process of research on compound verbs, focusing on shortcomings and deficiencies, based upon the data provided in Farsi grammar books in five parts, namely "definitions, terminology, examples, criteria and reasoning." This article, however, provides only the search results of the first two chapters…

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    2 (23)
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Aesthetics of Rafsanjan poets' poems after the Islamic RevolutionThe study, deploying the descriptive- analytic approach, examines the aesthetics of the Rafsanjan poets’ poems after the Islamic Revolution. The results of the study show that the aesthetics of Rafsanjan poets’ poems has been based on innovation in music and alliteration, vagueness, metaphor, symbolism, and defamiliarization…

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  • Issue: 

    2 (23)
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Most poets and writers in Iranian culture have used a lot of "exemplum" as a rhetorical element, because exemplum regardless that to be based on a famous story or habit or to be simply a wise, well- meaning and well- worded sentence has great persuasive power. Hakim Abolqasem Ferdowsi, like other poets, expresses the exemplum in Shahnameh in various occasions by awareness of a persuasive power that lies in a variety of exemplums, and he interprets it as "storytelling". In this paper, the quality of these "storytelling" has been examined through descriptive- analytical method. To do this, we first have introduced different meanings of the word "storytelling" in Shahnameh, and then, based on the couplets that this word has been used in them in the meaning of the expression of the exemplum, we have tried to show that Ferdowsi often uses of this persuasive strategy at the time of hidden or obvious inconsistency or dissonance of events of the story, or the speech, or the act, or the verdict of the characters with the vote of the exemplum and rhetorical speaker, and in most cases, the appearance of the exemplum is for this reason that a word, an event, an adventure, a decision, a condition or an opinion, a belief and the behavior way that is not acceptable to be changed, and its speaker identifies that if he sees fit, to be expressed in the form of an exemplum which is the result of collective wisdom of predecessors, will have a greater impact…

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فنون ادبی

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (پیاپی 23)
  • Pages: 

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استعاره و هنر تصویرگری یکی از کارآمدترین ابزار هنری است که از دیرباز توجه شاعران و سخنوران را به خود معطوف کرده است. در شعر عاشورایی که شاعر با اعتقاد و ایمان قلبی قیام عاشورا را توصیف و تحلیل می کند، زبان خیال انگیز استعاره بیانگر شور عشق و احساس او به امام حسین (ع) و اهل بیت در زیباترین تصویرهاست. شاعر آیینی از طریق تصویرگری های شاعرانه یک موضوع را به انحای مختلف بیان می کند. تکرار یک مفهوم با زبان هنری متفاوت ضمن خیال انگیزی بیشتر، سبب جذب مخاطب به درک موضوع و کسب التذاذ از آن می شود؛ به خصوص وقتی موضوع بر سر اعتقاد باشد و با باورها و ایمان فرد گره بخورد. با بررسی استعاره در شعر عاشورایی معاصر دریافتیم که شاعر از انواع استعاره برای بیان اندیشه و احساس بهره برده است و با اغراق و بزرگ نمایی در هنر تصویرگری با نمایش جاودانگی و عظمت واقعه عاشورا، مهم ترین آموزه های تربیتی را بیان می کند. لذا از تمامی عناصر موجود در طبیعت و بن مایه های اعتقادی در خلق استعاره مدد می گیرد. اگرچه ممکن است تصاویر ارائه شده چندان بدیع و نو نباشد، تلفیق انواع استعاره با هم در یک بیت منجر به خلق تصاویر زیبا و دل انگیز شده است.

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (23)
  • Pages: 

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There are several ways for word-making, but literati and linguists, have described "combination" and "derivation" as one of the most important processes in the word-making; In this regard, the Persian language is due to the "Indo- European" language family and in this family, the process of word- making is mainly made up with "combination", is classified as "combinatorial languages, " and on the other hand, the Arabic language, have same origin with the "Sami" languages, these languages is introduced and classified in the "derivational languages" because of the importance of "derivation" in the process of word-making. In this article, it has been tried to investigate the two processes of "composition and "derivation" in two languages "Persian and Arabic" with more in-depth analysis and from this perspective, a comparative review of these two languages is investigated…

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (23)
  • Pages: 

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The present study aims to analyze the morphology of some local stories of the city of Bushehr in Iran. These three stories, with some difference, correspond to the patterns of Vladimir Propp and are in harmony with the functions of his theory, though with slight differences. The present article mentions some of the elements that are not in Propp's model. The novelty of this article is the reviving of the patterns of the Boushehri an stories and pointing out the differences between Iranian stories and the constructivist principles of storytelling...

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (23)
  • Pages: 

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Among the modernist tradition poets, Mohammad Ali Bahmani has a special place; he has not cut off the literary traditions, nor does he deny the necessity of literary modernity, but has taken a moderate course. By combining the literary traditions of the predecessors, and the innovative language and thoughts that gave birth to his creative and innovative minds, he has been able to create a deep link between traditional and new poetry and to achieve an acceptable position among successful Sonnet processor. He is one of the main circles of the composer of new sonnet chain in our time that has played a significant role in the development of this poetry over the past decades and has left its lasting traces. In general, the poet's innovation in any of the elements that compose poetry, including content and form, can set new horizons of personal achievement to the poet.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (23)
  • Pages: 

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Persian metres are in the form of quantitative- syllabic metres, which only relied on this feature, created more than 400 pleasant metres. Classification of "Persian metres" is one of the categories that has not yet been fully liberated from the traditional cumbersome rules of worship. The "New prosody" with people such as Khanlari, Farzad and Elwell Sutton took steps in this regard; but the mistakes made by each of these people and the lack of clear and scientific rules failed to completely eliminate traditional prosody. After many years, Abulhassan Najafi has been able to explain the results of his many- year research, which has become part of a paper and article, as a method for classifying Persian metres, which, of course, was not perfect…

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