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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Hanaee T.



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    1 (135)
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Aims & Backgrounds: The destination image of tourism depends on many factors and is very significant in the choice of tourists. The ease of tourists navigating and searching for information in the environment is effective in forming a positive image of the destination. One of the effective factors on the wayfinding process is urban landmarks and, since the number of Tourists familiarity differs from the environment, thus the signs are effective in the routing behavior of individuals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of urban cues in the route selection behavior of people with different familiarity with the environment. Methodology: The research method is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature is survey. Field survey, questionnaire and cognitive map technique were used to collect data. The target group include tourists in the area and in order to answer the research purpose, statistical sample size was 359 people using Cochran formula which was done by purposeful non-random sampling. The analysis of the information has been carried out by compiling and comparing the cognitive maps of the tourists. Findings: The findings of the study indicate that unfamiliar tourists often have limited knowledge through information familiarity, educational familiarity, and auto-familiarity. In the features of the signs, mystery, excitement and diversity at close range are important to ensure they are on the right track. Conclusion: However, familiar tourists have more familiarity with experience, familiarity with proximity, self-esteem, and acquaintance. The multiplicity of signs and the ability to see from long distances are important to them, and people who are familiar need to follow signs from longer distances.

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Zeerakee M.R. | Akhbaree M.



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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (135)
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Aims & Backgrounds: Power has various dimensions and in the current research it refers to the people and social governance which is called social power The distribution of power in Baluchestan region as one of the most influential ethnic minorities in the relations of Iranian society is divided into formal and informal spectrum This situation has caused many security problems in the region in recent years so that the ethnic demands in the region have become ethnic – religious demands. The purpose of this study was to develop an optimal pattern of social power distribution in ethnic Baluch in the south – east of Iran. Methodology: This research is a qualitative which was conducted using grounded theory approach. The statistical population includes seventeen professionals and experts in the field of ethnic and religious issues and are selected using purposive sampling. Data were collected through semi – structured interviews and analyzed by content analysis method using MAXQDA software. Findings: Four identified groups that have power and influence among Baluch society residents in the south east of Iran include religious elites (62%), ethnic elites (19. 7%), scientific elites (12. 4%) and economic elites 6%) which shape social power in the region. Conclusion: The main issue of the study is the distribution of informal power among ethnic Baluch people living in iran which identified four power spectrum: religious elites, ethnic elites, scientific elites and economic elites, and proposed optimal model (power balance pattern) based on that.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (135)
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Aims & Backgrounds: The prominence of Resilient Cities theory, presented in the joint chapter of Urban Planning and Disaster Management Knowledge, is a future-oriented approach to comprehensively look at all elements of community survival alongside a set of critical and controlling factors, especially human factors. Along this path, mathematical modeling enables the relevance and impact of components as well as the monitoring of the resilience foresight process. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the existing resilience, determine the main factors and their effectiveness in promoting resilience of Isfahan metropolitan area by modeling. Methodology: The general method of research is descriptive-analytical and in terms of purpose, it is infrastructural and applied. To determine the dimensions and indices of measurement, and to further evaluate the resilience, 50 experts were interviewed using Delphi method and then data were analyzed using SPSS software and R programming, and results were presented in the form of “ Multivariate Regression Model. Which was applied for six dimensions of resilience and the whole city. Findings: Surveys show high and direct correlation between indicators of “ social” , “ cultural” , “ physicalspatial” , “ natural environment” , “ economic” and “ institutional-legal” resilience, based on correlation analysis. Isfahan metropolitan resilience of 2. 87, in the range of five levels, is almost average. Conclusion: The highest level of cultural resilience occurred at 3. 08 and the lowest at 2. 56 in the economic domain. Therefore, the first priority of planning resilience upgrades in terms of quantity is the “ economic” domain and also the “ institutional-legal” Dimension of 0. 200 given the level of effectiveness in the “ Resilience Upgrading Regression Model” , and the last priority in these two observation is ‘ cultural dimension’ with respect to quantity and ‘ natural environment’ with an impact factor of 0. 147

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (135)
  • Pages: 

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Aims & Backgrounds: The heavy metals are a part of the minor elemental elements in the nature. Forest soils directly and indirectly affect public health through the production of nutritional factors on plants and animals in the ecosystem. Pollution in forest soils may lead to disorder in soil structure, interference in the growth of plants and trees, and even soil contamination to heavy metals such as Fe-Hg-Ag-As-Cr-Mn-Co-Cu-Mo-Ni-Zn-Sn-W using various indicators of contamination. Methodology: To conduct the study, 40 soil samples from the waste disposal area of Babol (Babol Anjilsi region) were systematically selected harvested and the concentration of metals was measured using an ICP device. The enrichment factor and geo-accumulation index were used to determine the contamination of the study area. Findings: The results of the study showed that Fe-As-Cr-Ni-Co concentration in the study area is higher than the maximum acceptable concentration of the Ericson 2011 standard. The geo-accumulation index was obtained for all metals. The results showed the concentration of metals in the soil relevant to the source of leachate from waste landfill in the area. The values of the Contamination Factor (CF) indicated that most of the samples were in the non-polluted to medium class and the contamination factor for Fe-Cr-W metals was the highest value. In general, about 20% of the data was in the medium to high pollution class. Conclusion: Geo-accumulation index zonation map analysis showed that the origin of heavy elements of the region is the residual leachate and geological.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (135)
  • Pages: 

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Aims & Backgrounds: Today, ecotourism is referred to as a tool that seeks to realize the pleasures and benefits of tourism, but strives not to diminish the natural and ecological value of the area. The purpose of this study is to determine the effective criteria for ecotourism site evaluation and ecological board capacity to plan for ecotourism in Shahrood protected areas. Methodology: In the first step, site evaluation criteria were compiled and rated by experts. Fitting was done by LISREL software. The data layers were then weighted and overlapped by pairwise comparison. Subsequently, zoning was carried out to determine the area and capacity of the physical real and effective range for ecotourism. Findings: The final model of ecotourism evaluation consists of 8 dimensions and 20 criteria. The model fit was good and acceptable (GFI 0. 942). It is also suitable for ecotourism at 66474 hectares. The study area consists of 3 areas of mountain forest, mountain and plain and desert. The effective range for the mountainous forest area is 1743 and for the mountainous and plain area is 1765 and for the desert zone is 3123. Conclusion: In Shahrood city protected areas, environmental board capacity is not observed and is more than threshold tolerance. As a result, ecotourism needs to be at the forefront of tourism planning in the area of conservation principles.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (135)
  • Pages: 

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Aims & Backgrounds: Over time, cities are confronted with a number of natural and artificial problems such as lack of green and open spaces, high density and lack of recreational spaces, which in some cases can be reasonably efficient use of underground spaces. The Aim of current study was to present a conceptual model that include factors which construct underground spaces as a development catalyst. Methodology: This qualitative research was carried out based on grounded theory in 2019. In order to analyze documentary studies, cross-sectional and content analysis were used and to gather the required data, in-depth and open ended interviews were conducted. Thirty-five experts and faculty members of university in urbanism field were selected as a sample based on snowball sampling technique. Findings: After studying documents and interviewing experts and analyzing qualitative data, with respect to the number of citations (237 citations), 29 initial codes of the underground spaces constructor were extracted as urban development catalyst. These initial codes were categorized in five axial codes including perceptual, visual, morphological, service and functional codes and also three components including activity, physical and imaginations that construct underground spaces as an urban development catalyst. Conclusion: Component of subsurface activity and citizens’ perceptions of these spaces lead to services such as security and safety. The component of citizen perceptions and image leads to the identification of items such as fit, human scale, comfort, and so on in urban underground spaces. The interaction between activity and physical components comprises two important factors of land use and transport, and factors such as land use mixing and access hierarchy, leading to the enhancement of the performance of underground space as urban development catalyst.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (135)
  • Pages: 

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Aims & Backgrounds: Sport tourism is one of the developed areas of tourism. The relationship between sport and tourism is more understood in the recent years. The main goal of the current study is to identify the best times for outdoor tourism in the city of Shahrood based on climatic conditions. Methodology: This is a descriptive-analytical research. Two quantitative indices including Olgyay and Effective Temperature (ET) were used to determine tourism climate and Bahmanpour et al., (2012) model were used to determine the suitability of tourism with climate. For this purpose, statistical data on temperature and relative humidity of the study area over the last 35 years were assessed and evaluated. Findings: Results indicate that according to Olgyay index, May, June, August and September are in the thermal comfort zone and are the best times for normal sport tourism in Shahrood. On the other hand, July is not a good time for outdoor tourism due to the high heat and December, January, February and March due to the high cold. On the other hand, according to the effective temperature index, the months of June, August and September are in the thermal comfort zone and the months of July, November, December, January, February and March are not suitable times for tourism. The minimum average of relative humidity was set at 24%, which is outside the standard range of the Olgyay index. Conclusion: The best months for outdoor recreational and sport tourism according to both Olgyay and ET are June, August and September.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (135)
  • Pages: 

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Aims & Backgrounds: Physical texture of urban areas can have chaotic behavior due to their nonlinear and unpredictable characteristics. The theory of chaos in urban development attempts to explore physical development which has fractal geometry, as a non-linear, sensitive to preliminary conditions and generalizable to different scales with an emphasis on geometric aspects of it. In this study, with the aim of achieving the physical growth pattern, the physical status of a part of Mashhad urban complex has been investigated and analyzed as a coherent whole with homogeneous function (tourism). Methodology: The research method in this study is analytical-descriptive. In order to achieve the goals of the research, the urban fabric of a designated area has been studied with the help of up-to-date maps and specialized software. Scaling has been adhered to as a generalizable process, therefore, this research is one of the applied research. Findings: With respect to scaling, the correlation coefficient between the geometric parameters indicates a significant relationship between these parameters. The fractal spectrum of the study area at various scales (whole and component) indicates the autopsy of the study body and describes its process. Conclusion: As a result, physical growth process in the studied area is chaotic and it follows a specific growth pattern at different scales. Far from the populated cores (Mashhad, Toos, Torghabeh and Shandiz), physical geometry tends to be linear, and it is also in relation to transport arteries’ geometry.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (135)
  • Pages: 

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Aims & Backgrounds: Almost no area in the world can be found that has not been affected by tectonic processes. The morpho-tectonic indices of the basin are used to investigate the active tectonics. Morphometry can be defined as the quantitative measurement of the shape of the Earth’ s landscape that using these quantitative measurements can identify areas with active tectonics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Active tectonic in Dezful-Andimeshk basin using five geomorphological indices of the Drainage Asymmetry Factor (Af), Relative relief (Bh), Form factor (Ff), Hypsometric integral and curve (Hi), and Stream gradient index (SL). With this research, it is possible to find out the active processes in Dezful-Andimeshk basin and the damage from natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes can be partially prevented. Methodology: This study is an applied research and has used quantitative calculations. GIS software and digital elevation map (DEM) with resolution of 30 m were used to calculate the indices. For each index, the zoning map in the study area was plotted and and each of these indices was divided into five categories of very high, high, medium, low and very low in terms of tectonic activity. Finally, by averaging the whole set of indices, a final index called relative active tectonics index (Iat) was calculated and the study area was divided into four categories of very high, high, medium and low tectonic activity. Findings: In the sub basins corresponding to Dowragh, Mountain Front Fault and Parts of the Labrian, Ramhormoz and Balarud, the measured indices show high values due to the high tectonic activity of the area. Conclusion: The results of this study show that recent relative tectonic activity in Dezful-Andimeshk basin is high and very high due to the impact of the faults on the area.

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