1-Introduction: Dust storm is a hazardous natural event affecting all creatures. (1). Due to the global warming drought, reduction in precipitation, and mismanagement in the water by humankind, the negative effects of this calamity were more observed (2). With increasing the wind speed, and based on the size of dust particles, land topography, soil humidity, vegetation coverage and some more parameters, the storm is generated (Ataei and Heidari, 2017). Most parts of Iran in South and West are attacked by dust storm coming from some neighboring countries (Liu et al, 2003). About 90% of forests in Ilam, are covered by a valuable tree species, Persian oak (Quercus brantii). The dust storm has become as a big challenge in this area for two last decades (Sayehmiri et al, 2018). The dust reduces the potential water storage (Rasooli et al, 2010), photosynthesis rate, the amount of chlorophyll pigments, carbohydrates reserves and finally leads to tree mortality (Salehi et al, 2018). Therefore, because of the significant effect of dust on the trees and also having no fundamental information on the effects of this event on endemic trees in the national forest, we aimed to evaluate the effects of dust in a controllable condition on the Persian oak....