The purpose of this study was to firstly elucidate the necessity of designing the Qur'anic moral system and, secondly, proposing a new system for the moral teachings of the Qur'an in a systematic and comprehensive structure. To this end, considering the systematic effects of the Qur'anic moral verses, in this study, using the descriptive-analytic method, the eighteen arguments are used to prove the necessity of designing the Qur'an's ethical system. On this basis, on the one hand, the attributes of God and the characteristics of Islam are brought about by the design of the moral system; on the other hand, there are some influences and benefits that have been made in designing a moral system for the Qur'an itself, ethics, human and his individual and social life. The design of a system also compensates for research shortcomings in this area. In the following, introducing various systems based on the system of "verbal", "semantic", "traits", "relations" and "stages" of morality, as well as the system-based work, each of which systematically regulates ethical teachings, a new model for the Qur'anic ethics system is proposed. The outcome of this research is to present a fourdimensional structure of the Quran's ethics system.