Introduction: The Robaie copper area is located 95 kilometers South of Damghan in the Semnan province. The study area has coordinates between 54˚ 30΄ 37˝ to 54˚ 30΄ 42. 71˝ latitude and 35˚ 22΄ 29. 41˝ to 35˚ 23΄ 47. 54˝ longitude. Geotectonically, the study area is located in the central Iran and in the northern part of the Torud-Chahshirin volcanicplutonic belt (Houshmandzadeh et al., 1978). The Torud-Chahshirin volcanic-plutonic belt is a Tertiary magmatism in central Iran which is composed of volcanic rocks with dominant andesite composition and granodiorite intrusive with dominant diorite composition (Fard et al., 2001). Torud-Chahshirin volcanic-plutonic belt has created a favorable geological situation for base metals such as copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver and other precious and base metals, such as the Robaie copper area, Chah Messi (Cu± Pb-Zn; Imamjome et al., 2009), Kuh-Zar (Cu-Au; Rohbakhsh et al., 2018) and other instances. The main objective of this study is geology, petrography, U-Pb zircon dating and Sr-Nd isotope and also alteration, mineralization, geochemistry and fluid inclusion in the study area...