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Assumptions and standards play a significant role in determining the marital satisfaction of spouses, and both are influenced by culture. Family experts need to be aware of the cultural impact on their clients’ cognitions to understand them better and provide better services. The study of proverbs in any language can provide a fairly accurate picture of the attitudes and beliefs of people belonging to that cultural context in regards to different subjects. Therefore, in this research, extracting all Iranian proverbs with related keywords (wife, husband, spouse, and marriage) and their thematic analysis, we tried to infer the assumptions and standards related to the role of woman, husband and marital relationship. The three main themes and a core theme were inferred. According to the results, existing standards for women are more numerous and rigorous than standards for men in marriage. Marital relationship is also portrayed as a very important, predestined, relationship with numerous conflicts which are frequent, inevitable and insurmountable. That makes it appear bitter and frustrating in the long term. The interpreted standards show that couple are expected to play complementary roles in marriage and men have dominance over women.

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One of the issues that plays a major role in mate selection is one's attitudes toward mate selection. The purpose of this study is to construct and determine the factor structure and reliability of a suitable test for assessing attitudes of mate selection in women on the verge of marriage. Statistical population was women on the verge of marriage between 18 and 35 years old. The sample consisted of 15 women at the qualification stage and at the validation stage. They were selected by con-venience sampling. The content analysis method was used at the time of questionnaire construction and 12 categories were identified. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the factor structure of the questionnaire. The results showed that the questionnaire fits well with the field data and the assumed factor structure is confirmed. Reliability of the questionnaire constructed by efficient and dysfunctional beliefs was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Reliability coefficients were higher than 0. 70 in all subscales and overall had good reliability (r=0. 94 in total). Therefore, it can be con-cluded that the designed questionnaire is a valid questionnaire for assessing women attitudes towards marriage and can be used in premarital counseling centers.

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The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of couple therapy based on acceptance and commitment using schematic conceptualization and couple therapy by Gottman on irrational communication beliefs in couples' relationships. The design of this study was quasi-experimental. The statistical population included all couples who referred to Razi Counseling Center in Karaj in the spring of 2019. Using available sampling method, 30 couples were selected based on the Communication Beliefs Questionnaire (Azkhosh and Asgari, 2007) and were randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group (10 pairs in each group). Each experimental group received one of these approaches during 10 sessions. The control group did not receive any intervention. Participants in all three groups were assessed in pre-test, post-test and follow-up stages. The results of mixed analysis of variance showed that there was a significant difference between each of the experimental groups and the control group, but the difference in effectiveness between the experimental groups was not significant. Both treatments were effective on the variable components studied. Therefore, they can be used as effective therapies to reduce irrational communication beliefs in couples.

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Aggression is one of the most common mental health problems among adolescents. Some studies distinguish between reactive and proactive aggression and categorize different functions of aggression and identify distinctive antecedents and outcomes. This study aims to assess the differentialrole of perceived parenting style in theprediction of these two types of aggression. Therefore, 138 adolescents were chosen by multi-stage sampling method who completed the Perceived Parenting Style and the Reactive and Proactive Questionnaire (RPQ). Multivariate Regression Analysis revealed that the authoritative parenting style is a negative predictor of boys’ reactive aggression. The authoritarian parenting style also significantly predicts the high levels of reactive aggression among girls. However, neglectful parenting style signify-cantly explained the variance of proactive aggression only among high aggressive participants. Findings support the dichotomy of reactive and proactive aggression relative to the differential family context Future researches are suggested to examine the interaction of individual and environmental factors for the systematic study of aggression to design effective preventive and treatment interventions.

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The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of training of emotionally focused approach and choice theory on couples’ marital satisfaction and burnout. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. The study population consisted of married couples with marital problems referred to Hamadan Counseling Center in 2019 and among them 30 couples were selected by convenience sampling and randomly divided into three equal groups. These groups received training 8 sessions (each session 90 minutes) of emotionally-focused approach and choice theory respectively. Subjects completed Enriche's Marital Satisfaction scale (1998) and Paines' Marital burnout scale in the pre-test and post-test. Multivariate analysis of covariance and post hoc tests were used to analyze the data. The results showed that both methods of emotionally focused approach and choice theory were effective in increasing marital satisfaction and reducing marital burnout in couples (p<0. 05). The results of post hoc test showed that there was no significant difference between the effectiveness of these two methods on marital satisfaction and marital burnout (p> 0. 05). According to the effectiveness of the two approaches of choice theory and emotion-based approach, these approaches can be used for psychological interventions of couples.

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Shiri | F. | GOUDARZI M.

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Sex is a natural function between couples and the feeling of satisfaction is effective in maintaining the family system and it is the main factor in preventing infidelity and extramarital affair. The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of Self-Regulation-Attachment Couple Therapy and Systemic-Behavioral Couple Therapy on sexual function in women engaged in extramarital affair. Research method was semi experimental with pretest-posttest and follow up with control group design. The statistical population was 68 women who had had extramarital affairs referred to the Special counseling center for women of Sanandaj in 2019. Through available sampling, 45 subjects were selected and randomly assigned into two intervention and one control groups (15 persons). The research tool was Rosen & Heiman (2000) Women's Sexual Function Questionnaire. One the intervention group received Self Regulation attachment Couple Therapy through 8 session., another group received Systemic Behavioral Couple Therapy through 10 session, of 90 minutes duration. Data was analyzed using mixed analysis of variance. Results showed that both couple therapy programs significantly improved the Sexual Function (P< 0. 001). Followup analyses showed that these results remained stable after three months. No significant difference was found between the two experimental groups. These two approaches can be used as an effective intervention in couple relationships.

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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of forgiveness training on the attitude of infidelity and trust in interpersonal relationships of women affected by infidelity referred to counseling centers and clinics in Birjand. Method of research was semi-experimental (pre-Test, Post-Test and follow up) with control group. The sample consisted of 34 women who referred to counseling centers in Birjand. They were selected by purposive convenience sampling and divided into two experimental (16) and control (18) groups. They completed the Attitudes to Infidelity (ATIS) and Trust in Interpersonal Relationships Questionnaires. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21 and repeated measures ANOVA. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the mean scores of attitude to infidelity in the experimental and control groups before and after the intervention and follow up. There was a significant difference in the mean scores of trust in interpersonal relationships as well as the subscale predictability of the experimental group before and after the intervention and follow up (p <0. 01). but the control group changes were not significant. The use of forgiveness as an effective approach and effective intervention can increase confidence in interpersonal relationships of infidelity injured women.

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