The Caspian Sea salmon (Salmo trutta caspius) is anadromous fish which has economic value and high popularity. In this study, the effects of vitamin E and B2 were investigated on growth performance, hematological and immunology parameters. This study does on 750 fish. Fishes with an initial weight of 20± 3g were divided into 10 groups, one was the control group and other groups received different doses of vitamin E and B2. 15, 20, 25 mg/Kg vitamin B2, 100, 200 300 mg/Kg vitamin E and 15+100, 20+200 and 25+300 mg/Kg mixture of vitamin B2+E in T1 to T9, respectively. Significant differences were observed in final weight and length of different treatments (P<0. 05). The lowest weight and length increment was seen in the control group. Also, the best FCR and the highest SGR, GR, BWI, and CF were observed in T8, the largest WBC, RBC, IgM, and lysozyme were measured in T9 and the largest MCHC, MCH, MCV, Hb and total immunoglobulin were recorded in control group. The best performance was obtained in T8 (20B2+200E). Overall results showed that adding the mixture of 2 vitamins improve growth and performances of the immune system and has larger effects on growth.