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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: The purpose of the present research was to investigate the relationship of the resources management strategies and achievement goals orientation in predicting academic achievement in students with hearing impairment.Materials & Methods: The present research is a descriptive-analytical correlation study. The study population included students with hearing impairment who were aged 15-18 years. Eighty students (46 boys and 34 girls) were selected by convenient sampling method from Tehran province. The instruments of present research were resources management strategies questionnaire and achievement goals orientation questionnaire-revised. Data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, and stepwise regression along with SPSS (version 19).Results: The normality of variables was tested. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that all variables were normal. The findings showed that resource management strategies (effort regulation and help seeking) and achievement goals orientation (mastery approach goal and performance avoidance) have a positive and significant relationship with academic achievement (p<0.05). Mastery approach, effort regulation, help seeking and performance avoidance goal predicted 0.53 percent of the variance in academic achievement (p<0.05), and mastery approach goal had the most contribution to the prediction of academic achievement (p<0.001).Conclusion: Variables such as resource management strategies and achievement goals orientation have a crucial role in predicting academic achievement in students with hearing impairment.

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Objective: Walking is one of the most important activities of daily living that plays a vital role in the lives of the elderly population and can help improve their physical and mental health. Especially, the survey of ground reaction force (GRF) during walking with different speeds between young and old adults results in better perception of essential mechanisms of speed regulation during walking. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of age and walking speeds on vertical GRF in younger and older adults.Materials & Methods: The subjects of this study included 15 younger and 15 older men with a mean age of 26.46 and 70.33 years, respectively. All the subjects were healthy and randomly selected. A-10-meters walking path was considered along the laboratory, and a three-axis Kistler Force plate was placed in the middle of the track. The distance of walking start line to force plate was 4 meters. Each subject walked this 10-meters path with self-selected (100%), slow (80%) and fast (120%) speeds. The vertical GRF during walking stance phases including weight acceptance or first peak phase (FZ1), midstance or depth phase (FZ2), and heel off or second peak phase (FZ3) were measured by the Force plate at 200-Hz frequency. The data were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measures and Bonferroni tests.Results: The results showed that the effects of age (P=0.002) and speed (P=0.001) on the mean vertical GRF are significant. Also, the interaction effect of age and speed on the mean vertical GRF was significant (P=0.013). According to the Bonferroni test, in both age groups, the mean vertical GRF was significantly different between different speeds (P<0.01). Moreover, at 100% (P=0.036) and 120% (P=0.002) speeds, there were significant differences between younger and older adults. At slow speed, there was no significant difference in GRF components (FZ1, FZ2, and FZ3) between the two age groups (p>0.05). At self-selected and fast speeds, there were significant differences in FZ1 and FZ3 between the two groups (p<0.01) while there was no significant difference regarding FZ2 (p>0.05). In addition, there were significant differences at FZ1 and FZ3 between different speeds (p<0.01).Conclusion: In summary, the results of the present study showed that during walking with self-selected and fast speeds, the reaction forces of weight acceptance and heel off phases were significantly different between younger and older adults, but there was no significant difference in the reaction force of midstance phase. Moreover, in both age groups, there were significant differences among walking different speeds in the reaction forces of weight acceptance and heel off phases. It seems that lower extremity muscles strengthening in the older adults can increase walking speed and decrease falling risks and functional disabilities of these people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1231

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Objective: Stuttering can negatively impact the quality of life and cause psychosocial problems for individuals who stutter. The Overall Assessment of the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering for Adults (OASESA) is a comprehensive psychological test containing four components in which the fourth one focuses on the quality of life. The main purpose of this study is to examine the quality of life in individuals with and without stuttering, as well as the relationship (correlation) between stuttering severity and each component of OASES-A test in people who stutter.Materials & Methods: Fifty-six adults with stuttering and 56 adults without stuttering participated in this cross-sectional study, and they were matched on age, sex, educational level, and vocation. The stratified random sampling method was used for the survey. The Stuttering Severity Instrument was used to evaluate the severity of stuttering through the oral reading of a 200-word (448-syllabic) text. Similarly, the quality of life was determined by the overall assessment of the speaker’s experience of stuttering. Afterward, independent t-test, Chi-square test, correlation test, Levene’s test, and Spearman’s correlation coefficient were employed to analyze the relationship between quality of life and the components of the OASES test. The data analysis was performed with SPPS version 16.Results: Our results showed that the mean quality of life score of people who stutter was higher than that of non-stuttering people, and this difference was statistically significant (P<0.001). We also found a significant correlation between stuttering severity and the quality of life (P<0.001). In addition, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of age (P>0.68), gender (P>0.9), education level (P>0.65), and vocation (occupation) (P>0.92).Conclusion: Based on the OASES-A characteristics, people who stutter had a lower level of quality of life. It was also found that the quality of life of people with mild and moderate stages of stuttering was better than the people at severe and very severe stages. In addition, age, gender, education, and vocation were found to affect the quality of life. Therefore, it is important to make positive changes in the psychological aspect of the assessment and treatment processes of adults with stuttering. In addition, attitude should be considered for better interactions in daily communications and to improve the quality of life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1457

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Objective: Disability is a general concept that relate to a person's deprivations resulting from defects (disorder) disability. In other words, any lack or reduction in equal level of opportunity to participate in social life is called disability. As a result of increasing population of physical and motor disabled, which is mainly caused by genetic factors, congenital and adventitious such as trauma, accidents, diseases and aging, active social participation of a large number of people will be restricted, but on the other hand, considering ICF classification which emphasize on participation of people with disabilities, the importance of addressing the social participation of people with physical and motor disabilities will be more prominent. Thus helping the individuals with physical and motor disabilities develop their skills for good life, increased confidence in dealing with problems and also help them in development of emotions and social skills seems necessary for successful social participation. So the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of social skills training on social participation among physical and motor disabled people in educational Raad charity rehabilitation complex.Materials & Methods: This research was semi-experimental with pre-test and post-test pattern and control group. The statistical population in this study included all students of Raad center (195 members of which 120 were females and 75 males). Sixty physical and motor disabled members were selected randomly and divided into two groups (intervention and control). Social skills program was implemented in the experiment group in 8 sessions, each of 90 min duration. To assess the social participation of participants, the social participation and demographic questionnaires were filled by the participants before the first session and after the last session. Validity and reliability for social participation were 0.788 and 0.87, respectively. The data were analyzed by software SPSS version 16. Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency, standard deviation, and inferential statistics including Mann-Whitney U test, Levene’s test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, t-dependent and independent t-tests and covariance (ANCOVA) were used.Results: Significant differences were found between total social participation before and after social skills training (p<0.05) and between total social participation and the institutional and non-institutional subscales for trained and untrained participants (p<0.05).Conclusion: According to the results of this study, holding training sessions on social skills can be effective for the physical and motor disabled people. So, it is likely that the widespread use of this intervention by professionals can relieve the limitations of participation of people with physical and motor disability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1128

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Objective: A flat foot is a complex postural deformity in which the medial longitudinal arch is decreased. It is associated with diverse symptoms and varying degrees of deformity and disability. This disorder can sometimes contribute to problems in the ankles and knee as it can alter the alignment. Conservative treatments are used to treat patients with a flat foot. One common treatment is the use of insoles with medial heel skive technique. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of custom-molded insoles with new technique on pain and function in females with a flexible flat foot.Materials & Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental study of before-and-after type that included 12 subjects with a flexible flat foot from the Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Tehran. To provide a negative cast, plaster cast impressions were taken for each participant’s foot. According to the method of modification (medial heel skive) that was introduced by Kirby, the positive cast of the foot was corrected. Each person received an insole with medial heel skive technique. The pain and function of each foot were evaluated with a visual analogue scale and Foot and Ankle Outcome Score before applying the treatment and at six weeks follow-up. Paired t-test and non-parametric tests were used for statistical analysis.Results: It was found that the pain and function significantly improved after 6 weeks of using insoles with medial heel skive technique in subjects with flat foot (p<0.001).Conclusion: According to our findings, there was a significant difference in pain and function in patients with a flat foot through medial heel skive technique. Therefore, it seems that the insoles can be an effective prescription for subjects with a flat foot.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 733

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Objective: Early diagnosis and coherent rehabilitation programs play a key role in improving receptive and expressive language and communicational skills of deaf children. Communication with their parents could influence the development of languages and communication skills in these children. It is important to ensure parental involvement in the rehabilitation of deaf children as parent-therapists show the necessity for the provision of a comprehensive family-centered rehabilitation program along with the diagnosis of hearing loss and audiological and etiological evaluations.Materials & Methods: This is an experimental study, with pre-test and post-test design. Sixty-two 0-2 years-old deaf children (30 girls and 32 boys), who either had undergone cochlear implant surgery or were candidates for cochlear implant surgery and had medical records at the Cochlear Implant Center in the Rasul Akram Hospital, were selected using purposive sampling. The subjects were then randomly divided into two groups (experimental and control groups). The subjects of the experimental group received the Navayesh parent-based comprehensive rehabilitation program in 18 group and individual sessions (6 group sessions and 12 individual sessions). To investigate early language and communication skills, the Ages and Stages Questionnaires, third edition, and the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile were used. In addition, the Univariate and Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) was used for the analysis of data.Results: The findings of this study demonstrated that post-test average scores in communication skills increased in the experimental group compared to the control group with respect to pre-test (43.33). In addition, the MANCOVA results suggested that Navayesh comprehensive rehabilitation program was effective in increasing the scores in the areas of communication skills, expressive language, and symbolic behavior (P<0.001).Conclusion: The results are indicative of the effect of the Navayesh parent-based comprehensive rehabilitation program on the development of early language and communication skills of deaf children. Therefore, it is recommended that this program should be used at rehabilitation centers for deaf children, aiming at training parents as the primary therapists of deaf children.

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Objective: Political behavior in organizations is influenced by the differences in perceptions and attitudes of the staff, nature of the action, or people's perception of reality. Such behavior stems from the perception and reaction to self-interest. Different studies have showed that this behavior is an inevitable part of any human activity. Staff when asked about political behavior in the workplace, Often it related to serve their behaviors and to consider as a phenomenon dirty that the personal goals at the expense of other researchers. Such behavior may be harmful to the objectives of the organization and can be considered as a threat to the organizational effectiveness and organizational performance. If employees feel good he has deceived organizational policies, Possible show negative reactions such as annoyance, frustration, anxiety and movement. Most researchers have argued the perception of policy of stressful and harmful and potential negative effects on a wide range of business and personal consequences. Although policies may be both positive as well as negative perceptions, due to the strength of contagion in the organization venice extremely negative consequences resulting from negative policies The present study was conducted to survey the relationship of perception of organizational politics with turnover intentions, job performance, and organization citizenship behavior considering the mediating role of organizational justice.Methods & Materials: This descriptive-analytic study consisted of a sample of 200 employees of the welfare organization and its assemblies in West Azarbaijan. Data were collected using standard questionnaires of Kacmar and Carlson’s Perception of Organizational Politics, Niehoff and Moorman’s Organizational Justice, Miller, Katerberg and Hulin’s Turnover Intentions, Williams and Anderson’s Job Performance, and Podsakoff et al.’s Organization Citizenship Behavior. Structural Equation Modeling was applied to evaluate the relationships between latent and measured variables in a conceptual model.Results: The results showed that the politic variables had a negative significant correlation with organizational justice (r=−0.37), job performance (r=−0.14), and organization citizenship behavior (r=−0.27). A significant positive correlation was observed between politic variables and turnover (r=−0.45). A significant positive correlation was also observed between justice and job performance and organizational citizenship behavior (r=0.12, r=0.11, p<0.01), whereas a negative significant correlation was evident with turnover intentions. The rate of pairwise correlation fluctuated from 0.11 to 0.45.Conclusion: We concluded that any increase in the perception of organizational politics is accompanied by an increase in the staffs’ turnover intention and a decrease in justice, job performance, and organizational citizenship behavior.

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Objective: Rehabilitation of the spinal cord injury is a continuous process needing adaptation in all aspects of life. Successful adaptation to challenging situations is called "resilience". Occupational therapists can help the person reconstruct his/ her identity and adapt by improving their resilience. It is also extensive and diverse in concept and definition. It is extremely influenced by the culture and environment. This study aims to narratively review the evidences published on the aspects related to the resilience of people with spinal cord injury.Materials & Methods: Comprehensive electronic search of keywords including “spinal cord injury”, “resilience” and “adaptation” was done via Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct and Pro Quest and Iran Medex to find related articles published within 2000-2015 according to inclusion criteria. From the initially obtained 1823 articles, 1756 articles were omitted due to failure to satisfy the inclusion criteria or being repetitions. After actors underlying resilience and 4 and 5 articles focused on social participation and psychosocial adaptation after spinal cord injury in respect.Results: As seen from the included documents, there are various definitions of resilience. Resilience was defined as coping with the conditions after spinal cord injury such that the person takes in his/ her activities of daily living with improved mental health and appropriate community mobility. It is also defined as the process that involves a complex interaction of the person with his/ her environment. There are four trajectories in terms with resilience. Fifty percent of people involved are resilient, 25 percent of them showed recovery, 12.8 percent showed delayed distress, and 12.5 percent have chronic dysfunction. This adaptation is definitely influenced by the surrounding social context since any environmental complication can lead to a decline in resilience. The more the environmental relations are, the simpler adaptation occurs. So, it is necessary to notice the communicative and environmental simplifiers in the rehabilitation program. Family and economic status have a significant role in the resilience of people with spinal cord injury. Resilient people with spinal cord injury have better adaptation and lower levels of depression while entering rehabilitation as well as show more acceptance of the disability during discharge and more satisfaction of their lives. The resilience is extensively impacted by the individual characteristics and social circumstances. The resilience is a multidimensional concept that includes contextual factors, social participation, and mental adaptation. Being a male, having a mild-to-moderate physical job, having a high academic level before the injury, and obtaining appropriate education after injury can lead to resilience and paid employment later. In contrast, misunderstanding of physical complications, passive personality, pessimism, and lack of psychosocial support from the family are barriers for being employed after injury. The less the family and environmental barriers are, the better mental health and adaptation is anticipated. Factors such as job and suitable education before the injury as well as optimism and positive attitude provide effective resilience later. Spirituality and self-control have a good prognosis for resilience. The supportive role of the environment, particularly of that of family members, is also important.Conclusion: Resilience in spinal cord injury needs psychologically more attempt than the physical aspects, because it needs more time to adapt after a sudden accident. Spirituality, stress management strategies, optimism, and social support from family members and friends facilitate resilience. As resilience is impacted by the culture and environment, more studies on the explanation of the aspects related to the resilience of Iranian population is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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