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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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کمیته انقلاب به عنوان یکی از نهادهای انقلابی، پس از پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی شکل گرفت و با ضد انقلاب ها، سلطنت طلب ها و مخالفان انقلاب اسلامی مبارزه کرد و همراه با نیروهای ژاندارمری و شهربانی به تأمین امنیت شهرها پرداخت، سپس با حراست از مرزهای شرقی کشور در مبارزه با مواد مخدر، جانفشانی کرد. با شروع جنگ تحمیلی، پرسنل کمیته انقلاب علاوه بر وظایف مذکور در کنار سایر رزمندگان به دفاع از مرزهای کشورمان پرداخته و در عملیات های زیادی نقش آفرینی کردند. مقاله حاضر با استفاده از روش تاریخی به بررسی نقش کمیته ی انقلاب اسلامی استان ایلام در دفاع مقدّس پرداخته است. یافته های پژوهش نشان گر آن است که کمیته انقلاب در جبهه های جنگ حضور مداوم داشته است و تعدادی از پرسنل کمیته انقلاب اسلامی استان ایلام در قالب نیروهای کادر، وظیفه و داوطلب به جبهه های جنگ اعزام شده اند؛ به طوری که برخی از این عزیزان شهید، مجروح و یا به اسارت دشمن در آمدند.

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یکی از دغدغه های نظام های سیاسی چالش های امنیتی بود که موجودیت آن ها را مورد تهدید قرار می داد. برای غلبه بر این چالش ها و برقراری امنیت، این نظام ها با ایجاد نیروهای نظامی و انتظامی و تأسیس نهادهای دیوانی تلاش می کردند که از دامنه چالش های تهدید کننده بکاهند و ضریب امنیت داخلی را افزایش دهند. از این رو در کنار نیروهای دفاعی که برنامه-ی اصلی آن ها حضور در لشکرکشی ها با هدف دفاع از مرزها و سرکوب دشمنان و مهار شورش های داخلی بود، مناصب و مقاماتی نیز در تشکیلات اداری و سازمانی پدید می آمد که عهده دار انتظام بخشی به امنیت داخلی، در مناسبات افراد جامعه با یکدیگر و با حکومت و دستورالعمل های آن، بودند. عناوین این صاحب منصبان در هر سلسله کم و بیش متفاوت بود، اما کارکرد مناصب آن ها امنیتی بود که با مقوله های حقوقی و قضایی نیز ارتباط پیدا می کرد. در این مقاله با استفاده از روش تحلیل تاریخی، روند تطور مقامات امنیتی در تاریخ ایران دوره ی اسلامی و وظایف و مسؤولیت های این مقامات و نحوه انجام اقدامات تأمینی آن ها، از آغاز تا ظهور صفویه، بررسی شده است. یافته پژوهش نشان می دهد که به رغم متفاوت بودن عناوین مقامات امنیتی در دوره های مختلف تاریخی، کارکرد تأمینی آن ها تداوم مشابهی داشته و امنیت درونی جامعه به عملکرد این نیروها وابسته بوده است.

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این پژوهش بر آن است تا با تکیه بر شواهد تاریخی، برخی از ویژگی ها، وظایف و نوع عملکرد منصب شرطه در شهرهای بویهی، هم چنین تاثیرات شرایط سیاسی و اجتماعی بر روند اداره و فعالیت های آن را مورد بررسی قرار دهد. در پژوهش حاضر، منصب شرطه، ویژگی و عمل کرد آن در دوره ی آل بویه مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. یافته های پژوهش مشخص می کند که، اهمیت یافتن منصب شرطه به عنوان بازوی نظامی و مجری قانون در شهرها نشان گر افزایش تلاش-های حکومت شیعی مذهب آل بویه جهت حفظ نظم و رفع تنش های موجود در شهرها، به منظور تسلط بر بغداد و دستگاه خلافت عباسی و تثبیت قدرت برآمده از نیروی جنگاوریشان بوده است. ویژگی های خاص سیاسی، اجتماعی و فرهنگی شهرها در ایران و عراق پس از تأسیس حکومت بویهیان موجب شد که بر اهمیت سیاسی نهاد شرطه که در اصل، وظیفه ای جز برقراری نظم و امنیت در درون جوامع شهری و نیز یاری رساندن به سایر دستگاه ها و نهادهای تشکیلاتی دیگر مانند دستگاه قضایی، حسبه و وزارت در اجرای احکام و وظایف خود نسبت به افراد جامعه نداشت، افزوده شود. هم چنین به جهت گستردگی قلمروی متصرفی امرای بویهی؛ شرطه ها و در کنار آن ها معونتگران عاملان ایجاد نظم در ایران و بغداد شدند.

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At the end of Qajar era, owing to the lack of security and order, the country was moved to a state of autocracy and feudalism. Insuch aturbulent andchaoticsituation, due to England’ s new approach toward regional developments, Rezakhan rose to power. His objective was to create a modern and centralized country following European countries standards. Nonetheless, such objective was in a sheer contrast with the socio-politicalstructureof nomadic tribes, who fiercelyopposed thecentralization of power. This issue due to the government’ s military-based approaches and the nomadic tribes’ belligerent characteristics, signified military and security aspects. In Takhteghaapoo’ s plan, Lorestan was of paramount importance due to its strategic position and tribes which used to decentralization. . This article using analytical and descriptive approaches and relying upon resources and documents, attempts to bring to light the vague points of this era and therefore the actions taken which lasted from 1302 hijri, 1923 A. D. to 1312 hijri, 1933 A. D. . The findings of the article demonstrate that Rezakhan, in order to achieve his goals by using army forces and people like lieutenant general Amir Ahmadi and Razmara and with military actions such as execution, exile, disarmament, forcedresettlement, and reforms such as land division between tribes and Lorestan’ s nomads and Falahati (Agriculture) bank establishment, attempted to remove their threat for the central government.

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One of the concerns of political systems was security challenges which threatened their existence. Overcoming such challenges and maintaining the security, peace and social stability was vital in guaranteeing the political power and these systems by establishing Bureaucraticinstitutions and military forces attempted to reduce threatening challenges and to increase domestic security. Therefore, alongside the defense forces whose main objective was participation in the battles with the aim of defending boundaries and suppressing the adversaries and containing internal rebellion, offices and officials came to existence, which were responsible for maintaining social security in relations between people with one another and with the society as well as its instructions. The titles for these posts in every dynasty were more or less different, including: police officer, guard emir and sheriff. But they had security responsibilities which concerned legal and judicial issues. In this research, the development trend of security officials of in Islamic Iran’ s history and the responsibilities and tasks involved and the implementation of security measures from the beginning to the rise of Safavid are studied. The findings demonstrate that despite all the diverse security titles in the various eras of history; their functionality has had a similar continuation while the internal security of the society has always depended on their performance.

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The Islamic committee, as one of the Islamic institutions, was formed after the Islamic revolution’ s victory and fought counter revolutionary elements, monarchists and opponents of the Islamic revolution. The committee along with gendarmerie and constabulary forces assisted to secure cities and made sacrifices against drug trafficking and protected the eastern boundaries. As the imposed war began, the personnel of the Islamic committee in addition to duties mentioned fought along with the warriors and did greatly in a lot of battlefronts. The present article, utilizing historical approaches, aims to study Ilam’ s Islamic revolution committee’ s role in the Holy Defense. Research findings demonstrate that the revolution committee had a continued presence in the battlefields and some of its personnel were dispatched to battlefields in form of cadres, conscripts, or volunteers of whom some were martyred, wounded and even held captive.

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Rabbanizadeh Seyyed Mohammad Rahim | Nasri Dasht Arjandi Maryam

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this article, relying upon historical evidence attempts to scrutinize some of the features, qualities and the performance of police officer’ s post in buyid cities as well as the political and social impacts on its administration procedures and its activities. In the present research, police officer’ s post and its features and performance in buyid era is studied. The findings of this research determine that the significance of police officer’ s post as a military wing and as law enforcer in cities is indicative of increased efforts by the Shia buyid governments for maintaining order and eliminating existing tensions in cities, so as to dominate Baghdad and Abbasid caliphate system and to consolidate its power derived from its fighting spirit force. The special political, social and cultural features of cities in Iran and Iraq after the establishment of buyid dynasty led to an increased political significance of police officer body which was in essence responsible for establishing security and order inside urban societies and assisting other entities and systems like the Judiciary, Accounting and Law enforcement and performing its duties against people of the society. Moreover, due to the vast territorial possessions of buyid Emirs, police officers and deputies were tasked with maintaining security in Iran and Baghdad.

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After the 1920 coup, the security and military regulations in Qajar era gradually underwent changes, and at the same time the military schools being formerly operated by foreign officers, were integrated and under a uniform army, started operating under the supervision of the ministry of war. During the reign of the first Pahlavi, as in the past, the policy of sending military students, employment of military advisors and establishment of military schools were seriously continued though focus was more on creating military schools. Various military schools for lower age groups, elementary schools and specialized high schools were created, while for higher courses, Sergeant Schools, third lieutenant and second lieutenant institutes were formed. The military school graduates were recruited in armed forces i. e. security and constabulary schools. Therefore, the military training sessions, under the first Pahlavi’ s rule, were conducted in public institutes and these organizations laid the groundwork for modern police and police colleges after September 1960. This research was to study and analyze the police training under Pahlavi the first’ s reign through library-based methods.

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Gendarmerie as one of the greatest achievements of the constitutional revolution was a continuation of the far-reaching renovating process of Iran’ s military and security forces in the Qajar era. However, Gendarmerie force, in terms of its stability and functions is of more importance compared to other army forces. To the contrary, the Cossack force which was an affiliate of the Russians was not welcomed by Iranians and particularlypro-constitutionalism owing to their socio-political tendencies, whereas the gendarmerie forces in terms of socio-political tendencies were more inclined to pro-constitutionalism and were anti-colonialism. This article, utilizing historical and library methods, aims to bring to light why gendarmerie’ s pro-constitutionalism and anti-colonialism propensity was so significant. The findings of the article demonstrate that in selecting gendarmerie people, special attention was paid to their education, reputation and their family status. Furthermore, for training themspecial schools were established. Members of democratic parties intervened and proposed advices in the recruitment of gendarmerie cadres and it was welcomed by Morgan Shuster and Sweden officers. Moreover, these people were raised in the time of pro-constitutionalism and nationalism.

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