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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objective: Process of climate change, particularly changes in temperature and precipitation; have raised the most discussion in the realm of environmental science. Human systems that are dependent on climatic elements such as agriculture and industry were designed based on stable climate. Method: In this study the output of general circulation models (GFCM21, HADCM3, INCM3, IPCM4 and NCCCSM) was used to simulate the climate parameters (minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours) in Hamadan station during 2046-2065. Three scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 were considered. Monthly changes of climate parameters were calculated by LARS-WG model. Findings: The results showed that the most increasing in minimum temperature were seen under A1B scenario of GFCM21 model (2. 5˚ C). The least increasing was related to INCM3 under B1 scenario (1˚ C). The highest and lowest increasing in maximum temperature were seen in GFCM21 model under A1B and B1 scenarios by 2. 4 and 1. 4˚ C, respectively. B1 scenario of IPCM4 model showed the highest increase in precipitation by 15. 8 percent and A1B scenario of GFCM21 model reported the highest decrease by 13 percent. Solar radiation project by HADCM3 model, A1B scenario showed the most increase about 24 percent and based on NCCCSMmodel, A2 scenario lowest increase (by 13 percent) was seen. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this study indicated minimum and maximum temperatures will increase in period of 2046-2065. Both increases and decreases in precipitation were seen. Also variations sun hour is very little.

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Khoshgoftar Manesh Mohammad Hasan

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: The ability of Pinch Technology is related to design and analysis of processes; however, it can’ t be used individually for heat and power system. In the other words, exergy analysis can apply for evaluation of heat and power systems. It can determine unavoidable parts of energy systems and specify the maximum potential of optimization. Method: The main limitation of exergy analysis is the lake of general and clear method for design of system. The combined pinch and exergy analysis that using the advantages of both methods satisfy the limitations. In this paper, the RAMIN Ahvaz thermal power plant as a case study is defined. Furthermore, using CPEA the potential of optimization has been determined and evaluated. Findings: Three proposed modification scenarios have been used for optimization of Power Plant as follows: 1. approaching pinch temperatures 2. Increasing steam in boiler and 3. Decreasing pressure of condenser. Discussion and Conclusion: With employing both methods the efficiency of power plant has been increased by 1. 7%. In addition, the fuel consumption is about 1569 m3/h and flue gases have been reduced by 1. 7% (20t/h). So, the emissions have been reduced by 1. 7%. The Thermoflow (Steam Pro) software has been applied for simulation of case study. In addition, Aspen Pinch Software has been employed for CPEA.

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: Heavy metals and dyes are released into the environment by industrial activities and technological development more than natural. Because of their toxicity, they have anomalous effects on the environment and on the health of organisms, especially humans. Method: In this research, two methods of advanced oxidation and biological adsorption were combined in a single reactor and the pollutants were introduced into the reactor and the percentages of their removal were investigated. . The UV / H2O2 process was used to remove the RBB dye and to remove the manganese ion from a biological adsorbent fixed in sodium alginate. After performing these two processes in the batch system and considering the optimum conditions in the unit reactor, these two processes were combined and the granules were poured into a polyethylene filter and placed inside the reactor embedded in the center of the UV lamp. Findings: According to the results of TOC and COD, it was found that in the case of only UV / H2O2 process, the percent removal of TOC and COD were 35% and 79. 5%, respectively, but in the combined condition, the percentage of TOC reduction was 56% and COD It reaches 90. 22%. Discussion and Conclusion: The results have shown that the removal efficiency both in terms of decolorization and mineralization is negligible when UV, H2O2 or biosorbent are used alone. Among combining AOP with-biological process schemes tested, we found that the UV/H2O2/biosorbent process was the most effective in reducing the COD, color and TOC of decolorization

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Background and Objective: Generation and emission of greenhouse gases in air has caused climate changes and global heating. So, it is really important to reduce greenhouse gases generation or to dispose them. Injection of CO2 in hydrocarbon formations in order to EOR in depleted oil and gas reservoirs and in aquifers is one of the disposal ways. Method: In this project using commercial simulator CO2 Sequestration in an oil reservoir aquifer has been simulated in compositional way. Reservoir connected aquifer has been simulated using Fetkovich model and injection wells are completed in aquifer section. Simulation has been performed under four different scenarios in vertical and horizontal wells. Findings: CO2 injection and storage in aquifer are possible in different cases like free gas, sequestrated (entrapped) gas, gas solved in water and storage as solid minerals that with regards the conditions in this study, entrapped gas and free gas were resultful. Discussion and Conclusion: Results show better potential for this end for horizontal wells than vertical wells, which two horizontal (3. 3e+11 sm3) wells or six vertical wells (6. 9e+11) are required to inject and store specified volume of CO2 and due to the importance of well completion and durability of gas in reservoir, down completion is suggested.

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: In water resources management and operation, especially for dam reservoirs, supplying the minimum water demand for protecting the life of the different plant and aquatic species is essential. Allocating the environmental flow for Mahabad River, as one of the most important rivers in the Urmia Lake basin, is very crucial. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to estimate the minimum environmental flow for Mahabad River using Eco-Hydrology methods. Method: In this study, the environmental flow for Mahabad River was estimated by five methods, namely Tenant, Tessman, Flow Duration Curve (FDC) Shifting, Desktop Reserve Model (DRM), and Flow Duration Curve Analysis (FDCA). Findings: According to the results obtained in this study, to protect Mahabad River in the acceptable minimum environmental condition, the FDC shifting model considering class B (35. 1% MAR (mean annual runoff), equivalent to 2. 75 m³ /s) and DRM considering class B/C (27. 24% MAR, equal to 2. 13 m³ /s) led to approximately similar and acceptable results. Discussion and Conclusion: Generally, the FDC shifting model and DRM that consider different hydrological classes are preferable to other methods, and these methods can be used to determine the environmental flow for Mahabad River.

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: Selecting appropriate inputs for intelligent models are important because it reduces the cost and saves time and increases accuracy and efficiency of its models. The aim of the present study is the use of Shannon entropy to select the optimum combination of input variables in the simulation of monthly flow by meteorological parameters. Method: In this study, meteorological data and monthly time series of discharge of Zarrinrood River (Safavankeh Station) in East Azarbaijan from 1336 to 2015 were used. The meteorological parameters and the month of the year were considered as inputs in the entropy method to determine the effective composition. Results: Shannon entropy results showed that the rainfall parameters, month of year and temperature provide better results for modeling. The simulations were performed using intelligent hybrid models of particle swarm hybrid algorithm and hybrid simulation hybrid algorithm. Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed that among these models with the same input structure, the hybrid algorithm simulation based on the support vector machine had better performance for simulating the flow rate compared to other intelligent hybrid models. The results also show that the entropy method is good for selecting the best input combination in smart models.

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Background and Objective: In This study the impacts of operating conditions such as aeration rate, the downcomer-to-riser cross-sectional area ratio (Ad/Ar), and liquid phase properties on the hydrodynamics and volumetric mass transfer coefficient in three-phase airlift reactors was investigated. Method: Experiments were conducted in external loop air-lift reactor with downcomer to riser cross-sectional area ratio (AD/AR=0. 14) and internal air-lift reactors with downcomer to riser cross-sectional area ratios 0. 36 and 1. Air and Water were used as gas and liquid phases, respectively and activated sludge is used as the solid phase. Findings: The liquid circulation velocity, gas holdup and mass transfer coefficient increased with an increase in the superficial gas velocity, decrease the sludge concentration and decrease downcomer to riser cross-sectional area ratio. The maximum amount of gas hold up, 0. 178 in external air-lift reactor with 1%(w/w) activated sludge in superficial gas velocity 0. 24(m/s) was observed. A model to predict the effect of activated sludge concentration, the superficial gas velocity and the downcomer-to-riser cross-sectional area ratio on the mass transfer activated sludge airlift reactors provided which with the experimental results are in good agreement. Discussion and Conclusion: The evaluation of internal and external reactors performance at different concentration and superficial gas velocity show that the air-lift reactor with external loop has better performance in comparison with internal airlift reactors.

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: One of the problems in the old landfills in the world is the side environmental pollution. Babaheydar landfill is in the vicinity of the Babaheydar’ s dam reservoir and located three kilometers away from the city of the same name in the Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province and municipal solid waste of Babaheydar city and some surrounding villages is being imported and dumped to this landfill. Since one of the main objectives of Babaheydar’ s dam is supplying drinking water and the presence of these landfill can contaminate the dam reservoir water. Therefore, in this study existing methods for facing with this type of landfills was investigating technically, economically and environmentally. Method: In order to select the best option for facing with the landfill, at first, all of the available methods were studied. Then feasible methods such as landfill capping, landfill mining, treatment with soil washing and subsurface cut-off walls were investigated. Findings: Comparison results according to technical, economic and environmental aspects show that soil washing technique in terms of technology and need for special equipment, specialized management, need for water, materials and chemicals, investment and management costs require specific conditions that make the implementation of this method difficult. In opposite, excavation and transfer to a new landfill in terms of above parameters has most potential to execute. The methods of landfill capping and enclosing with subsurface cut-off walls are between two mentioned methods. Discussion and Conclusion: With investigation, feasibility and Comparison of potential executable methods for reclamation and remediation of landfill, it was found that the method of excavation and transfer to a new landfill compared to other methods is more suitable technically, economically and environmentally. Thus, applying of this method is recommended for Babaheydar landfill.

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: This research aimed to evaluate the physical and chemical properties and distribution of heavy metals in soils with different parent materials in the central part of Zanjan province. Method: In this study, 15 developed soil profiles were excavated on Granite, Basalt, Andesite, Porphyrite, Volcanic tuff Limeston, Conglomerates, Shale, Phyllites, Sandstone, Dolomite and Alluvium parent materials. Then, Pedons were described according to the USDA Soil Conservation Services instruction and diagnostic horizons and their classification were conducted up to the great group category, in accordance with soil taxonomy (2014). Soils were classified in Mollisols, Inceptisols and Entisols orders. All of the genetic horizons of pedons and their bedrock (apart from alluvial deposits) were sampled. Also, whole of the laboratory analysis related to the physicaochemical properties of heavy elements was conducted by conventional and standard methods. Findings: The amount of CaCO3 (49. 3%) and pH (0. 8) in Calcareous soil, organic matter (1. 6%), cation exchange capacity (26 cmol(+)kg soil-1), clay (24. 4%) and silt (61. 9%) was maximized in soils with Andesite, Porphyrite, Tuff and Dolomite parent materials, respectively. The average of nickel, lead and cadmium were the highest value (56, 74. 1 and 0. 23 mg/kg soil, respectively) in dolomite parent materials soils. Chromium and iron showed the highest value (41. 3, 34800, 27. 5 mg/kg soil, respectively) in soils formed from Shale parent materials. Copper also indicated the highest value (47. 2, 130. 3 and 28. 3 mg/kg soil, respectively) in Porphyrite parent materials soil. Finally, zinc and cobalt were the highest value (47. 2, 130. 3 and 28. 3 mg/kg soil, respectively) in basaltic parent material soils. Discussion and Conclusion: Cluster analysis algorithm was classified the pedogenic A and B soil horizons in three groups: the first group consists of soils formed from Conglomerate-Shale, Shale and Limestone parent materials. Second group includes Porphyrite, Basalt, and Andesite parent materials soils and the third group consists of soils formed from Tuff, Phyllites, and Alluvium parent materials. The results did not change by adding the parent material horizon (C and Cr). So, the amount of major elements in pedogenic soil horizons is largely controlled by soil heredity.

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: Ecological planning is the logical solution to breaking the cycle of community poverty and environmental crisis and creating the necessary framework for sustainable development. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ecological potential of forestry use in Tajyar dam watershed in East Azarbaijan province and to evaluate the current adaptation of forestry use to the ecological potential of the area for this use. Method: In this investigation, firstly, criteria and sub criteria were selected through investigation of different resources and obtaining needed standards. Then, using Delphi’ s questioner the criteria and sub criteria were weighted and AHP was used to weight the criteria. Finally all layers were combined using weighted combination method and the area’ s final map of ecological potential was prepared. Findings: Considering the investigations carried out in this field, three potentials of low, moderate and high dedicated 3752 hectares (35%), 3282 hectares (31%) and 3627 hectares (34%), respectively, of total 10898 area of the study land. In general, only 3. 87% of the area is used appropriately with its ecological potential for forestry use. Discussion and Conclusion: Findings of the study indicated that combination of AHP and GIS has higher capability of evaluating ecological potential of the land for forestry use.

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Background and Objective: Given the widespread use of pesticides to preserve crops, their retention in the environment is inevitable. Agricultural development and the use of various pesticides in Qom province can affect the aquatic ecosystem for a long time. The aim of this study was to determine the residual concentrations of organophosphorus pesticides azinfus methyl and diazinon and carbamate carbohydrate toxin in water of major rivers of Qom province. Method: In this study, 144 water samples were collected from 4 main rivers of Qom during 12 consecutive months in 2016. For determination of these pesticides, two methods (solid-phase extraction and Liquid-Liquid extraction) were adopted and samples were analyzed by means of HPLC and GC/MS applying standard methods. Findings: Final results showed that the most concentration of Diazinon, Carbaryl and Azinphos metyl pesticides were found to be about 24. 5 ppb (part per billion), 14. 52 and 4. 54 ppb in summer respectively. The minimum concentration of the three pesticides was detected in winter. According to the statistical test Two-Way ANOWA there were significant differences among pesticides concentrations in the water samples in different seasons (p<002). Results and Discussion: The findings of present study had shown that pesticides residue concentration in water samples is more than standard level. As a result of the continuous use of these pesticides in the agricultural activity, these emissions can be a serious threat to public health.

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: Hydrological modeling of watersheds plays a significant role in study, development and management of water resources. Based on importance of Taleqan Watershed as a main supplier of Alborz and Tehran Provinces water resources, in this study, surface water hydrological simulations in this basin are investigated. Method: Hydrological simulations were performed by applying physical semi-distributed SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model. Moreover, model calibration and sensitivity analysis were done using SUFI-2 algorithm. Model performance is evaluated by means of statistical indicators such as Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) and coefficient of determination (R2). Findings: Sensitivity analysis showed that the parameters of the curve number (CN), soil evaporation compensation, and soil available water capacity are the most important factors to control the flow in the basin. At Gelinak station (watershed outlet), NS and R2 coefficients values after calibration are 0. 84 and 0. 87, respectively. These values in validation interval were obtained as 0. 79 and 0. 84. Discussion and Conclusion: The results show good performance of the watershed simulations. Moreover, it was shown that the model has good capability for monthly surface runoff prediction of the Taleqan basin. Due to reducing field operations costs of required components measurements and especially due to reducing the time required to analyze issues, applying this model is efficient for improving water resource management and environmental protection.

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objectives: The cellulose industry is one of the most important and influential industries in developed and developing countries. Waste recycling is one of the activities that have recently been considered in this industry. Despite the enormous economic and environmental benefits of recycling, this process results in the generation of effluent which is important for the study of its pollution. Method: For recycling of MDF wastes two different method including hydrothermal and ohmic heating were utilized. Hydrothermal method was done at 105˚ C for 150 min and ohmic heating method was carried at 100 ˚ C for 2 different time duration (2 and 4 min). The chemicals contained in waste waters obtained from recycling of MDF wastes were determined using of chromatography and mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) test. Additionally, pH value, BOD, COD, TDS and TSS for all kinds of waste waters were measured. Finding: The results showed that the nitrogenous compounds had the most concentration in waste water obtained from hydrothermal method, and in the wastewater produced by ohmic method, both the 2 and 4 mins. Discussion and Conclusion: The most active materials were the acids. The obtained waste waters included chloride phenol compounds, tannins and lignin derivatives and their BOD, COD and suspended compounds were higher than the requirements defined in standard. Filtration method can be used for decreasing the amount of suspended solids.

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Background and Objective: One of the things that keep us away from sustainable development is the increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and consequently the rise in global temperature. Forest ecosystems and their optimal management play an important role in reducing atmospheric carbon. Method: In this study, the effects of natural forests and four plantations on the soil organic carbon and soil properties in Darab Kola forest were investigated. Soil samples were collected in 2016 from three depths of 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm. Findings: The results of analysis of variance of soil properties showed that there is a significant difference between the land covers and different depths in most of the studied parameters. Also, soil organic carbon storage at 0-60 cm depth from each of the coatings is reduced as follows: cypress> Alder> Natural forest> Oak> Maple. Discussion and Conclusion: Plantation can play an important role in absorbing carbon dioxide. Of course, different factors such as type of tree species, forestry age and depth of soil, habitat conditions and forestry operations can affect carbon sequestration.

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Today, environmental protection and sustainable development are two essential axes in the path of human life. In this process, international actors, namely governments and international organizations, play a major role. Commitment to international commitments and the need to adhere to the rules of the law are two crucial foundations in explaining the role of environmental diplomacy in achieving sustainable development. Development and environmental protection will certainly not be on a sustainable path unless regional interactions and international cooperation take a serious turn. This study is based on bibliographic and descriptive approach and is based on the evaluation of new sighted. Along that, environmental diplomacy is known as an effective method to natural resources and ecosystems conservation. So, environmental discussions are very much important international convergence reason. Therefore, international community can lead to global environmental conservation strategies with that convergence attitude. This research aims to determine the international environmental law evolution firstly and government’ s roles in front of environmental challenges lying international convergence and legal fundamentals. So, environmental threats and hazards, display an illogical human act, that can be solved under the shadow of international convergence and moving to environmental conservation and global peace.

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Sheykholeslamy Bourghani Maryam | Rezvani Mohamad | Shobeiri Seyed Mohamad

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: Environmental pollution and organisms health threat is a negative consequence of pesticides usage. The research hypothesis is that increasing pesticide usage due to population growth threatens the environment. Presenting a model for pesticide usage prediction and proposing educational strategies to reduce of pesticide usage is the goals of research. Method: At first trend of pesticide usage analyses according to comparative method. In the next stage Demographic Studies is done and population is predicted in 2026 vision. Then, with statistical modeling, a nonlinear regression model between population and pesticide usage is presented. By this model, pesticide usage in 2026 vision is predicted. Findings: Results show that pesticide usage in the period of 2005 to 2014 has been decreased. Calculated regression model between pesticide usage and population shows in 2026 vision, that the country should has suitable environment, pesticide usage will be reduce as much as Thirty-fourth times lower than 2012. Discussion and Conclusion: Moving towards a suitable environment in terms of reducing of pesticide usage is positive and hypothesis is rejected. In order to enhance decreasing trend of pesticide usage educational strategies presented.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: Human interventions have led to changes in natural systems. Climate change is the most conspicuous change that affects natural ecosystems, particularly in urban environments, which endanger urban sustainability. Resilient urban landscape design could be considered as a solution for this challenge. This paper presents a framework for the design of resilient green spaces towards adapting to climate change Method: The study area of the research is Behesht Boulevard in Borujerd, Lorestan province, (Iran). The resilience of current plantings was evaluated based on resilient criteria extracted from related literature including plasticity, biodiversity and structural diversity. Furthermore, four vital aspects of urban green space were added and taken into consideration including; economic, aesthetics, social and ecological aspects. The final evaluation conducted through Delphi method, which relies on expert opinion and AHP. Findings: The result showed that area had a fragile landscape suffering from a low biodiversity. Therefore, the new plant species were selected and evaluated based on resilience and additional anticipated criteria. Finally, the new planting design proposed considering resilience and socio-economic dimensions. Discussion and Conclusion: Existing green spaces are vulnerable to climate change. Combined cycles such as water scarcity and urban stresses increase the severity of this vulnerability. Applying fundamental principles such as reversible design can improve the quality of these spaces, making them reversible. Finally, based on the results obtained, a general strategy for redesigning urban green spaces to improve and enhance the reversible urban landscape is presented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    9 (88)
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Background and Objective: Since modifying the outdoor condition has an impact on the indoor conditions, the objective of the present research is how to create the microclimate in the vicinity of the urban block. So this study shows that if the arrangement of the location of the buildings and yards in an urban block is changed in the form of central courtyard, the microclimate will be achieved. At the end the proposed urban block will be compared with actual urban block. Method: analysis method is simulation method with Envi-Met software. Findings: according to the simulation results in central courtyard and three sided courtyard in urban block under study and comparing them with the temperature in the lateral street in the same time frame, the temperature of the courtyard in hottest time of the day was 4. 1 ° C less than that of the street and three sided courtyard was 3. 02 ° C less than the street. Moreover, comparing the results of the one sided yard in actual urban block showed that approximately the temperature of the yard was as the same as the street. Discussion and Conclusion: This study concluded that the central courtyard and the three sided courtyard in proposed urban block can act as a microclimatic modifier. Future research can improve the microclimatic role of the proposed urban block with water and plants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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