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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Today, the unplanned and horizontal extension of cities is an important issue for urban planners. This is the result of irregular growth of population on cities’ border and suburbs, as well as human’ s developmental actions such as destruction of lands of economic value for construction. As a result of such factors, a city’ s breadth undergoes changes, and leads to the unproductive development of city. This study is applied in orientation aiming to assess the phenomenon of sprawling in the development of Qorveh. The method is descriptive-analytical and the tool of gathering data includes documentary and library studies. Data were also collected from organizations and research centers related to the study. In this study, for answering the questions we used different models. At first, for gaining the map of rate of vegetation lands destruction we used Fuzzy Artmap, LCM and Gross Tab table in Idrisi Selva application and Google Earth, also we used CA-Markov for forecasting city’ s future development. The results of analysis show change of land status of vegetation areas during 1986-2016 such that 1165/5 Hectare from vegetation lands have changed to constructed lands. This process gradually causes horizontal spread. Therefore, we can see such an action in connecting the village of Qalee to Qorveh from south part and the expansion of Divzand village toward surrounding lands. While suitable agricultural land is more in this part, according to the obtained forecasts for the year 1410, 126/27 hectares from the vegetation lands will have their use changed to construction land; all of these items are among major reasons of horizontal spread and change of body structure and also environmental problems...

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The city of Dezful, especially its old tissues, is very important owing to its location in Khuzestan boundary province; moreover, during the eight years of sacred defense, the city has suffered many damages. Investigating and evaluating the internal and external state of Dezful old text makes it possible to present strategies based on the principles of passive defense to create a sense of security. This research seeks to answer this question: "What are the solutions for improving the old textures of Dezful based on passive defense principles? " In this regard, the research method used is based on the nature of deductive-a posteriori methods and adaptive study method. ArcGIS and Expert Choice softwares were applied and SWOT and AHP techniques were combined to scale the vulnerability. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Dezful worn out textures have been investigated and strategies have been presented that are in accordance with the principles of passive defense. The results of the research show that defense strategies are more important than other strategies. Strategies with a weight of more than 0. 05 include ten cases, the most important of which are the location of sensitive users with a weight of 0. 082 and the improvement of infrastructure networks with a weight of 0. 081, and the remaining strategies have a weighing less value. Therefore, there are some solutions for the top ten strategies at the end of the research...

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The growing use of private cars has raised concerns about traffic, environmental pollution and neglected historic sites in cities. Currently, due to the dominance of cars in the city of Rasht, many valuable neighborhoods in the central part of the country have become inaccessible to pedestrians and have only become a place for activities such as car parks. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of traffic-absorption policies on the development of sustainable neighborhoods. In this study, modified coefficients, regression and structural analysis were used to analyze the path of two attractive policies of public transportation development and development of spaces for pedestrians and two repulsive policies of restricting car traffic and parking restrictions to evaluate Chelehkhaneh neighborhood of Rasht. Is. The Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size, which was calculated to be 384 people. The reliability of the questionnaires was obtained by Cronbach's alpha of 0. 834. By examining the findings, the regression coefficients in the two repulsive policies; restrictions on car traffic and parking restrictions are ranked first in the physical-environmental dimension, and fourth in the communication and stress dimension, respectively. The physical-environmental dimension of the environment with a beta coefficient of 0. 86 in the limit of car traffic and in the parking limit with a beta coefficient of 0. 84 and the communication and control dimension in the restriction of car traffic and parking limit with a beta coefficient of 0. 75 and 59. 5, respectively. 0 was obtained from the citizens. As a result, absorption policies alone cannot be involved in recreating neighborhoods; Rather, these policies can be effective when complemented by other traffic policies, such as repulsion policies...

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After two decades of focused global efforts on the link between the physical environment and health, while most of these studies have focused on the objective components of obesity and obesity, there is little research to improve mental health, especially in the country Iran. Accordingly, the present paper attempts to provide a research agenda for urban designers by reviewing the narrative of empirical literature and empirical evidence, and outlining the main challenges and ambiguities that research faces. A variety of databases and search engines such as Google Scholar, Pop Fashion, Scopus and Web of Science have been used to find articles. Selected articles were chosen on the basis of subject relevance, number of citations, and recent findings. Of the selected studies, 72, 25, and 3 percent, respectively, were published between 2010 and 2009, prior to 2000 and 2009, with an average of 151, 676, and 284 citations, respectively. The complexity of understanding mental health disorders coupled with the lack of conclusive results makes it difficult to justify and advocate the integration of urban mental health policies for societies that place economics and speculation at the top of policymaking. Although it is clear that physical components and cities are affecting the improvement or deterioration of mental health, the mechanisms of action remain unclear. In addition, there are few studies that have measured the effectiveness and effectiveness of urban policies on mental health...

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With the rapid growth of urbanization in Iran, in addition to increasing the number of cities and their population size, the size of cities also grew and expanded rapidly, so much so that the rapid physical expansion of cities even surpassed the rate of population growth. This unplanned growth led to the horizontal expansion and created a phenomenon known as sprawl. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to investigate the stages and pattern of physical development of Kiyakola city during the past decades and to analyze the factors affecting them. The city has experienced significant physical growth in recent years as a political center of newly established township of Simorgh. The methodology of the research is based on descriptive and analytical approaches that will determine the direction and form of physical development using physical expansion models such as spatial population density analysis, Moran's spatial autocorrelation methods, and hot spots in GIS. The results of applying the models for city show that the physical expansion of the city was dispersed and non-condensed during 1976-2006 which prepared the ground for rapid growth without planning. The results of spatial analysis show that the density in all three indices of population, housing and construction has a cluster distribution pattern and spatial autocorrelation. Most of the hot spots are in the western and central parts of the city, and the coldest spots are in the eastern and southeastern parts of the city...

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Looking at the process of development and economic growth of developed and developing countries, it is observed that despite the fact that our country is rich in terms of resources, geographical location and economic development it has always been one of the middle countries. But so far regional studies have not mentioned the status of future approach in regional planning system and have merely addressed everyday issues of minor importance in order to aiming for Planning system. This research is a practical-developmental in purpose and descriptive-analytical in method. Combining documentary and survey data using Delphi techniques we tried to identify effective factors in lack of attention to the future approach research in the process of regional planning system, with a case study of Northern provinces and using MICMAC Analytical Techniques and Software. Key Factors influencing the future approach research in the process of regional planning system with emphasis on the Northern provinces were identify and explained. The results of the analysis show that factors such as the sovereignty of economic planning, the way of choosing the goals and tools of developing programs, lack of attention to possible future scenarios and centralization of the planning system is one of the main reasons for not paying attention to the future approach researches in the planning system process. Finally, appropriate solutions were presented to improve the process of logical planning system...

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Tourism is now recognized as the third largest economic industry in the world. Tourism is a rapidly growing economic sector. Expanding this industry can create job opportunities, generate income, reduce poverty, increase community welfare and so on. Therefore, it can boost economic growth and development of a country or region. The city is the main structure of many types of tourism, and many tourisms cannot be considered without the presence of the city. Therefore, the researcher in this paper seeks to find a tourism economics model for development. This study is a qualitative research that analyzes the sources related to urban tourism economics and then uses interpretive structural modeling technique to implement it. This method is one of the systems analysis methods that examines the interactions between the elements of the system. MICMAC method has been used for clustering the dimensions of urban tourism economy. The findings showed that among the domestic and local production dimensions and afterwards the investment had the most influence, income and currency inflow to the country...

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The present study investigated the temperature difference in Babolsar. The main purpose of this work is to study the temperature differences and identify the urban heat island formation in Babbalser. To this end, we used collected data from three data loggers and hourly data from Babolsar Meteorological Station. Data loggers recorded data from 25 September 2018 to 10 March 2019 in three points of this city. Finally, 3478 hourly data were extracted and created one matrix (3478*5). Initially, time variations were investigated, with DTD and Δ DTD methods. Hourly observations showed that the differences between urban and suburban areas were not significantly different at night and day, and the minimum temperature variability of all stations was similar. Investigation of the effect of wind on the spatial temperature differences showed that with increasing wind speed the temperature variability of different parts of Babolsar increases. According to the indices needed for urban heat island formation, this study showed that there isn't a precise and acceptable sign of urban heat island formation in Babolsar...

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Currently, cities are the largest forces changing the ecological conditions of the landscape and influencing ecological structures and processes. There seems to be no harmony or balance between the urban networks and the patterns in nature today, and the urban networks are dominating the vulnerable ecological networks. Disregarding ecological infrastructures and the imbalance between the natural and man-made environments has led to concerns about the livability of cities and urban areas for urban planners and designers. Livability crisis is the crisis of unlivable urban spaces that suffer from environmental challenges, the gap between man and nature, and the rupture of natural environment. These are some of the most significant problems in contemporary cities...

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