Allamah Tabatabai's expertise and skill in commentaries and hadiths, has made his methodology important in finding the criteria for using the Qur'an to evaluate interpretive hadiths. In this article, referred to Allameh's actions in his two interpretations: al-Bayan and al-Mizan by using descriptive and analytical method, and by reflecting on the views expressed in his other books, extracted his accepted criteria in exploiting method of using the Qur'an to evaluate hadiths and cleared that his pivotal basis in accepting interpretative hadiths is their creating certainty and his practice is consistent on this basis in both interpretations. It also shows that contrary to what is attributed, his criterion for evaluation is not limited to the fact that hadith is not oppose Qur'an, but evaluated the hadiths on basis of their congruency, opposition, and non-opposition to Qur'an and accepted what approved with Qur'an since obtained it is sure to be issued by Imam(AS) and rejected what opposed to Qur'an as total variation since it is sure not to be issued by Imam(AS) and the duty of the interpreter about what proved that has non-opposition with Qur'an, is to stop about their content, cause there is no certainty about it content, unless rejected or accepted in evaluating with other criteria, when found certain creator indication. Also clear that the aim of congruency and opposition, In the view of Allamah are broader than congruency and opposition to the content and aim of Qur'an, is certain concepts, such as text, Qur'anic necessities, essence and appearance.