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in the field of architectural education and design-oriented training, the role of “ self” and the inner motives of students is one of the important factors in solving problems and advancing the process of architectural education Spontaneity is a kind of autonomy in the activity of individuals who are affected by their internal motivation. Spontaneous people do something without external forces to improve it and try to increase their knowledge and skills in that field. This is a factor that is also important in the process of architectural education. Because of the long intervals of design training classes in architectural universities (between four and five hours), the training process is more dependent on the self of architecture students and his activities. So, it is important to recognize the effective factors increasing the spontaneous behavior of architectural students; however, extensive studies have focused on motivational factors in education, but most of these studies focused on case studies other than architecture, and fewer studies in design-oriented disciplines. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to achieve the factors influencing the voluntary presence of architectural students in design classes. In this process, because of the performance of personality and the factor of Understanding and Receiving Information in the instinctive act of students and their motivations, so the factors of spontaneous must be assessed on architectural students based on two different personalities named Intuition and sensing personality. These two items which are in the IMBT test are related to perception style and receiving information. The present study is a qualitative approach based on theory rather than deductive method has been made on background. Accordingly, the method of this research is the Grounded theory, and the data were collected using single participant semi-structured interviews, which were guided by the individual participant’ s responses. Grounded theory is a general methodology, a way of thinking about and conceptualizing data. In this process, fourteen students with two different personalities were selected from different universities who provide access to effective information. In this process, after analyzing the data, the factors affecting the spontaneity of architecture students were categorized into five areas: “ technical knowledge, ” “ skill training, ” “ evaluation, ” “ behavioral considerations” and “ physical considerations. ” The results and findings show different preferences of two types of intuition with the idea-based process and sensible type with the program-based process. These differences emphasize the need to pay attention to multiple pieces of training at different stages of the architecture workshop. Therefore, the personality traits of students can serve as a benchmark for teaching architecture education, guiding teachers in choosing more efficient ways and with increasing spontaneity in students. According to comparison studies, it has also been found that identified categories have been directly and indirectly effective in increasing the motivation of other disciplines and have been confirmed by theoretical foundations and previous research. As well as, since research’ s outcomes and results obtained in a qualitative process, can be assessed as a new hypothesis in a new study.

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this paper aims to have an inquiry about why and how to teach architectural history and to suggest a practical framework in this regard. The research method is based on logical argumentation. The results have been investigated in some architectural cases. Since the logical argumentation methods vary from formal/mathematical argumentations to cultural/discursive argumentations, this research can be positioned in between as a mathematical/ cultural argumentation. The research literature review proposes two different areas of subject, ‘ philosophy of history’ and ‘ historical narrations’ . Studying the ‘ philosophy of history’ literature, the first studies go back to Kant’ s ‘ the idea of universal history from a cosmopolitan point of view’ and Hegel’ s ‘ lectures on the philosophy of world history’ . New theories are aroused by Popper’ ideas about positivism causality in historical events. On the other hand, reviewing the ‘ historical narrations’ literature, Danto proposes the idea of history as constructed of narrative sentences. Gallie emphasizes on the literal metaphors for historical narratives and Collingwood believes in the role of imagination and comprehension in historical narratives. Regarding history education, this paper believes that emphasis on transferring insight is more important than the transference of information. Analyzing the negative effects of the informational approach in this regard, the paper proposes the importance of ‘ historical thinking’ . In this regard, titles such as ‘ the meaning of historical thinking’ and ‘ achievement of historical thinking’ are described. With these considerations, different types of historical analysis are categorized according to ‘ evolutional process’ and ‘ the substance of repeating experiences’ . So the appropriate quality of teaching architectural history can be attained through ‘ arousing the power of discovering, interpretation and analysis of the relationships of historical events’ , ‘ abstraction and simplification of historical events’ and ‘ extraction of historical rules and traditions’ . ‘ Arousing the power of discovering, interpretation and analysis of the relationships of historical events’ means emphasizes on the relations between the events. Whatever the power of discovering connections between events strengthens, historical literacy may improve. ‘ Abstraction and simplification of historical events’ means standing back and observing the totality of events, main relations and omitting unnecessary issues. ‘ Extraction of historical rules and traditions’ means having a belief in repeating rules about historical experiences and events. Moving toward extracting such rules may lead to comprehension of ‘ durability ‘ in history. Since the progress, evolution and change in history do not make paradox with repeating principles and patterns in history, it can be said that ‘ durability and ‘ dynamism’ have a simultaneous attendance in the history concept. At the same time, discovering such rules provides the power of predicting future events. This may lead to a timeless knowledge of history. In such a process, the multiplicity of historical information can be simplified as convergent rules and comprehensive insight. Learning history will be more easy and deciding about contemporary issues and forecasting the effects of decisions would be possible. These characteristics can lead to what can be called ‘ live history’ . This method of teaching may convert the class space from a passive state to an active and interactive state.

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everything that city council members do during their term of office can be dealt with in terms of three units or levels of analysis: task, function, and role. Researchers can refer to the relevant legal texts to analysis comparatively the list of duties and tasks of the city councilors. If the analysis and comparison of duties can be made possible through the study of the legal texts, identifying and analysis of functions and roles of the city council is the product of thought and the secondary analysis of the items of legal duties and the actual work of the members. This article seeks to comparatively analyze the tasks and functions of municipal councils in Iran. A comparative analysis of tasks can reveal the gaps in the list of tasks of councils of Iran compared to other cities in the country that are governed by the council-manager model. In addition, it can be expected to elucidate the effect of factors such as maturity of democracy, central government structure, democratic traditions, and the like that contribute to the explanation of these differences. By collecting information on how council members perform their current task list, it can be shown to what extent of efficiency and effectiveness their duties and functions are being performed. To this end, the latest act on councils tasks and duties in Iran, as the charter of municipal governments, is examined and analyzed to determine what extent of power and responsibilities the legislator has assigned to the city councils. There is little serious research on the analysis of the tasks and functions of city councils in Iran, while it is crucial to ensuring the effectiveness of a local government. Here, the four-component conceptual model of Svara has been used for analyzing and understandings functions of city councils in Iran. This conceptual model defines four dimensions for municipal governance: mission, policy, administration and management. The findings indicate that the Amol City Council lacks any statutory plan or official document to define city or municipality’ s vision and mission. Instead of defining policies as a daily decision-making framework, it focuses more on operational decisions and most often on the formulation of rules and regulations for operational matters. In the next dimension (administration), the council cannot take advantage of even the existing legal mechanisms to exercise control on executive body. In the management dimension, the most important of which is the selection of an expert urban manager, there is great difficulty for council in exerting legal and legislate power for the interference of superior power institutions. In short, formulation of policies and exerting control by Amol City Council (generalizable to the equal size cities) seems to face many institutional, organizational, and financial barriers. Finally, it should be remembered that an in-depth and systematic understanding of malfunctions of the municipal councils in Iran needs the attention of scholars in this field as well as the support of Ministry of Interior, which has a serious responsibility to improve the quality of urban management.

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designers frequently use precedents to create new designs. Analyzing similar cases in architecture education is a common technic. Today, the information is easily accessible, and students have access to the wide range of pictures of architecture precedents. The superficial or literal adaptation from precedents is common, and it is one of the challenges of contemporary architecture design. Architecture trainers need to use a method or training to improve the ability of students at the true adaption from cases and teach them to avoid copying or literal and superficial mapping. Some researchers proposed some strategies for this problem. For example; having an incubation time, creating a three-dimensional model of precedents, informing the negative properties of precedent, and using the ideation methods to help ideation ability. Some others focused on the design process and proposed some steps for example abstracting and perception of the cases, transformation for adaption, modifying, adding, or subtracting elements, or transforming the form, connecting to the source and related to it, interpretation, organizing, categorizing, typology, questionable encounter, sketching, conceptual notation, relation and new compilation. Beside these researches, there is yet a lack of practical training for the architecture education that can develop the ability of students at the true adaption from cases and teach them to avoid copying or literal and superficial mapping. The aim of this research was improving the ability of novice architecture students in the structural adaptation of cases. The main question was how we can improve the ability of students in ideation with the true adaptation from the precedents. There are two sub-questions. What is the suitable training to develop architecture students ideation based on interactive approach? And if this training has impact on improving the factors of true adaptation and creativity of design. To find practical training, we did action research in a semester in a design class of bachelor students of architecture. The number of 45 architecture students participated in the experiment in two groups of experiment and control. Seventeen participants were randomly assigned to the control group and thus did not receive the training instruction. The experimental group was taught the training. At the end of the semester, by an experiment in the form of a design task, the ideation abilities of both groups have been compared. The results demonstrated that analyzing the architecture cases in different aspects did not improve the ideation ability if students but training to discover the architecture quality of cases, the relations between cases, and the relation between the case and design idea improved the relational thinking ability of students and leads to improving the design ideation. Therefore using such training to improve curiosity and exploratory thinking besides relational thinking training can be proposed as an effective way. At the same time students must be familiar with architecture qualities and values, therefore all architecture education programs can be effective on the design ideation ability of students and not just a specific training or lesson. The results can be used in architecture education and other fields of design education.

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disaster-related stressful life events affect socio-psychological society’ s functions and cause cognitive dissonance in different dimensions and life changes. Due to the impact of management and strategies for dealing with these consequences in different dimensions and environments and survivors’ lives, the present study investigates the role of physical-environmental characteristics of supportive housing in dissonance reduction and traumatic experiences processes of vulnerable Female-Headed Households after the 2003 Bam earthquake and homelessness. Over 15 years after living in the complex, despite the ownership, functional-physical, social, and economic problems, the resident’ s tendency to live in this place, satisfaction with the conditions of the complex, and place attachment among families are extremely high. The nature of research is exploratory. Due to the nature of the research, the long time since the earthquake, and the purpose of the study to obtain the long-term effects of the disaster and the settlement type, in the process of research conducting, research-narrative and ethnographic approaches with participatory observation and living with eight families between 2016 and 2016 2018 was used to examine the experiences of homelessness from earthquake to residence in the complex; perceived individual and collective meanings; significant life events and spatial behaviors. The sampling method was purposive and voluntary. To enhancing the confidence, reliability and validity of the research qualitative findings, informal interviews with other residents during walking through the complex, interviews with community-based social workers and women’ s advocacy organizations were used as a way to enrich the traditional ethnographic method. Data were categorized and organized by content analysis method. Based on the findings, the experience of disasters and pre-settlement problems, necessitates living adaption in the complex, deciding to change attitudes toward life issues, livelihoods, individual and behavioral functions such as social isolation aimed at continuing to live in this complex eventually resulted lifestyle changes. Reasons for the necessity of compliance adaption and early decisions by women to live in supportive housing include lack of housing options, family and children care rationality, inadequate living conditions in emergency and temporary camps, lack of ownership, loss of family head, homelessness, repeated relocation, widespread destruction and disturbance in strength, privacy and security concepts. Changing the mentality of this community from concepts such as relationships and neighborhoods, living environment, mental security, territory and privacy, personal reclusion, psycho-spatial ownership, created the need for a safe and stable shelter to improve one’ s self-esteem and to respond to built motivations. Responsive and consistent physical-environmental characteristics with the aforementioned motivations, including financial and spiritual support; attention to privacy and territories in spatial layout and housing; revival of extended family life style; external homogeneity of units (justice); reassurrance and Mental security; Optimal lighting and landscaping; Welfare equipment and facilities; quality of life Improvement; Interaction with the green environment; Familiarity with architectural elements; Native compatibility; child-friendly places and climatic comfort. Due to the vital role of post-disaster supportive housing for vulnerable people, paying attention to the impacts and consequences of design and planning principles on lifestyle, user community needs, worldview, culture and custom of the disaster community is necessary.

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prevention from thermal losses in buildings and using environmental potentials such as solar energy, are two fundamental strategies in designing buildings with the approach of saving nonrenewable energy resources. As a border between the interior space and the environment, the building envelope plays a determining role in approaching these strategies. It is expected from the building’ s envelope to mitigate unwanted energy dissipations and protect occupants from severe weather conditions. At the same time, a well-designed building envelope should provide the occupants’ comfort using environmental potentials, and ideally it may even take part in fulfilling energy demands. The importance of energy harvesting in building envelops is more recognized in metropolises in which the growth of high-rise construction causes an intense decrease in the ratio of sun exposed horizontal surfaces such as roofs or yards to the area of floors. However, on the height of building and the overall area of floors-and followed by them, demand for energy-increases, the area of vertical surfaces such as facades, increases in a more appropriate proportion. Additionally, installing solar energy equipment on horizontal surfaces with high potential of functionality, is usually an undesirable interference in architecture. From another point of view, conventional insulating stops the wall from transferring solar energy to the interior spaces. This research aims to make a convergence between high thermal resistance and solar energy collection. To achieve this, different methods of solar energy collection was reviewed. Due to the large angles between the sun’ s altitude and the normal vector of southern faç ades, especially in summer days, a significant part of solar radiation is reflected from the cover glass surface of flat collectors. Non-glazed collectors, because of large amount of heat loss, have a low efficiency and like the conventional flat collectors, do not transfer the light and ban the transparency. However tubular evacuated solar collectors, if installed horizontally on southern faç ade, represent a circular section which is always perpendicular to the rays of sun, regardless of the altitude of radiation. So, solar reflection from glass cover of the collector, will no longer depend on the sun’ s vertical position in the sky in different seasons. Also, the relative vacuum-made possible according to tubular form-decreases heat loss to a minimum. According to these two facts, this type results in an appropriate performance, which enables the envelope to provide a part of heating load and indirectly, cooling loads by supplying an absorption/adsorption chiller or a desiccant cooling machine. The concept of the proposed system is a combination between the idea of tubular evacuated solar collector and vacuum transparent insulation. It consists of aluminum blades covered with a selectively solar absorbing coating, arrayed like a louver, surrounded by an evacuated glass container with corrugated skin. The result is a modular faç ade panel, with a high thermal resistance, which efficiently takes part in solar energy collecting and at the same time, acts as a louver to protect the interior spaces from direct solar radiation, while providing a relative visual transparency and daylight transmission.

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Nazarpour Mohammad taghi

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student housing is the most serious need for non-native students. By living far away from the family, these students lose the social support to their families and society and therefore they feel loneliness, depression, anxiety, and lack of attachment to the new environment. Students’ mental stability can be restored by comfort from a familiar home environment and support from their parents. Many students face various psychological and physical problems. Recent studies also indicate that there has been an increase in the absolute rate of mental ill-health and psychiatric disorders in students. In addition, unresolved loneliness can provide a source for depressive episodes. Depression can be manifested with a loss of interest, depressed mood, psychic anxiety, somatic anxiety, sleep, and painful physical symptoms. Students with depressive symptoms can affect all areas of functioning including motivation, concentration, feelings of self-worth and mood. Paying attention to factors affecting the mental health of dormitory students can play an important role in improving their mental, emotional and functional status. Improving the mental health in the dormitory leads the students to become better adapted to the new environment and to share their passion for living with others. The main objective of this research is to investigate the factors affecting the mental health of female students living in dormitories. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 310 female students of the dormitory of Shahid Beheshti University. The instruments for collecting data were the demographic checklist and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). The GHQ-28 is one of the most widely used and validated questionnaires to screen for emotional distress and possible psychiatric morbidity. It consists of four 7-item subscales: “ Somatic symptoms” (GHQ-A), “ Anxiety & insomnia” (GHQ-B), “ Social dysfunctions” (GHQ-C) and “ Severe depression” (GHQ-D). There are different methods to score the GHQ-28. It can be scored from 0 to 3 for each response with a total possible score on the ranging from 0 to 84. Numerous studies have investigated reliability and validity of the GHQ-28 in various clinical populations. Test-retest reliability has been reported to be high (0. 78 to 0. 90) and inter-rater and intra-rater reliability have both been shown to be excellent (Cronbach’ s α 0. 90-0. 95). During the first stage, we conducted the presentation of written informed consent. Statistical analysis was done by t-test and ANOVA using SPPSS, version 22. Means and standard deviations were calculated for sub-scale scores of each group. The p-value of <0. 05 were considered the level of statistical significance difference. The results show that there is a statistically significant difference between the two types of dormitory buildings in the subscales of mental health (somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction, and depression); so that residents of buildings 1 and 2 (apartment form) have more mental health than residents of blocks 3 and 4 (linear form). Dormitory’ s functional and physical characteristics have a significant relationship with students’ mental health. The architectural design of the student dormitory can increase the vitality and comfort of students living in dormitories.

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hConservation and development are the significant challenges in the field of cultural heritage which exist in every conservation practice on any scales, including interior architecture. In this regard, the main challenge is that how much the interior architect has the right to interfere with the components of the interior in the process of reuse of the heritage. This article is intended to provide a functional answer to the concept of managing the change in the process of interior architecture redesign. Then the concept of value is studied. Because it is in fact the value which specifies what kind and amount of changes can be made to the interior architecture in the building and what changes should not be made. This reveals that the task of the interior architect, after determining the extent and modifications of the interior architecture based on the values of the building, is to manage the changes to maintain and enhance the meaning of building. To achieve this goal, the qualitative research method is selected. In the first step, with the strategy of logical argumentation and content analysis technique, the main documents and theories are analyzed in the subject of value; in the second step, a theoretical framework for recognizing the values of a building on the scale of interior architecture is suggested that has the potential to be used in the evaluation of the redesigns. Accordingly, the values of a building in eight types are “ Age” , “ symbolic” , “ narrative” , “ spiritual-religious” , “ Aesthetic” , “ spatial characteristics” , “ activity-Use, ” “ Evidential” and space The interior architecture was described in three categories of “ fixed-Feature Space” , “ Semi-fixed Feature Space “ and “ Informal Space” . The purpose of this theoretical framework was to provide the values and spaces of interior architecture with the shortest path to the design language, and, as far as possible, the path to various interpretations. In addition to helping the design team to recognize values, this provides a framework for evaluating changes in user experience in terms of success rate in maintaining and improving the values of the building on the scale of interior architecture. On this basis, we can evaluate the approach to them in terms of the weight of each of the values. In the following, the proposed framework was evaluated in a case study in the Garden of the Qasr Prison Museum by qualitative method. The evaluation of the case study of this paper showed that with the help of this theoretical framework it is possible to take into account all the values of the work and to reveal how much they have been considered and promoted to each other. On the other hand, it is possible to examine all the spatial capacities of the manifestation of values. The study also revealed that the focus on Informal Space, including human activities and relationships, as part of the interior architecture of the project, has remained largely neglected. The application of this theoretical framework will assist in the process of regeneration of the interior architecture of the reuse of valuable monuments.

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