In this research, aluminum slag produced from melting aluminum alloy AA 8011 in melting and holding reverberatory furnace was collected. After the crushing and sorting, and passing the slags from sieves, the slag was heated in gas fired silicon carbide crucible furnace to 750° C, 800° C, 850° C and 900° C respectively and mixed with one percent coverall flux No. 11, and then poured in mixing ladle with a 3 Cm hole in bottom of ladle this hole was placed to extract of molten metal and pour in preheated ingot molds. After adding 1% coverall flux No. 11, it was mixing with 100, 200, 250 and 300 RPM for 15 minutes. The provided molten aluminum, cast continuously in to the preheated ingot molds. The results show maximum efficiency of aluminum recycling in 850° C and 250 RPM. There is not chemical composition changes between primary and recycled aluminum ingots. Also SEM and EDS microscopy tests, shows different amount of metallic and nonmetallic inclusions content or other impurities in each recycling conditions which was lower in recycled ingot at 850° C and 250 RPM.