The question is whether the Supreme Leader has acted systematically in explaining the Islamic lifestyle or not? The purpose of this article is to discover the geometric map of Islamic lifestyle in the thought of the Supreme Leader as an objective example and a successful experience of religious rule in the present era (the era of bombarding the Western lifestyle on the body of Islamic societies). To achieve this goal and using the method of ontology in epistemology, the thought of the wise leader of the revolution has been studied and his statements have been studied by descriptive and analytical methods. The research finding is that the realization of the Islamic lifestyle in his mind without considering other components, it is not possible, therefore, they have tried to explain the components that are involved in the realization of the aspects of the Islamic lifestyle. These components are: self-knowledge, intellect, cultural independence, explanatory, formation of Islamic society, Islamic progress, Islamic civilization, defense, social justice, role modeling and some moral virtues such as mercy, prejudice to national economy, selfconfidence, trustworthiness, Perseverance, honesty and also some moral vices such as extravagance, aristocracy, imitation. Obviously, the Islamic lifestyle has an ontological connection with these concepts, which in this article, the type of these connections is depicted.