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In Bakhtin’ s opinion, the term ‘ play’ is the suspense of everything in a hierarchical structure and addresses all the forms of terror, reverence, piety, and etiquette connected with that structure. Although the Attar's works are closed-off discourse in the form of monologues and his words expect no answer, by the use of play element, one may detect instances of polyphony in those works. With irony, Socratic dialogue, Menippean satire and parody, Attar trespasses the level of monologues and projects himself as a social and religious authority. The Mosibatnameh is fraught with such play features as free and familiar contacts, sublime and cheap as well as serious and comic utterances, carnivalistic mé salliances, naked posing of ultimate questions on life and death, profanation (playing with the symbols of higher authority), mock crowning and subsequent decrowning, inappropriate speeches and performances, and so on. Using a descriptive-analytical method and according to Bakhtins opinions, this study analyzes the various features of play in Mosibatnameh.

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Tabaghat Sufia of Ansari (fifth century) and Tazkirat al-Awliya Attar (sixth century), and the Nafahaat ol-Ons of Jami (ninth century) are among the biographies that for three consecutive periods with the sole purpose of teaching the basics of Sufism, and of course, according to the intellectual attributes, during his life, he has been exploring the dimensions of the elders' personality, including Abraham Adham. Abraham Adham is one of the great Sufis of the second century, which has attracted the attention of the biographers due to his significant role in the evolution of the principles of asceticism. In this study, with a look at the historical works and officials of the Sufis until the time of Jamie, we find that the focus is on the Sufi levels of Abraham, and Ansari, for some of his beliefs, The Sufis are preferred to Ibrahim, and they are merely Sufi, ascetic, and truster, but in Tazkirat al-Awliya, the later humanity of Abraham is superior to him, and he is considered to be the one who has become a man in the path of humanity, freethinking, popular warrior and ascetic. While Jami tries to merely portray Abrahim Adham as a moralist Sufi. In the paper, we also mention the possible reasons for these different visualizations. For example, Ansari is more concerned with Sufism and Sufi ways, Attar had more artistic looks and Jami preferred more reasoning approaches.

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in this article, have been studied researches published about Attar in the field of articles, from 1991 to the end of 2019. The aim of this study is to investigate the quantity and quality of research about Attar in scientific research journals. The researches have been studied in three components of historical course, approach to Attar's works and thematic axes. During these years, 280 articles have been published in 45 scientific research journals. 452 authors from 88 national University, Azad University, Payame Noor University, and non-academic universities have contributed to the writing of articles. The result of the research shows the growth of researches published about Attar in the eighties and nineties. Among Attar's works, Mantiq al-Tair is at the forefront of research. he topics of "Content study of works", "Analysis of Attar's works based on literary theories", "Structural and linguistic and rhetorical analysis of Attar", "Comparative study" and "Critique of works and thought" are the main topics of Attar's research in these years. Since the mid-eighties, there have been changes in content analysis, attitudes toward the content of Attar's poetry have changed, and even his thoughts have been criticized. The main evolution of research is to pay attention to the comparative study of Attar's works with international works and to analyze his works based on literary theories, which has been increasing since the eighties ut there is little research on linguistics and rhetoric.

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The systematized Functional linguistics is one of linguistics theory that applied in the analysis of literary texts. This theory especially considers the social role of language application. In the Functional grammar, meaning has been found specifically important, it manifests in three Metafunction reflections, intra-individuality, and intertextuality. In the reflection Metafunction, language plays the experimental role in reflecting human experience of the external world, it passes from the secular experiences to the mental one, then it is expressed-it expresses the different process of the verb in assigning the writer's view to the world that is effective in creating style. After assigning theses processes, the present study examines four Persian, historical books, Nafthat Al Masdour, Sirat Jalal Al-Din Monkabarani by Shahab Al-Din Zaydari, Tarikh Jahangushay Juvayni, Tasliat Al Ekhvan by Atâ-Malek Juvayni. The results depict that every one of aforementioned writers has applied the specific process that is different with other, however, both of them have exerted the common arrangement, therefore, it emancipates the style-made process and their effects on creating the writer's specific style. Meanwhile, the findings depict the most frequent secularity in Zidari's works, herewith the writer expresses what he sees( appropriately with the writer's presence in the events), though the most frequent connections in Atâ-Malek Juvayni emancipates this fact that he has assigned the different features to the participants of process, he has designed the situational connections, because he has been absent in those events, he has heard them or he has read them in the books.

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Vahshi Bafghi with creation of constant effects, especially in the way of occurrence and learning in Persian poetry, in terms of intellectual and literary influences have been very influential in the literature of their time and after themselves. His poetry is known from the time of the poet and is read in biographies with easy and absent-minded traits, which is shown easy, but it’ s difficult to follow; a simple, unobtrusive poem that is free of any articulation and poetic exaggeration. These features, along with love gravitation and with more effectionate, more intrusive, introverted, expressive and fiery language derived from the inflammatory interior have attracted the attention of many poets and poetry and have sought to follow various aspects of his work. In this paper, we try to compare the works of him and his contemporary poets and after him, and to evaluate the verbal and spiritual similarities, to measure his position in a manner and attentiveness to him as much as possible; to evaluate the aspects to be considered and the followers of the world, and the reasons brightening his appeal to the public and the poets.

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Zandvanian Ahmad | Mirhosseini Niri Fatemeh Sadat | KIAN MARYAM

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The purpose of the present study was to identify the themes that are coordinate with and contrary to the Iranian-Islamic culture in children's literature, using content analysis (quantitative and qualitative). The statistical population consisted of all students, at second and third grade elementary school (age group B) in the academic year 2016-2017 (12933 students) out of which 1000 were selected by cluster random sampling. The research tools included a researcher-made questionnaire on the themes that were coordinate with and contrary to the Iranian-Islamic culture. In the first step, using a quantitative questionnaire, a sample of thousands of students was asked to rate their favorite books. Then, using SPSS23 software, twenty of the most popular books were identified and their frequency was determined. In the second phase, the most read books were provided to 20 literary experts in the form of a qualitative researcher-made questionnaire. They were then surveyed about the positive and appropriate themes as well as the negative and conflicting ones. Finally, the content analysis of the qualitative results showed that among the positive themes, the themes of "ultimate victory over evil" and "family and marriage" and among the negative themes, the theme of "magic" had the highest degree of agreement. The books also seem to focus on topics such as religious doctrines, fantasy nutrition, dealing with children's real-life needs, and teaching them how to deal with problems. Overall, the reviewed books had more positive themes than negative ones.

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Athir-o-ddin Omani is a poet of the sixth and seventh century AH. His only remaining work is the Divan, which includes poems, sonnets, ballade, ode, quatrain and tarkibband (literally composite-tie). The poet's poem is a link between Khorasani and Iraqi styles and because of its inclusion on the words, idioms, verses and interpretations of the poet's covenant, as well as the presence of numerous historical and literary references, it was necessary to pay more attention to the correction of the abovementioned court. Correction of the Divan of the Islamic Republic of Iran by the library, museum and documentation center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly in 2011. The present study, based on the eclectic method, reviews and criticizes the errors and omissions of the revised version. By examining and analyzing the text corrected based on the eclectic approach, the bugs and errors in that text reveal that they are The imperfect title of the Supreme Divan, incorrect prefixes in duplicates, typos and spelling mistakes, incorrect and incomplete references, scientific errors, and errors in the writing of internal and external references and the list of references. Since every version is a valuable cultural and literary treasure, the bugs to correct the text must be resolved in order to preserve the authenticity of the legacy. It is hoped that the findings of this study will be taken into consideration and that these shortcomings will be addressed in the next edition.

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Saghi-Nameh(tapster poems) is an important subjects in Persian literature. Saghi-Nameh is a kind of poetry in which the poet describes his/her ideas about life specially, human being, by using wine terms and addressing to the tapster (Saghi). Nezami Ganjavi is the first who composed an absolute Saghi-Nameh. Nezami has expressed his ideology about life and world, specially, Carpe Diem, by the means of addressing to the tapster, requesting from, and complaining to him/her. In this survey which is a library-analytical research, we will try to discuss quantitative and qualitative properties of addressing, requesting and complaining in Nezami’ s Saghi-Namehs. Complaint has three different axes in Nezami’ s Saghi-Namehs. In these poems he sometimes complains of the tapster, sometimes of himself/herself and sometimes of the life condition and the people of the time. Also, Nezami is well aware of the usages of different types of addressing, requesting and the intentions to convince his readers.

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