While the country's development requires the growth of exports, taking into account the trend of globalization, this process entails outward looking economic approach in which preferential trade agreement is essential. On the other hand, the assessment of the effects of preferential trade agreements of Iran with trade partners is important as well. Therefore, this paper analyzes the effects of establishing a preferential trade agreement of Iran with Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). This paper, using the gravity model with the panel data approach, the 2007-2016 data and generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator, evaluated the effects of this agreement. The results show that the variables of GDP size, economic similarities, the difference between the exporter's, importer's income level and real exchange rate, have a positive effect on Iran’ s export. It is estimated that by establishment of a preferential trade agreement between Iran and EAEU, Iran's exports will increase by 43 percent.