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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Oxymetholone is an orally active anabolic-androgenic steroid. Oxymetholone was synthesized in 1959.It is a 17α-methylated, 5 α-saturated compound. This drug is used for the treatment of a variety diseases including; anemia, growth delay in kids, myocardial damage in heart failiure and treatment of HIV associated wasting.Unfortunately, some of athletics use this drug because of its anabolic effect and its influence on muscular mass in high doses as a doping drug. In these study effects of oxymetholone in supraphysiologic doses on spermatogenesis of NMRI mice was evaluated.In our experiments, oxymetholone was injected (12mg/kg/day) interaperitoneally to mice 6 weeks and 4 weeks old in two periods of 35 and 70 days. The results demonstrated that in the 35-day injection period, there were not any teratogenic effects in treatment groups compared with control group. But in the 70-day injection period, a significant difference between treatment and control groups was observed. These effects consist of: a reduction in the size of testis and decrease in the number of spermatogonia type A and B, primary spermatocytes, spermatids and sperms. Testosterone was evaluated too.In some cases of the experimental group primary spermatocytes and spermatids were poured into the lumen of seminiferous tubules. Cellular disorder was also observed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 10243

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Over the past two decades, electeromagnetic fields (EMFs) have been used effectively to treat diseases, such as musculoskeletal and chondrogenic disorders. Proper application of EMFs is presumed to stimulate osteogenesis. To investigate the effects of EMFs on limb bud development in in vitro, an organ culture system, using Eagle's minimum essential medium (Eagle's MEM), supplemented with 15% human embryo cord serum, was used. Three test groups of amputated Balb/C mouse limb buds (n=70), included experimental (E) exposed to EMFs, sham (sh) exposed groups with no exposure to EMFs and control (C). Limb buds of two groups (E and sh) were amputated from mouse embryos, on day 11.5 of gestation and cultured for 2 days; the group C was removed, on day 13.5. Morphological and histological examinations showed significant changes occured in experimental groups, comparing with sham and control groups. In both fore and hind limbs, development in proximo-distal (P-D) and anterio-posterior (A-P) axes was significant (P<0.001). Number of chondrocytes and mitotic divisions of mesenchymal cells and red blood cells revealed significant increase (P<0.05, P<0.01, P<0.001), compared with sham and control groups. However, number of mesenchymal cells showed significant decrease (P<0.05, P<0.01, P<0.001) and there was no significant difference with degenerated cell counts among three groups. These findings suggest that EMFs (50 Hz / 131 G, for 2 hrs) have progressive effects on limb bud development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 854

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In this research the effects of insulin and insulin +hCG on the sexual activity of male gonad of Bufo viridis have been investigated. The familiar manifestations of sexual activity in amphibian, such as clasping, mating call, associated with histological changes have been studied. The object of this study was to examine reproductive cycle under experimental condition. The experimental animals consisted of four groups; in each we used 5 mature male toads ranging 23-25gr of body weight. Animals of first experimental group received insulin 4 times during a 2 week period with every 3 day interval intraperitoneally (IP). The first injection was 7 IU/kg B.W. and the others were 3.5 IU/kg B.W. The second experimental group received insulin together with hCG 4 times during a 2 week period with every 3 day intervals intraperitoneally (IP). The first injection was 7 IU/kg B.W insulin and 50 IU/ml hCG and the others were 3.5 IU/kg B.W insulin with 50 IU/ml hCG. The control groups received Ringer solution in each injection. The researchers found that in the second experimental group after third injection skin became darker and sexual behavior such as mating calls and clasping were appeared. The testes of experimental animals were histologically studied. The number and diameter of seminiferous tubules and number of spermatogenic cells in first and second experimental groups were increased. The researchers can conclude that insulin caused cell division and increased number of spermatogenic cells but did not affect on sexual behavior, where as hCG produced sexual activities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1304

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Early effects of salinity on uptake and distribution of P, Cl, Na, K, Mg, Ca, and on nitrate reductase activity in different parts of soybean (Glycine max cv. Pershing) have been studied. By increasing salinity in the medium, content of above elements, changed differently in different parts of examined plants, but in aerial parts from whole seedling content, increased. It seems that the Pershing cultivar of soybean, can be classified in "leaf accumulators" of P and Cl All of the seedling parts, including, roots, hypocotyl, cotyledons, epicotyl, and leaves showed nitrate reductase activity, that was statistically affected differently, regarding different saline treatments, and assayed seedling parts. Maintainance of this activity in saline conditions in roots, may have an importance in seedlings tolerance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 676

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Neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.), native to the arid regions of Indian subcontinent, is a valuable tree because its fast growing rate and many technological importanc applications. We examined micrografting of the highly interested A.indica onto Melia Azedarach L. (Persian lilac) rootstock seedling, with the objective of estimating the resistance of this union to cold treatment afterwards. In these micrografting experiments the age of rootstock, the localization of graft and hormonal treatments during the time course of growth were examined under in vitro condition and after transfering to soil. The best shoot tips graft success was found on young rootstock (40.1%) in lateral hypocotyls position. Exogenous auxine in association with cytokinine was necessary to the best union and growth. In contrast effect of treatment increased amount of 18.33%in compare to control. If salicylic acid showed an inhibitory effect on the graft-take amount of 3% in compare to control, but salicylic acid treatment cause the highest grafting success amount of 8.33% in compare to control, signifying a useful role of salicylic pretreatment in acclimatization to soil conditions for these grafted plantlets.

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View 986

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Southern flank of the East- Central Alborz Mountain is consisting of several tectonic elements, which were introduced and analyzed, in this paper. This region is including a complex thrust system at north and a widespread foreland basin at south of Alborz- Central Iran border zone. Two significance curvatures at Alborz Mountain belt that have introduced here such as Neyshabur – Esfarayen - Shahrud Syntaxis and Damghan – Semnan - Qazvin Salient, had been created by change in trend of Alborz from NW- SE to NE-SW. According to this research, creative and activities of the fault systems in a sinistral displacement shear zone that had been elongated from south Semnan to north Gonbad-e Kavus was suggested as a cause to forming of above curvatures and thinning of Alborz width at north Bastam. Therefore, deformation in this region is a combination of compressional and left-lateral strike slip components that (Transpression) demonstrated by field evidences and focal mechanism solutions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1131

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The Sorkh Shale Formation (Lower Triassic) crops out in parts of Tabas Block. This formation is composed of limestone, dolomite, sandstone, shale and gypsum. Its lower contact with the Permian rocks and its upper contact with the Shotori Formation are marked by distinct erosional unconformity. To determine the depositional environments of the Sorkh Shale Formation, stratigraphic sections of Godar-e-Sorkh (southeast of Tabas), Godar-e-Gachal (southwest of Tabas) and Islam-Abad (southeast of Zarand) have been studied.Field and laboratory studies have shown that the Sorkh Shale Formatin consists of carbonate (lagoonal to tidal flat environments), silisiclastic (lagoonal, tidal flat and coastal plain environments) and evaporite (playa environment) facies. Both carbonate and siliciclastic storm deposites (tempestite) are also recognized. The Sorkh Shale Formation have been formed in a homoclinal clastic-carbonate ramp similar to the peresent day Persian Gulf. The Sorkh Shale succession in the Tabas Block indicates a depositional sequence (3rd_order cycle) bounded by type 1 unconformities. Northward increase in carbonate content, northward paleocurrent directions and higher thickness of the Lower Triassic rocks indicate that the Sorkh Shale Formation was deposited in a failed rift along the Kalmard/Kuhbanan and Nayband Faults.

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View 1686

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Qopi bauxitic horizon is located west of Miandoab, in West-Azarbaidjan, NW of Iran. This stratiform horizon lies along the boundary of Permian carbonates and triassic shales and limestones. The upper Permian uplift exposed the pre-Permian rocks to weathering and bauxitization. Based upon field evidence and petrographic studies, five bauxitic facies are recognized within this horizon. Normative values of constituent minerals and chemical processes characterize the mode of development of bauxitic minerals in this horizon. Chemical data and correlation coefficient show that Al, Ti, Zr, and Nb acted as immobile elements during bauxitization processes. Mass change calculations of elements in the bauxitic units at Qopi indicate that considerable amounts of Si, Ca, Mg, Na, P, and K were leached out from the system. Based upon ratios of immobile elements, the diabasic rocks in the area are the principal source for Qopi bauxitic horizon and at least 17 meters of it was consumed during weathering and bauxitization processes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 880

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