From the past to This Day have Happened Practical Transformations and Many Theoretical in political Geography and Geopolitics discourses. "Nation-State", Which is the Core of Political geography and Geopolitical studies; Affected As a Result of these Changes. Present Paper By Interpretation Method And the use of Library Data is Looking to Answer that Question that Transition from Modern Geopolitics to Postmodern, Have Been The Discourse of "Nation-State" What a Transformation and Nature Changes? Normally, in any era the discourse period is governed with its own specs. Characteristics such as: Integrity, Singularity, Objectivism, Determinism and Foundationalism has Caused Which in the Discourse of Modernity, that the Modern State is a State with Specific geographic, Political, Legal, and Social, Identity and Etc. However, as a Consequence of the Characteristics of Post Modernity (and Itself the Dominant Discourse), Like: Pluralism and Lack of Absolutism, Negation of Particular Narrative and Etc; the Government as a Complete Reference (Sovereignty, Security, Poverty and Etc. ), In No Way is it Acceptable. In Short, the Purpose of This Research to Compare and Clarify the Dimensions: Social (the Dimension of Nation and Nationalism), Political (Government Dimension), Legal (Governance Later), State (Country) in the Transition From Modern to Postmodern. To be paid at the end of the Threat of a Post-Modern Government (Post Territory) Challenge in the Transfer.