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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

ملکی علی

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    2 (پیاپی 31)
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با یاری خداوند متعال و همکاری پژوهشگران و دست اندرکاران اجرایی فصلنامه ی سیاست نامه ی علم و فناوری، ویژه نامه ی پیش رو با عنوان «علم، جامعه و حاکمیت در بحران کرونا: چگونگی تعامل و تقابل» به عنوان یکی از اولین ویژه نامه های علمی کرونایی ایران منتشر گردید. هر چند فصلنامه پیش از این نیز ویژه نامه هایی موضوعی منتشر کرده است، اما این ویژه نامه از ابعادی متفاوت بوده است. اول اینکه در این ویژه نامه برای اولین بار رویکرد داوری باز و شفاف اتخاذ شد بدین معنی که نظرات داوران و پاسخ های نویسندگان در طی فرایند داوری و پس از آن بر روی وبگاه نشریه در دسترس همگان قرار گرفت. البته داوری همچنان بی نام صورت گرفته است. دوم اینکه رویکرد هم اندیشی کارگاه محور در پیش گرفته شد، بدین معنی که ابتدا صرفاً چکیده ها دریافت شدند و با تمرکز بر جنبه ی تحلیلی-علمی نوآورانه آن ها، چکیده ها پذیرش یا رد اولیه شدند. سپس کارگاهی با حضور نویسندگان منتخب مقالات و داوران و سردبیر برگزار شد که در آن مقالات در قالب اسلاید ارائه شدند بدون اینکه هنوز مقاله به صورت کامل نگارش شده باشد. سوم اینکه به مدد نیاز به مطالعات متفاوت و سرعت عمل در دوران بحران، قالب های جدیدی از مقالات علمی در نشریه توسعه یافتند-همانند نقد کتاب، تجربه نگاری، دیدگاه تخصصی، خلاصه سیاستی و تحلیل گزارش های ملی و بین المللی. البته گفتنی است که نشریه پیش از این شروع به متنوع سازی انواع مقالات علمی قابل ارسال نموده بود و قالب هایی همانند مقالات ترویجی، ترجمه ای و مروری را افزوده بود. در نهایت از مجموع 14 چکیده ی دریافتی، 6 مقاله در محورهای اقتصاد، سیاست گذاری عمومی، سیاست علم و فناوری، حکمرانی داده محور و دیجیتال، تفکر طراحی و صنعت واکسن سازی پذیرش نهایی دریافت کردند و منتشر شدند.

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    2 (31)
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The emergence of pandemics is generally seen as a shock to the economic system because its mode of entry into economic interactions and relationships is exogenous. Therefore it is essential to classify the channels of this phenomenon, and this section offers a brief description of those channels. Naturally, with mobility restrictions, the closure of many educational and non-educational institutions, the reduction of business hours, the supply of goods and services are reduced. Besides, the economy› s final demand, including household, government, nonprofit organizations, demand for investment, and demand for corporate warehouses, is mostly that. The third axis of economic power is a marked reduction in imports due to limitations on its foreign operations. Exports will be affected by the disease, as will imports. The demand-driven Leontief model is often used to integrate shocks from imports and exports. The internal symmetric InputOutput table is used instead of the traditional Input-Output table, to integrate export and import into the design. The generalized partial hypothetical extraction model is often used to calculate supply and demand shocks by changing the final demand vector.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (31)
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Although the COVID-19 crisis has devastated many companies worldwide, some firms have implemented effective strategies to make their way into growth and development. Governments also provide these companies with various supports about their need. Because of the strategic importance of knowledge-based enterprises for Iran, we have investigated how government supports influence the development of prospective strategies of ten knowledge-based enterprises facing COVID-19 pandemic using a qualitative approach and multiple case study process. Data of this study were collected through semi-structured interviews with CEOs of these ten companies. To verify this data, we used the data triangulation method of interviews, vice-presidential documents for science and technology, and Iran National Innovation Fund documents as its three sides. Analyzing the qualitative content of produced and collected documents through the research process suggests that the main drivers of various companies› prospective strategies during the COVID-19 crisis are increased demand in their businesses and firms because of their technologies and resources, and relying on government support exploited these opportunities. Besides, evidence suggests that the government has provided a variety of financial and nonfinancial support tools to support these firms. However, in defining these prospective strategies, we cannot find government support to be a substitute for market attractiveness, though most of these companies were unable to execute their strategies without government support. Therefore, besides market attractiveness, we need to find government support as a vital complement to the creation of prospective knowledge-based enterprise strategies facing the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Naimi Alireza | MOINI ALIREZA

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (31)
  • Pages: 

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In recent years, a new stream of innovation studies has emerged due to the disparities generated by economic development that focus on developing innovative products for the constrained market. This stream of studies comes in some way under the subject of Inclusive Innovation and various headings such as «BOP Innovation» or «Resource-Constrained Innovation. » The «Frugal Innovation» model has the most significant volume of studies among the different innovation models under the above subject. Focusing on specific customer needs and the product› s core functionality and eliminating unnecessary product features, we seek to use innovative methods with the least resources (materials, energy, human resources, financial resources, etc. ) to design and manufacture goods with acceptable performance and in line with the needs of our markets. Because of healthcare› s specific characteristics, most frugal innovation case studies in the literature related to this area. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the frugal innovation approach has been seen in many countries as a problem-solving and crisis-management capability. This is due to the need to provide fast, inexpensive, and scalable solutions that can be learned. Based on the documentary study method, while exploring the theoretical foundations of the frugal innovation approach in the Iran innovation studies for the first time, this article aims to examine the capacities of this approach to tackle the epidemic crisis and to provide evidence of successful product samples from different countries, and then to draw lessons learned from these studies Based on the lessons learned from the Corona era, this paper introduces frugal innovation approach as a new perspective for Iranian entrepreneurs and businesses in the post-Corona era, during which limited resources firms develop innovative products for customers in emerging markets.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (31)
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The world noticed an emerging virus in the Chinese city of Wuhan, in early January. At first, no one was concerned – officials said it was not infectious – so on Chinese New Year, it was considered a local problem that was published coincidentally. Today, after about 300 days of lockout, which is limited to the coronavirus outbreak› s epicenter, it has spread all over the world, with every aspect of life, including the ruin of companies. Some countries faced the crisis preferring the use of big data governance over just maximum physical isolation. Notably, some Southeast Asian countries, such as Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore, have adopted a set of smart strategies based on data science and disruptive techs to enhance the crisis management process. Past work indicates a major difference in terms of results and overall efficacy between the smart data-driven approach and the strict lockdown policy. This point of view attempts to address these gaps by making distinctions based on knowledge obtained from two approaches. Therefore, it holds a critical position on the extent of progress for each nation, which is the embeddedness of such an integrated strategy in both socio-cultural and political contexts. The paper investigates Iranian experiences of data-driven responses to COVID-19, namely Mask application and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education› s online self-assessment, regarding their contribution to the crisis management process. Thus, it seems that integrating success around the problem mentioned above, threatening human existence, requires a cohesive governance strategy that allows people of the digital age to be mobilized for a public interest, social security, and public health.

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Hajiabbasi Hamzeh

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (31)
  • Pages: 

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Traditionally, policymaking has been a logical, linear, and sequential mechanism that involves problem description, policy formulation, decision making, policy execution, and policy evaluation. However, some problems are unresolved and complicated, and cannot be solved by rational methods because they often have unintended consequences. Development thinking requires a human-centric, participatory, and iterative approach to problem-solving. This approach stresses the importance of early participation and is perfect for identifying wicked or complex problems. Technology thinking was essential for product creation and used in policymaking today as a policy innovation. This method has a five-step process, including empathy, description, ideation, prototype, testing. In this paper, COVID-19 is introduced as a multidimensional problem. It recommends the approach of design thinking to tackle this problem and then contrasts the macropolicies adopted by the National Task Force for Coronavirus Combat with the design thinking process measures.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (31)
  • Pages: 

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The ongoing worldwide epidemic of COVID-19 revisited the focus of care prevention. The consequences of direct and indirect costs on the nation› s economy, or the mention of security and defense issues such as bioterrorism and passive defense, have made such a tremendous impact on the world that has strategically clarified the importance of vaccine technology in the current century. There have been extensive efforts in various countries around the world to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines, and these projects have not been limited to well-known countries. Newcomer countries, however, have also mobilized their capital on this level. This article would highlight the importance of action in the country to develop and manufacture this vaccine, in short, by looking at the current efforts in one of the newcomers to this arena (India) based on the documentary study method (evidence-based process). Because of its unique characteristics, India was chosen. Their share of the international vaccine market and the degree to which they play a part in the global interactions of the vaccine currently differ markedly from that of Iran. The ultimate aim of this outlook is to begin to consider the triggers, which will undoubtedly be a fruitful subject for future research in the health sector policymaking and implementation.

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