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ghobadi Khosrow

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Civic institutions play an important role in the efficiency of governments. The World Bank data and the emphasis of global theorists on the role of civic institutions demonstrate the importance of these institutions. In Iran, too, civil society organizations are more or less active in various fields and can play an effective role in government efficiency. But for effective rolling, we need to fully understand the obstacles and factors affecting this rolling according to the experience of civil society activists. In this article, using the available documentary sources, the existing civil institutions with national scope were identified. Then, with the opinion of experts in this field and using the Delphi technique, eleven civil institutions were selected in three groups: cultural, social and economic. In the next stage, eleven focus group meetings were held with at least five activists from each of the civil institutions and government experts in the relevant field and academic experts. In these meetings, the effective factors and obstacles of the role of civic institutions in the efficiency of the government were discussed, and the discussions were put on paper and coded, and the coding went to the stage of saturation. According to the data obtained in the previous stage, the key points of the focus meetings were extracted, which finally in a separate category of effective factors and effective barriers, 23 effective factors and 46 effective barriers in the rolling of civic institutions on government efficiency were extracted. According to the results of the previous stage, it was found that the most important factor in the role of civic institutions in government efficiency is the government itself and the government is not interested in playing an effective role of civic institutions and if the government allows, civil institutions will play a very effective role in government efficiency. Also, according to the results of this study, barriers affecting the role of civic institutions in government efficiency are more important than effective factors. This shows a kind of distrust and pessimism of the government towards civil institutions.

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This article provides a theoretical analytical framework for understanding the corruptive functioning of political systems in the form of the idea of prebendalism, which has received little attention at the local political science literature. The concept of prebendalism and prebendal government is closely linked to the political corruption which itself has various dimensions and specific roots and consequences both at the community and the state level. Based on Joseph's views, the present paper provides a theoretical framework for understanding the issue of political corruption. The Prebendal government describes how elites and brokers operate at the political system level, indicating that the elites, because of their historical-political role and their performance in political positions, enjoy additional special privileges beyond legal ones at the state level and their major goal is further access to economic and political resources. The main question of the article is, what are the characteristics, foundations, and components for the formation of the Prebendal State? Inspired by Joseph's views and use of library resources and applying a historical-descriptive approach, this paper has found that the Prebendal government incorporates a variety of factors such as patrimonialism, clientalism, perception of the state as a market, the lack of a legitimated ideology, leadership weakness, which ultimately lead to outcomes such as permanent conflict at the political system level and deep social inequalities.

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As Europe entered the Middle Ages and the emergence of a Christian otherworldly perspective together with its individualistic and universalistic nature, the view on the Man and his status, both concerning the society and the state, transformed dramatically. The transformation had its effects on the conception of citizenship inherited from ancient Greece and Rome. The classical and more or less still dominated view on the history of social and intellectual developments of that period, offers an image according to which the spread of Christianity resulted in merging individuality into the community. Here I try to show, through relying on recent and less biased historical researches, that the classical interpretation that views the period as the fading individualism in favor of a collectivism emerged from the teachings of Christianity, the assimilatory political culture dominated early western modern societies, spring from the Renascence and then Enlightenment rather than the Christian culture.

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After the Islamic Revolution, the relationship between the state and the traditional bazaar as a socio-economic institution changed. At the beginning of the revolution, prominent members of the bazaar community took control of large sections of Iran's economy through the management of revolutionary and state institutions, and established close relations with the leaders of the Islamic Republic. But in the following years, there were changes in these relationships. For studying this transformation and explaining the relationship between state and the bazaar in the first decade of the Islamic Republic, it can be hypothesized that in the mentioned decade, there were no similar policies towards the bazaar. The Provisional or Movaghat state believed in liberal policies in the field of economics, but under the influence of the resolutions of the Revolutionary Council, the revolutionary conditions and the post-revolutionary unrest, it practically implemented the resolutions of the Revolutionary Council. With the fall of the Provisional government and the rise of left-wing state, traditional bazaar power was challenged, especially in the political and economic spheres. On the contrary, the bazaar tried to prevent the state from dominating the economy and the private sector. The research method is explanatory and data collection is library and documentary.

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Some contemporary fiction has been published outside of Iran. The reason for the emigration of many writers abroad is directly related to the issue of politics, as well as the way they are present and the subject, theme, background and origin of an important part of the works they have created are political. Political fiction in immigration is found with the support of political groups, and the first examples are published in political magazines, and later writers create works with relative independence from political groups. They have written the narrative of the contemporary history of Iran. The Constitutional Revolution and its Liberal aspirations, the coup d'é tat 19 August and its endless despair and hopelessness, as well as the Islamic Revolution and various issues surrounding it, including the pre-revolutionary struggles and the process of victory and stabilization of the revolution and the emergence of the Islamic Republic and the Imposed war are of these issues. The main issue of this research is how political fiction literature in migration has evolved. This model, that is, knowing the currents, shows the political and social context of the creation of the work, the focal points of support, the starting point and how the flow spreads and continues. Political fiction seems to begin with citations and revelations about the events and issues surrounding the revolution and the events of the 1980s, and reaches to analytical-critical narratives of contemporary history, especially the revolution and the Islamic Republic.

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The dominant idea of development as economic growth has considered the formation of human capital for achieving the end of economic growth as the main function of higher education institutions in the development process. But the empirical failure of this overly simplified idea and the emergence of other critical development theories have brought the necessity of applying different policy priorities in reconsidering the role of key institutions such as higher education to the fore. The purpose of this article is to study human development theory from the viewpoint of political thought and extract its policy implications in the realm of higher education; Thus the implicative narrative theory has been used as a conceptual framework and implication research as a methodology. According to the findings of the article, the political thought of the human development theory by going beyond the binary of individual and society, structure and agency, fact and value, the private and common good, or state and market, has emphasized and concentrated on their complementary role in designing and evaluating a good society. In addition to the importance of higher education institutions in human capital formation for achieving the end of economic growth, human development theory highlights the other key and neglected functions of higher education such as developing freedom, democracy, and social justice in the development process.

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The basic hypothesis of this research is that the ideas, thoughts and attitudes as intellectual practices are all constructed. The main question is that which methodological patterns and prospects can better explain and elaborate how thoughts and views are constructed by intellects. It seems that French famous philosopher and sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’ s relational or interactional methodological approach and pattern known as Genetic Structuralism can answer better and more completed to this question. Obviously using mentioned approach in analyzing how ideas are constructed by intellects is depended on assuming thoughts as practices of their owners.

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One of the most controversial issues about the political thought of the founder of the Islamic Republic is the difference between his political thought in the 20s and 30s with 40s AH onwards. Especially in the two books of "Kashf e Asrar", that he believes in a kind of supervision of the Faqih over the political structure and in the book "Velayat-e-Faqih", that he proves the necessity of an Islamic government led by a Fqih. Based on this, an important question arises. Should we not follow the idea of the Islamic government in the book " Kashf e Asrar " in the sense explained in the book "Velayat-e-Faqih"? Many researchers have answered this question in the affirmative from different perspectives. But the findings of the present study, which are mainly based on the study of theoretical and historical contexts, show that, in fact, it has not occurred a fundamental change in the political thought of Ayatollah Khomeini and the idea of Islamic government, which is explained in the book "Velayat-e-Faqih", can also be found in the book " Kashf e Asrar ", of course not explicitly. This lack of explicitness has been mainly due to historical, political and religious reasons.

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Tolerance and acceptation of “ otherness” , is necessary for dynamism of socio-political order. Richard Rorty is one of the important post modern thinkers and philosophers that have had special attention to otherness concept in pragmatism with social utility. The aim of this research is to explain of the foundation of otherness concept and its pragmatic utility in socio-political sphere. In this study, the main question is: principally, what is the relationship between otherness concept and socio-political order in Richard Rorty thought? The final finding of this study shows that: by crticism of meta-narratives and rejecting of general truth, Rorty believes to plural order by emphasis on otherness presence and its utility for socio-political order that has been partly done in western liberal democracies with main shortcomings and difficulties. By criticism of modernity thoughts and its meta narratives and rejection of Descartes’ Cogito on the impact of Emanuel Levinas, believes that attention to necessity of otherness, tolerance and responsibility are important than the concept of “ self” . In the thought of Richard Rorty, otherness goes beyond of philosophical contexts and extend to cohesion and sympathy in ethics sphere and to neo-pragmatism democracy in the politics scope.

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Despite the welcome of scholars and thinkers in the Islamic world and the writing of numerous commentaries and interpretations, many functions of the system of Transcendent philosophy have not yet received enough attention. The socio-political dimensions of Transcendent philosophy are the most important neglected aspects of this school. Sayyed Mohammad Hossain Tabatabaei is one of the greatest followers of the Sadra's school who, by proposing the theory of credit, marked the extension of Transcendent philosophy in the socio-political path. This article examines the theory of credit perceptions and its role in explaining socio-political philosophy in the context of Transcendent philosophy. Credit perceptions are the mediators between human needs and his actions to meet those needs, and based on this, credit theory can be considered as the link between theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy. According to this theory, society is an irreducible reality to individuals and depends on the realization of a human group that has mutual influence and effect, the realization of this group is subject to the principle of employment. The principle of mutual employment requires mutual interaction and understanding, and consequently requires the creation of language and the continued validity of social structures, justice, power, and ultimately politics. Then, social systems are organized based on the rules and rational orders arising from nature for the good and development of the individual and society. The originality of society from the perspective of Allameh and the series of pre-social credentials in the later credentials provides a more accurate explanation of the perfectionist movement of the universe from plurality to unity and the orientation of individuals towards perfection in the context of transcendent socio-political philosophy and within the framework of Sharia.

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