Apparently a number of verses in the Qur'an implies viewing God at the resurrection, such as the verse: "The Wonderful Face of the Nazareth of the Sabbaths" (Resurrection / 23-22); however, the appearance of some other verses, including the verse: "La Turdek al-'Abssar and Hü yü kr al-'Abssar & "(Nawam / 103) denies the observation of the Lord. The verse of the Day of Resurrection (23) ‘ they are observing God’ is the point of difference among Asharites, Mu'tazilah, and Twelver, as well as mystics. In this verse, the what of the meaning of the words "ela" and "observer" are carefully attended by commentators. This verse, by turning attention to the word "observer", is one of the documentation of the permission of the permission of the sight of God, including the Ash'arites. The Mu'tazilite and Imami commentators, while explaining the correct meaning of the verse, have declared the Ash'arites' promises incorrect, but they themselves have contradicted the meaning of the verse. In this research, by documentary and library method, in a comparative analytical method, they try to express the various statements of the commentators and examine the critiques. By collecting all the semantic possibilities together with different narratives, these verses are explained and explained. Been paid. And the results show that the possibility of "seeing the truth" with the eye, in this world and in the hereafter, is not possible, and from the perspective of the heart, the reappearance, the expectation of reward and rejoicing; the most correct opinion, the expectation of mercy and God's rewards and blessings.