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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    3 (15)
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The present study is aimed to investigate the effects of tourism development on land use changes in rural areas. The development of tourism activities results in massive structural change in rural areas with natural attractions. A descriptive-analytical method is adopted by the present study. Based on the literature review, a questionnaire was formulated and completed by 356 villagers in 10 touristy villages of Binaloud county. The validity of questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The data were analyzed using SPSS software, including T-test to compare the mean of indices, Pearson correlation and regression model. Also the villages were ranked by Vickor multi-criteria programming method to assess the changes occurred in their land use. Results indicated that there is a significant correlation between the presence of tourists and four components of: 1-physical changes, 2-incentives for more land use changes, 3-structural and communication changes and 4-economic changes in rural areas. The regression results revealed that a considerable part of the dependent variable (land use change) is explained by the independent variable (the tourists). Also, the results of the ranking of the studied villages in terms of the impact of land use changes on tourism indicated that three villages namely: MayanOlia, Mayansofla and Mayanvosta have experienced more land use changes than the others.

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    3 (15)
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Stabilizing some services such as parks and green spaces in small towns like Bandar Abbas requires an efficient strategic planning. The purpose of this study was presenting a physical strategy for development of parks and green spaces in Bandar Abbas using Meta-SWOT strategic model. Such a model is applied in urban and regional research for the first time by the present study. Adopting a descriptive-analytical base, a combination of documentary and field methods were applied for data collection and analysis. The Meta-SWOT analytical technique has been used to formulate a strategy for developing and describing goals, resources and capabilities and macro-environmental factors. Based on results, drought is considered as the biggest environmental obstacle for development and management of parks and green spaces. Among the effective factors for managing and physical development of parks and green spaces in Bandar Abbas, the highest strategic suitability relates to some factors including: people's participation and cooperation, the existence of appropriate infrastructure, the presence of expert human resources and at the top of all proximity to the Persian Gulf. Therefore, the particular attention should be paid to the mentioned factors. Also, the existence of a library and attracting centers such as flower garden as well as experienced people like professors who can train and teach required specialized and technical people should be at the top of the executive to solve human resource constraints.

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    3 (15)
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In the past, squares were one of the most people-oriented urban places in Iranian cities. But in recent decades they have been in utter disarray. Nowadays, the social concept of the square is gone and its traffic role has become more important. Azadi square in Sanandaj is no exception. The main purpose of the present study is to achieve the creative process of physical development in urban squares and its use in case study place-making. A theoretical framework was adopted based on documentary review which showed compatibility of square nature with place-making approach in terms of "urban architecture, hard and soft landscape, motives and incentives, activity, and environment". The applied method of the present study is an analyticalparticipatory, by which the following techniques are used to assess the components of place-making: observation, survey, GIS, node and mane, Envy-Met. It will also integrate the analytic hierarchical process (AHP) with the SWOT table, and use it in the QSPM matrix to prioritize SWOT factors and place-making components. While presenting strategies, policies and physical development of the case study and the creative process of physical development of the urban squares, it is identified that the importance of landscape, incentives, activity, and architectural components of the building have, respectively, the greatest impacts on the placemaking of urban squares.

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    3 (15)
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Human societies have historically been at risk and have always suffered harmful effects. Environmental hazards are increasingly occurring with growing diversity and extent of damage, especially in rural areas. Some factors such as closely related to the environment, deprivation, lack of awareness, and preparedness increase the vulnerability of rural areas. However, environmental hazards are inevitable phenomena and their only solution is to deal with and manage them. One of the approaches to dealing with environmental hazards and crises is resilience. The study area of the present study is exposed to different types of hazards and is in high vulnerability condition and it is necessary to measure its resilience. The present study is an applied one and its purpose is to investigate and explain the resilience of rural settlements in Boldaji district of Borujen county. The research method is descriptive-analytical and survey-based. Required data were collected using documentary and surveys at household level. The sample size was estimated to be 329 households according to the Cochran formula of 2276 families. Questionnaires were completed by simple random sampling. The results showed that the mean level of resilience in the social and physical dimensions were 3. 45 and 3. 23, respectively, considered as "desirable" level, in the economic dimension with a mean of 3. 01 was an "average" level, and in the management dimension with a mean of 2. 85 was a "undesirable" level. In addition, among the different villages, Avargan has the highest level of resilience and the lowest levels belong to Sultanabad and Aliabad. Overall, the resilience status in 21 percent of the villages was "appropriate", in 50 percent "moderate" and in about 29 percent "inappropriate".

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (15)
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Tourism has been renowned for its diverse functions, high ability to connect with other sectors of the economy, socio-economic development and changing lifestyle of rural areas. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the effects of tourism development on changing the lifestyle of tourism target villages in eastern Alamut district of Qazvin county. According to the Census of Population and Housing in 2016, the total number of households in these villages is 879. Using Cochran formula, the number of samples needed to complete the questionnaire was 268. The validity of the questionnaire was evaluated by experts. The reliability of the variables was calculated as 0. 86% by Cronbach's alpha. Statistical tests such as one-sample t-test, regression, and one-way analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. The results show that tourism development has a positive impact on lifestyle change. According to the regression fitting model, the coefficient of determination was 0. 739 indicating a positive relationship between tourism and lifestyle change. The results of one-way analysis of variance showed that two villages namely: Masudabad (with a mean of 3. 5599) and Zarabad (with a mean of 3. 4778) had received the most impact and Andaj (with a mean of 2. 6314) had received the least impact of tourism development.

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  • Volume: 

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    3 (15)
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The worn-out central texture of Ahwaz as the city's first core, faces some problems such as physical quality decline, access and traffic problems, overcrowding and population concentration due to its commercial nature and other factors. The existence of important monuments, cultural values, and most importantly the commercial role of this area, necessitates the proper and sustainable approach to study and planning. Therefore, in this study, it was attempted to use the regeneration approach to identify the priority planning of worn-out central tissues of Ahwaz. The present study follows a descriptive-analytical method. To collect the descriptive data a library-documentary method was applied and to collect the analytical data a survey was conducted by which a questionnaire was formulated to collect the opinions of 40 experts in Ahwaz urban planning arena. To analyze the data, the Fuzzy Delphi Hierarchical Analysis model (FDAHP) and linear regression in SPSS software were used. Findings of the present study indicated that in the relative fuzzy weighting for the dimensions of research, the economic regeneration component of the worn-out central fabric of Ahwaz has the highest relative weight at this stage and the cultural regeneration is second. At this stage, the environmental remediation component has been evaluated by experts with less priority. Therefore, according to Ahwaz experts, economic re-creation is the main concern in the worn-out central texture of Ahwaz.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (15)
  • Pages: 

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The growth and development of urbanization has a major impact on the supply of land for construction and urban development in urban areas. Widespread use of urban land for residential use has led to the horizontal expansion of cities and the increase in vacant land within cities, which has rapidly expanded the suburbs. In this regard, the paradigm of intensive urban development, smart growth and the use of vacant land within the city to achieve social and spatial stability and equity are presented. The present article aims to explain how the city of Yazd as a desert and arid city is compactly and extensively developed using the concept of urban density. According to the surveys carried out during the years 1966-2016, the area of Yazd city has increased by about 19. 5 times and its population has increased by 6. 5 times. During these years, the sharp decrease in gross population density and its significant gap with net population density (154. 6) indicate that the city is over-stretched and more spaces are left vacant and inactive in Yazd. An examination of the components of development in Yazd shows that if there is no growth in the outer and surrounding areas in the coming years, all future growth and physical expansion of the city will be limited to the use of vacant land. Within the next 25 years, Yazd will not need to increase its area, and the existing area of the city will meet the residential and non-residential needs of its citizens.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (15)
  • Pages: 

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Home is the origin and destination of life for human being. People leave their homes for work and social activities, and then they return to home as soon as they finish their works. But, the man's house is in a residential block behind some of the same-sized windows quiet identical, nowadays. Due to its similarity to the other houses, such a home is difficult to identify not only for guests but also for family members from outside. The sense of belonging is an emotional and meaningful relationship between the person and the place. Such emotional relationship would persuade people to return to home as a valuable resting place. In fact, the sense of belonging is an indicator by which one can measure the degree to which people are distinct from other places. The present study is a descriptive-analytical-applicable research that investigates the effect of physical factors of residential complexes on increasing the sense of belonging to one's place of residence based on a field study. The sample includes residents of Shahbaloot and Pardisan complexes in Gorgan city. Using Cochran formula, 262 persons were selected as the statistical sample. SPSS software was used for data analysis. Research findings show that "dimensions and size" and "spatial relationships and arrangement" had the greatest impact on the sense of belonging.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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