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Introduction and statement of the problem: Here we consider the imposed war on Islamic Republic of Iran by the former Iraqi regime as the most important social events in the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The event has affected great number of national issues including communication and cultural issues. One of the most important issues in recent three decades is to understand, explain, and to interpret the motivation of the youth׳ s attendance at eight years of the Holy Defense. “Cinema” is accounted as one of the most important areas of representing the great cultural and social event. The emphasis on representation of the youth׳ s motivation in attendance at Holy Defense indicates the artists׳ views towards the fighters as well as values of the Holy Defense in different periods. The main purpose of the research is representation of motivation of the youth׳ s attendance at the Holy Defense through the film of The Ekhrajiha (Outcasts). Theoretical Background: Stewart Hall refers to the concept of "Representation" as a key concept in Media studies (Ameli & Merali, 2007). Hall believes, Representation is a kind of double systems process that produces meaning. He argues: "The relation between things, concepts and symbols is the core of meaning production in language. The process which relates these triple elements together is representation" (Hall, 1997). Discourse Analysis is a method for studding the creation of meaning and message from language units in relation with intralingual and extralingual factors. Actually, Discourse Analysis is the way to discover the discursive meaning. From this type of view, Discourse Analysis is to discover the obvious and hidden meanings of discursive flows, which is appeared in different forms of language and meta-language. Then, the Discourse Analysis in the media studies is focused on how the texts are encoded and decoded (Watson & Hill, 2012). Media content is open to the multiple interpretations of audiences due to its polysemy characteristic. The Agenda Setting view is a process in which, mass media transfer the relative importance of different issues to the audience. The idea and the concept of agenda setting are resulted from the different researches about the impacts of the contents of media messages on audience's mental imagery. Actually, with broadcasting news and information, news media set the issues and problems for people to note and think about them, from this point of view (Scheufele & Tewksbury, 2007; McCombs, 2004). The Framing Theory also has been noted as the next level of Agenda Setting. In Communication field of study, it was Gitlin (1997 & 1980) and Tuchman (1978) who firstly used the Framing concept (Ruigrok & Atteveldt, 2007). Here, framing means to highlight some aspects of an issue in different ways for changing the people's thoughts about the issue (Chong & Druckman, 2007; Entman, 1993). Methodology: We used discourse Analysis as the selected method for reaching the research purpose. Discourse Analysis is one of the most practical methods used by researchers; however, the study has used the approach of PDAM in this. This approach has five analytical levels: 1. Surface-Surface; 2. Depth-Surface; 3. Surface-Depth; 4. Deep and 5. Deeper. The first level, "perceiving from the text", tries to discover the words and sentences with special meanings along with the research purposes within the text. The second level is "the text orientations". Here, more than considering the meanings of a sentence with studding its different words, explicit and implicit meanings, its different orientations toward the different issues related to the research purposes also being noted. Moreover, the text orientations are also being studied in this level. But in the third level, "the exploratory analyses according to the other orientations of the text", the researcher seeks the meaning related to the present context or the contexts of the text creation. The forth level also tries to bridge the text, context and the related hypertext in order to clarify the meanings imbedded within the text. Next and the last level is the deeper one in which, text, intertextuality, imbedded meanings in the text are simultaneously being considered, and the final analysis is presented. Results And Discussion: According to the Method, several tables were drawn for all four levels of the discourse analysis of the movie “Ekhrajiha” (means hired men). Focusing on the four methodological levels, the represented motivations have been extracted. According to the findings, martyrdom, status and credits, love, entertainment, ostentation, recompensing the failures, obedience, friendship and affiliation, divine inspiration and true love, wealth, doing divine duties, protecting the state and its citizens, guiding and reformation, dedication and sacrificing, and fighting against oppression and arrogance are all the motivations represented within the movie. Conclusion: The fifteen explained motivations could be categorized within three main discourses: the values-oriented discourse, the national discourse and the selfish discourse. The values-oriented discourse is represented within two different groups in the movie: a group that has been criticized and negatively shown during the film and the other one, which has been propagandistically praised. However, about the selfish discourse, although it has not been criticized frankly, it also never has been imaged as a praiseworthy discourse within the movie. Prominent Result: The last discourse in Ekhrajiha movie, “the national discourse”, has been shown as a common and unifying principle and has been accepted by the two other discourses. In fact, the national discourse created a common context for all three discourses to interact and cordially understand each other. This discourse has propagandistically and praiseworthy been imaged in the movie and can be recognized as the dominant discourse. It is also this discourse which covers the hero character.

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Introduction and Problem Statement: Education is one of the mediums¡ which shapes the development-oriented man. So one of the aims of education is providing life-skills trainings for students to achieve abilities needed to play an effective role in society. But education in Iran seems to have problems to realize this aim and deliver people fit to contribute properly to the development of the country. Jamali’s research (1392) shows that high school textbooks do not focus on training citizens with various skills such as critical thinking¡ communication and responsibility skills¡ and although there are cases in which some developmental concepts are offered but they¡ in effect¡ only increase their memorized information and not internalized knowledge. One of the ways of getting rid of these problems and implement Intended Programs with a focus on developmental literacy is the use of ICT in the educational processes in schools. In this research¡ we study the articulation of developmental literacy with its social¡ cultural¡ scientific¡ environmental indices in Intended Programs of Iranian education system¡ and see into the barriers to equip the students with such literacy. Finally we embark upon the capabilities of ICT in order to achieve this goal. Theoretical Framework: As we all know in the qualitative research there is no obligation to start with specific theory as a theoretical framework¡ nevertheless approaches have been taken into consideration in the analysis of research data; they include post-structuralist approach which addresses deep analysis of the learning; Bourdieu and Passeron’s who consider school as an institution through which the social order is reproduced ¡ and in a critical approach¡ Ilich is cited who believes that the school system transfers a large part of learning¡ while a major part of knowledge is learned from outside school. He believes there should be a device to monitor and add on the demands¡ also a network of human communication in order to comply with the outside world. Freire''s critical view also is exploited that suggests an education based on dialogue¡ a dialogue which enables the individual to understand¡ shape¡ and solve the issues within his environment. Methodology: the method used in this research is qualitative which can lead to a rich and deep information for the researchers. In this study¡ two techniques have been applied. For the analysis of Intended Programs¡ documentary approach¡ and to collect the attitudes of people toward education and its problems in-depth interviews have been used. The interviewees in this study were principals¡ teachers and high schools IT officials¡ who were chosen through purposive sampling: six boys and girls high schools within three different districts in Tehran. For the analysis of the sstatements we did coding. Results And Discussion: The study of documents dealing with the goals of education system in Iran indicated that there is some developmental training in major topics¡ but the main problem is that these goals are not operationalized and achieved in reality. The results of this study regarding the content of textbooks are as follows: 25 persons of those who were interviewed confirmed the presence of social literacy textbooks¡ 5 persons confirmed cultural literacy¡ 25 persons environmental literacy and¡ 15 persons scientific literacy¡ in the content of school textbooks. But all interviewees stated that the content of the books were merely conceptual and did not affect the attitudes and behavior of the students. Conclusion: Respondents considered the inefficiency of the content of textbooks to be due to the following factors: 1-high volume of the books¡ 2-inappropriate structure¡ 3-a lack of tentative test¡ 4-university-entrance-exam oriented education¡ 5-marginality of life skills¡ 6-quantitative assessment; and¡ 7-superficiality of learning. The majority of respondents (30 people) stated that the major obstacles to developmental literacy are 1-university entrance exam¡ 2-mere memorization of certain courses¡ 3-overemphasis on earning high scores during the study. These elements overshadow and sideline developmental literacy and social¡ cultural¡ and environmental skills. Suggestion: a solution to overcome these problems can be through ICT-based education. IT has the potential not only to shake the traditional structures but also to re-form the education and training processes which were up to recently difficult to realize through classic ways; radically new programs can be implemented¡ and teaching methods and evaluation processes can be changed. ICT can convert knowledge base¡ training can be delivered in virtual space¡ the role of the teacher will be changed as a guide. The classrooms¡ and principals functions¡ and teachers as the only source of knowledge¡ will change completely--also the content and quality of education.

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Introduction: The environmental erosion is now a global concern. Among other countries the Islamic republic of Iran¡ because of its geographical location and because of some industrial and developmental project and changes¡ faces great and very important environmental threats. It seems that to protect environment and its animal and botanical species we have to treat it culturally. To put it differently¡ the final goal of the issue of environmental protection related to social milieu is enhancing environmental knowledge among the people and reinforcement of environmental culture. On the other hand¡ one of the main paths to reach the above mentioned goal is probing culture to understand style of life. Our literature review indicates that mass media influence culture in general and style of life in particular. In this regard¡ popular magazines’ impact on public knowledge about environmental threats is of critical importance. Theoretical framework: Since decades ago¡ in particular from 1960¡ when Raymond Williams was writing on communication and culture¡ the issue of high culture/low culture has been highly debated. Williams criticized the idea of high culture. He believed that the dichotomy of high culture/low culture divides society. He argued what is much needed is an all inclusive culture called ordinary culture. This orientation toward culture covers both the meaning of culture as whole way of life and ordinary/popular cultural experiences such as watching television and reading weekly magazines. The influence of these latter forms of culture on protection of environment is of special concern in the present paper. Accordingly¡ we suggest reading popular magazines help ordinary people to know the social importance of environmental protection and to learn how to treat physical environment to avoid or reduces environmental hazards as much as possible. Methodology: In the present paper we have attempted to address four questions. First¡ to what extent and how popular magazine pay attention to the environment. Second¡ what categories from the written and pictorial content of the popular magazines can be derived? Third¡ are the environmental categories¡ related to a general culture meaningfully? Fourth¡ generally how popular magazines view and identify the issue of environment? The methods to gather relevant data and analyzing them are a combination of semiotics and content analysis. We randomly selected a sample of 24 issues of all 48 issues of two popular magazines ¡ khanavadeh sabz (Green Family) and roozhaye zendegi(Life Days)¡ published in 1393(2014). Then we attempted to firstly categorize and secondly analysis 490 written materials and photos that are somehow related to the general issue of behaving environment properly and responsibly. Findings: Regarding the first question¡ our findings indicate that both studied magazines paid attention to the environment considerably and pictorial materials override written materials. Referring second question¡ we found all environmental content of the two studied magazines can be divided into four categories including “healing aspects of environment”¡ “aesthetic and advertizing value of environment”¡ “motivating people to grow plants indoors”¡ and “environmental mysteries”. Among the mentioned categories¡ the aesthetic value of environment has the highest frequency. With respect to the third question¡ we can say that the way of environment-oriented life promoted by the popular magazines do not match with urban settling characterized by small apartments. It also does not fit with the purchase capacity of the most people. Finally¡ addressing the fourth question¡ the published pictorial and written materials mostly fulfill an instrumental purpose rather than promoting an ordinary culture. Conclusion: Theoretically¡ speaking¡ our data and analysis indicate that the popular magazines studied here have not been able to contribute to the ordinary or common culture properly and adequately. The producers of these magazines mostly use environmental pictorials and written materials instrumentally and decoratively. The small part of the published materials that is related to behaving environment responsibly and friendly cannot be integrated into ordinary culture since most people do not experience that part routinely and habitually.

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Introduction and statement of the problem: Nowadays customers do not visit online shopping websites alone¡ but they bring all of the social networks capabilities with themselves. This cooperative environment made users as active content providers despite being passive readers in web. Customers in this area not only purchase services or products but also they provide contents simultaneously and it will cause a win-win relation for sellers and customers. Customers do not have opportunity for smelling and touching products in online shopping¡ so the comments of the others are getting more important every day. Especially when the person writes the comment¡ he or she uses or touches the product or service closely. Indeed¡ these comments and rankings are a vital part for potential customers. According to such issues¡ the main problem of this study is to investigate the users’ behavior in social commerce websites¡ focused on tourism industry. Based on the content provided and the performance analysis of users¡ some approaches can be presented for increasing the users'' cooperations in social commerce websites¡ using data mining and text mining techniques. Finally¡ media and tourism industry can use and enjoy the results of this study. Theoretical Background: Some studies show that potential customers are more interested to review comments and proposals from other people than information provided by producers or service providers. A significant part of economic activists started entering this section of e-commerce regarding huge business opportunity occurred by e-commerce. Market experts start using this media to maximize their profits. For the first time¡ Yahoo used social commerce term for describing its cooperating online shopping tools and ranking by users. Yahoo decided to make a society of buyers who rank products¡ share their experiences¡ and finally present this information to end-users. Social commerce does not have an exact meaning because it has different conceptual utilization for different people. Generally¡ it has been used as a subset of e-commerce¡ which supports social media for online selling and purchasing products or services. Social commerce might be applicable for business to consumer¡ business-to-business¡ and consumer-to-consumer relationships. The role of media in tourism and industry is very complicated and important as statistics show that most tourists in the world are people who visit a destination for the first time. They gather all required information about the trips from various media and this is the reason why media are getting more and more important in tourism stream. Therefore¡ it is necessary to plan to use this opportunity. Methodology: This research used library¡ papers¡ and books study for gathering information from broad literature reviews. We did systematic sampling from among all users and took comments about all hotels in Lisbon city in Portugal at an accredited online tourism-centric website. The number of initially selected participants is 2681 and the number of final accessible sample is 535 users. After extracting comments from the website¡ we analyzed the data using data mining and text-mining tools by rapid miner software and then users have been deeply clustered and analyzed. CRISP-DM is the main method that is used in the research containing 6 steps: business understanding¡ data understanding¡ data preparation¡ modeling¡ evaluation and deployment. Results And Discussion: Davies-Bouldin index is used for validation and determining the optimized number of clusters. The value of the index for three clusters was about 0/003 and three clusters were selected as the optimized number of clusters. These clusters are finally named as Portugal lovers¡ restaurant lovers and trip lovers. Users in Portugal lovers cluster focused specifically on Lisbon city in Portugal. Most of these users were from Portugal or that country was one of a few destinations for their main trips. They are very sensitive on location of hotels and restaurants and it is one of their major priorities and concerns that the places are in city centers. On the other hand¡ restaurant lovers cluster are very interested in restaurants and their locations. They provided comments specifically on food¡ quality of service and the behavior of staff. For these people¡ friendly behavior of staff was very important. The people were more romantic than other clusters and maybe for this reason¡ they spent most of their time in various restaurants and cafes. In trip-lovers cluster¡ the focus was on hotels and accommodation. These users prefer to provide comments on hotels¡ their specifications¡ and the cleanliness of equipment. Besides¡ this cluster contains most of the couples. Based on association rules analysis¡ Portugal-lovers cluster travel only to few destinations and they are inactive readers in the website and do not cooperate for commenting on their personal experiences. Restaurant-lovers people are the best in cooperating to share their experiences in the website. For these users¡ the main purpose of traveling is food and restaurants. People in trip-lovers cluster are in average levels of cooperation and they provide comments on hotels more than other two clusters. Conclusion: For Portugal lovers cluster¡ researchers should focus on Portugal hotels and restaurants proposals. They should propose packages for composed hotels and restaurants in Portugal because they have rather the same priority for them. For more contribution to the websites comments¡ they can be provided with some bonuses to be used in the favorite places in Portugal while using the website. Because restaurant lovers cluster has the best contribution levels in the website¡ hotels should plan an extra promotion to retain them based on their favorite locations. For more contribution for trip-lovers cluster in the website¡ researchers and practitioners should propose clean hotels with friendly staff and good breakfast¡ because they are professional and permanent travelers. Prominent Results: Users contributing in social media have two important dimensions to study. The first is the profit of social media and the second is increasing contribution level of users in such media for increasing the effective impact of sharing. These two aspects are positive loops that amplify each other. In other words¡ more users'' contribution in social media¡ that makes accurately extracted analytical results¡ can cause more validity for that media. Therefore¡ if social media receive valid and useful contributions¡ number of permanent social users will be increased and this trend will continue to produce fruitful information to decide upon.

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Introduction and statement of the problem: We live in the age of information and communication technologies as the main tools of production in which having skills in such technologies contribute to enhancing social and wealth status of the people (Rogers¡ 2016). Differently put¡ a lack of access to technology and digital literacy and communication skills may lead to furthering deprivation of groups and communities (Subramony¡ 2007¡ 2011). At present¡ access to the information and communication technologies and knowing how to use these technologies are of great importance in both developed and developing communities. Without access to the information and communication technologies¡ especially internet¡ and without having necessary specialty along with the attitude toward using information and communication technology¡ it is not possible to gain information electronically¡ that is¡ to use digital opportunities in achieving personal and public goals (Yousefi Saied Abadi & Mohseni¡ 2012). To date¡ much research has been conducted on the determinant factors affecting physical access to digital technologies both inside and outside. This is while little research has been carried out on the determinant factors affecting usage of information and communication technologies and identifying the variables affecting a shift from physical access to usage¡ i. e. ¡ benefiting from full capacities of information and communication technologies. For that reason¡ this argument aims at filling such research gap focusing on the city of Rafsanjan. So far¡ the previous research has found out that the common and functional use of computer and internet has higher importance compared to the physical access to computer and internet in the literature on digital divide. Here¡ this research seeks to answer the question of what is the role of variables such as digital literacy and skill and motivational access in the causal relationship between physical access and usage. Knowing variables playing a role in these two access levels is of great importance¡ especially for policy makers and enthusiasts of development areas in general and especially media world. Theoretical Background: in the research related to the issue of digital divide¡ some factors have been investigated including the usage (Bizirgianni & Dionysopoulou¡ 2013; Huang¡ Hood¡ & Yoo¡ 2013)¡ digital skill and literacy (Ferro¡ Helbig¡ & Gil-Garcia¡ 2011; Hargittai¡ 2002; van Dijk¡ 2006)¡ motivational access (Ferro et al. ¡ 2011; van Dijk¡ 2006) and physical access (Li & Ranieri¡ 2013; Park¡ Choi¡ & Hong¡ 2015; van Dijk¡ 2006) to computer and internet. when it became possible to basically use internet through providing accessibility¡ The usage has become more meaningful as online experience including the duration and rate of skillful use of internet and the ability to use internet to do a wide spectrum of online activities(DiMaggio¡ Hargittai¡ Celeste¡ & Shafer¡ 2004; Hargittai & Hinnant¡ 2008; Howard¡ Rainie¡ & Jones¡ n. d.; James¡ 2012). The usage can be studied in terms of the criteria of when to use¡ how to use applications¡ the number and variety of use¡ broadband and or narrowband use¡ more or less use¡ active or creative use (Van Dijk¡ 2006). The studies by Van Dijk (2006)¡ Zhao et al (Zhao¡ Kim¡ Suh¡ & Du¡ 2007)¡ Roshandel¡ Kazemi and Haj Esmailie (2015) have emphasized the importance of cultural factor and motivational access in acceptance and use of information and communication technologies and have introduced motivational access as a prerequisite for physical access. The skill of using internet is a critical component of human resources¡ because more skillful users have better condition to use internet (Hargittai & Shafer¡ 2006). McClure (1994) introduced the network literacy and or internet skills as the ability to identify¡ to access and to use the information online. Methodology: The research method is applied in terms of the goal and it is a descriptive-correlative one in terms of type of the research. The study population of this research includes citizens of the city of Rafsanjan amounting to 1511420 inhabitants¡ according to census 2012. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaire of this research consists of questions that have been designed based on Likert’s five-item scale ranging from items of very low to very high. The statistical sample of the research was determined as 384 individuals using Cochran formula in confidence level of 0. 95% that was increased to 600 individuals in order to increase accuracy. The research sampling method was a clustering one and the data were collected from 504 questionnaires and were used in analyses. The calculated Chronbach’s alpha coefficient of research variables is 0. 93 for digital skills and literacy variable¡ 0. 94 for usage variable¡ 0. 87 for level of motivational access to computer and internet and 0. 86 for the level of physical access to computer and internet. Based on such tests¡ it can be said that the reliability of measurement tool is desirable. To examine research hypotheses¡ Amos graphics software was used to perform structural equation modeling. Results And Discussion: The results indicated that there is a meaningful and positive correlation between physical access to computer and motivation access to these technologies. In addition¡ the results confirmed the meaningful and positive effect of physical access to computer and internet on digital skill and literacy¡ and the meaningful and positive effect of physical access to computer and internet on the usage of these technologies. The findings also showed that the motivational access to communication and information technologies such as computer and internet has meaningful effect on digital skill and literacy. It was also found that the digital skill and literacy play a role in the relationship between physical access to computer and internet and usage of these technologies. Considering the research findings¡ although physical access of citizens to computer and internet is necessary as a primary measure to reduce and remove digital divide¡ it is not sufficient and it is critical to develop and implement various functional policies and applications in order to enhance motivational access and digital skills. According to findings of this research¡ what is important in both reducing digital divide in the level of physical access and digital divide in the level of usage is the motivational access. It can also be reached through convincing people to use digital media that some have proposed it as cultural¡ social and mental access. The issues like technology anxiety¡ computer anxiety¡ lack of the sense of usefulness and effectiveness of digital media are of the causes of unwillingness to usage of technologies that can be improved through programs like enhancing cyber security and comparability of the content provided with local cultures and values.

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Introduction: In today’s world¡ the development of press is considered as one of the criteria of social-cultural development. The activity of press in propagation of news and cultural-training contents is one of the information products. Cultural journalism is used as an expression for media reports and discussions on culture¡ art¡ politics¡ general culture¡ cultural industries and recreation. One of the training aspects of social media in cultural domain is describing the importance of cultural heritage for the audiences. The social media can make the audiences (both people and policy makers) sensitive and responsible about caring and protecting the cultural heritages. Informing the people about the necessity of protecting the historical works and buildings by media depends on propagating the news containing information on the importance of historical works and buildings¡ and also covering the events which are about cultural heritages of our country. Based on the official statistics of the organization of cultural heritages in Fars province¡ in this province¡ there are up to 3500 historical works and buildings which are registered in the Iran’s national works list¡ among them¡ 4 works are registered in UNESCO. The statistics shows that 9 percent of historical buildings of Iran are located in Fars province. Historical buildings in Fars have experienced many damages in recent years¡ which are resulted from natural factors such as flood¡ precipitation and earthquake¡ or human interventions such as road construction and other developmental projects¡ which expose the historical building to destruction. Destruction of historical buildings in Fars has been sometimes more extensive¡ such as road construction in Shiraz which have led to destruction of about 90 historical houses. The present study tried to show how the local media in Shiraz manage the news on important events in this field. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the news propagated on this field from the viewpoint of their quality and quantity. We tried to find out how local newspapers in Shiraz covered the news on historical buildings from 2014 to 2015¡ what their content and structural properties were¡ and which aspects received the most attentions. Theoretical basics and research Methodology: Social media defines democracy¡ and they can introduce people of the society as predictable ones¡ or otherwise¡ as people who participate in the affairs of a capitalist society. The social communication institution has been considered as a channel for defining culture¡ politics and economy in a society since the formation of western civilization. The media gives meaning to the body and image of a society¡ and contributes to showing the people as a group. In fact¡ today no one can imagine a society without media. The theoretical fundamental of this research was based on theories such as representation theory of Stewart Hall¡ news goal keeping¡ and the theory of outstanding. The methodology of tis research was quantitative content analysis. Seven topics were defined for the present study. The indigenous thoughts were considered for collecting the topics¡ and news content was defined according to the local extension of news. It seems that content analysis is the best method for studying the function of the intended media because studying the details of propagated news can represent a clear image of a newspaper function. The statistical population of the present study was the news propagated in local newspaper of Shiraz including Afsaneh¡ Sobhan¡ Khabar-e-Jonoob¡ Asr-e-Mardom and NimNegah from 2014 to 2015. The authors studied variables as properties of massage and text. Validity and reliability of the research were also studied¡ and Scott coefficient of 0. 89 was obtained. Findings: The results showed that the newspaper Khabar-e-Jonoob¡ which had 113 news pieces on a given subject¡ had the highest plenitude in content production¡ and Sobhan newspaper¡ with nine news¡ had the lowest news. Our findings show that the most news on historical works are related to destruction of historical buildings¡ and the least news were about historical cities. Moreover¡ all studied newspapers¡ except Khabar-e-Jonoob¡ do not have a specific paper for propagating the news on cultural heritages¡ and they present the related news on general pages. Our findings show that governmental institutions and general public were introduced as the main causes of historical works destruction in the newspapers. Discussions and Results: the supervision role of media is not only important at the time of occurrence of an event¡ but also after the event and also before that. We found that when a destruction in historical works and buildings occur¡ the newspaper just report the event just like an ordinary observer after the accident¡ while they are responsible to monitor the changes in the field of historical works¡ and decisions of government on prevention of such destruction¡ and they should have an active role in producing the media content. In this way¡ the newspapers cannot play a significant role in stopping the destructions. We also observed that in all five studied newspapers¡ the events about historical building destruction in Fars are just reported after the accident occurrence¡ and the reporters do not follow them. Achievements of the study: Our findings showed that the audiences receive the least amount of information from the local newspapers of Fars about events such as destruction of Fars cultural-historical works. It indicates the presence of many defects in the process of news goal keeping. The lack of special papers for tourism in Fars local newspapers shows that they do not follow the cultural heritage journalism skillfully¡ and they have not been successful in presenting sufficient information to their audiences¡ while they are working in a city¡ which possess a large part of Iran’s historical heritage and monuments.

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Statement of the problem: Classification of the material world into Air¡ Earth¡ Fire and Water was quite common notion among different ancient nations and among them Persians and Armenians. Avicenna or Ibn Sina in one of his famous books The Canon of Medicine elaborates the importance of these elements. This article is about a ceremony dedicated to fire¡ as one of the four building blocks of the universe. The roots of this ceremony among the Armenians should be traced back to pre-Christianity or the Pagan era. Later¡ Armenians¡ by converting into Christianity in the 3rd century this ceremony became moderated and more acceptable by the church doctrines and considered as one of the popular religious festivals. This ceremony can be integrated into the framework of the phenomenon of renewal and peace. Based on this cultural background¡ the article traces other preventive factors that lie in the socio-political situation that hinders the maintenance of the ritual and ceremonies in modern era such as the Genocide of 1915 and establishment of Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1922. Theoretical Background: The theoretical framework of this paper is based on linguistic and structural semiotics¡ relying on the concept of phoneme in linguistics and generalizing this concept in the context of culture. Phoneme is generally regarded as an abstraction of a set (or equivalence class) of speech sounds (phones) which are perceived as equivalent to each other in a given language in the minds of the speakers of a given language. A phoneme is one of the units of sound that distinguish one word from another in a particular language due to the rules of paradigmatic relationship. Every item of language including phoneme has a paradigmatic relationship with every other item¡ which can be substituted for it (such as fire festival with Candlemas a Christian holiday celebrated annually in February. It celebrates three occasions according to Christian belief: the presentation of the child Jesus; Jesus'' first entry into the temple; and it celebrates the Virgin Mary''s purification) ¡ and a syntagmatic relationship with items¡ which occur within the same construction (for example the fire ceremony of Pagan era with the Candlemas ceremony in Christian church. ) Methodology: Participatory observation¡ which is one of the most common methods in ethnography¡ was employed in this article. The author for several times and during a long period of time has repeatedly been presented at the feast of «Tiarenaradj» in different cities of Iran among the Armenian communities of Tehran¡ Isfahan and Tabriz as well as in Yerevan the capital city of today’s republic of Armenia and village of Gervezh. Other part of this article is based on library studies¡ especially historical sources in the Armenian language. Results And Discussion: A mytheme is a fundamental generic unit of narrative structure (typically involving a relationship between a character¡ an event¡ and a theme) from which myths are thought to be constructeda minimal unit that is always found shared with other¡ related mythemesand reassembled in various ways or linked in more complicated relationships. Claude Levi Strauss states that¡ «If one wants to establish a parallel between structural linguistics and the structural analysis of myths¡ the correspondence is established¡ not between mytheme and word but between mytheme and phoneme”. Some of the pagan ceremonies of Armenians¡ despite the opposition of the Church¡ have been able to survive up to our times¡ through adaptation with the doctrine of Christianity. One can trace the elements of change¡ such as the name of fire festival into Candlemas or the Armenian translation of it “Tiarenaradj” with replacement of pagan with church ceremonies in the structural semiotics and on the paradigmatic axis and combination of these elements in syntagmatic axis with new meaning and concept. The concept of ceremonies can be analyses through structural linguistics as well. A “phoneme” is the smallest unit in a language that is capable to change the meaning. Levi Strauss adapts this concept in mythology and suggests the word “mytheme “that functions like phoneme in the context of mythology. This article intends to show how the feasts and cultural events can be explained based on these two principles in semiotics and linguistics sphere. Conclusion: Ceremonies provide an opportunity for leisure time. They are events that people are looking forward. They can be conceived as time schedules for people to organize their life. Besides¡ feasts and subsequent celebrations create a favorable psychological state of mind for community members. Attempts to work together are hindered by different people with different social statues¡ to understand the situation and bring in their participation. After the collapse of Armenian Kingdom in the 14th century¡ Armenians for centuries did not have national state they lived in diaspora far from their historical land. Armenians scattered in all over the world. They lost their normal life style for a long period. Despite the unfair situation¡ these women have tried to revive the cultural norms of their ancestors in new lands. To them gaining knowledge about other cultures it was not optional. It was necessary to learn¡ understand and deal with new circumstances competently. Prominent Results: Adaptation is always known as the main key of survival. Armenians despite their socio-political life experience were capable to hold their cultural norms and believe through series of modifications and adaptations that were dictating to them. Participation in a cultural event makes them part of group that has the common experience¡ expectations and strong inter-group ties through celebrating cultural events. The elements of change can be considered as the changes that due to paradigmatic rules can displace each other and make a new meaning with combining new “cultural” units with other units in the syntagmatic axis. Cultural events were considered as a means of communication and identity marker in one hand and in the same time they are signifiers that are holding cultural signified and loyalty to their ethnic group.

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