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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

motamed langarodi fateme

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Studying the fruitful lives of the Imams and their Imams and recognizing their political and cultural course is essential for human society to take steps towards attaining a holistic model of human well-being and good fortune by attaining the behaviors and attitudes of these nobles. In this regard, in this study, the life of Ahmad ibn Musa (AS) from the children of Imam Musa Kazem (AS) and Imam Reza's brother (AS) is examined and explored in order to reconsider his political and cultural course in the great Islamic civilization. Recognized by the importance of the Ahlul-Beit family. Therefore, in view of their influence on the promotion of Islamic culture, it is necessary to explain the policies outlined by the owners of historical and reference books. This descriptive-analytical research seeks to explain the virtues and the context of Ahmad bin Musa (AS) and its place in the development of Shiite culture in Islamic civilization. The findings of the research are based on the fact that Ahmad bin Musa (AS) took a fundamental step in explaining the Imamate of Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (AS) by utilizing the Imamate School of his father and brother and by arresting those in need to spread benevolent school of Ahl al-Bayt. As well as fighting deviant currents to play a role in spreading pure Shiite culture in Islamic society, it took effective steps.

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دعای ندبه یکی از دعاهای پرمحتوا و دارای مضامین عالیه در زمینه امام شناسی و ولایت است. این پژوهش با شیوه توصیفی تحلیلی، به تبیین سیمای پیامبر اکرم و اهل بیت ایشان در دعای ندبه پرداخته و به این نتیجه دست یافته است که دعای ندبه دارای نظم و ترتیب دقیقی است که با حمد و صلوات الهی شروع می شود، بعد از آن به موضوع انبیای الهی اشاره میشود و از ارسال رسولان یعنی از آدم تا خاتم سخن به میان می آید و پس از بیان نقش تاریخی انبیایی که از آنها نام میبرد، ما را متوجه نقش تاریخی حضرت محمد(ص) نموده و در همین راستا از جانشینی بلافصل حضرت علی(ع) و نیز جایگاه ویژه اهل بیت بحث می کند. دقت در مطالب والای این دعا ما را متوجه سرنوشت جامعة بیتوجه به جایگاه اهلبیت در طی کردن مسیر هدایت می کند.

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Abaha means to consider permissible or permissible an illegitimate act in the society. Its origins are in the West, and its foundations are based on schools such as humanism and liberalism. Their goal is to eliminate God-centeredness in society and replace human-centeredness and absolute freedom with material and worldly goals. The influence of Western culture in the field of practice and instrumental opinion is in line with achieving the goals of capitalism and superior profit. From the past until now, the Westerners have been trying to achieve their goals and ideals in the Islamic society in various ways by relying on different tools. This article seeks to address this issue in a descriptive-analytical way and in library studies. The current of obscenity is one of the new intellectual tools of the West in influencing the culture of the Islamic society. The pathology of Islamic culture from this current is a good way to deal with it and the culture is not affected by it.

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With the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the world of arrogance that once faced a new and unprecedented discourse has taken action against all kinds of methods to stop the trajectory of its growing movement. It was then that in international support the longest war in the 20th century was waged against the Islamic Revolution, but at the end of this hard war, the Iranian revolution had become a huge tree, Therefore, soft methods were adopted to deal with it. This article first introduces the necessity and necessity of understanding the enemy Khamenei, according to the political thought of Imam, the doctrine of soft war and the principles governing the commanders, officers and soldiers of the soft war to fight in this arena, and according to the opinions of the pundits, review the conceptual pattern of this confrontation. It is suggested that the formation of a supreme council of soft war, like the formation of a war of war at the time of sacred defense, The passage of legislation in this respect by the parliament and the strengthening of the intellectual and scholarly cells, the jihadi and the formation of diplomatic missions at different levels of the country. this paper has been developed in a descriptive-analytical research method and has been used to collect data required from books and articles contained in libraries.

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Peace and friendship are one of the most important and fundamental unifying principles in society. One of the defined tasks of sovereignty in the human system is to secure, safeguard and strengthen the peace infrastructure in society. One of the foundations of unity in society is the establishment of fairness and justice, whose intelligent and rational implementation among the different classes and classes of society is a guarantee of lasting, dynamic and profound peace and security; In social interactions, there is an increase in the popularity of one another and, as a result, the foundation of peace in society. At a glance, one who is bound to seek and think differently in his social interactions has been an important and influential element in the process, unknowingly joining the process of peace and security. In our scriptures and literature we have in various ways deepened and consolidated the principles and principles of reconciliation and mediation among individuals of particular interest, reflecting the inescapable fact that Islam has always been a advocate of peace and friendship and of conflict. And the fight was on. The purpose of this descriptive-analytical study is to take a look at one of the most important passages of the letter of Nahj al-Balagha, 31 known as the Golden Rule, and its manifestation in Iranian poets' poetry. Is.

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آرامگاهها در معماری و فرهنگ ایران از جایگاه ویژهای برخوردارند. یکی از اعصاری که در زمینه ساخت و ایجاد تزیینات آرامگاهها قابل توجه است عصر تیموری میباشد. دوران حکومت تیموریان یکی از درخشانترین ادوار تمدن اسلامی و دوران اعتلای هنر و معماری محسوب میشود. سبک اصلی معماری تیموری در محدودهی مثلثی بین سه شهر مشهد، سمرقند و هرات شکوفا شد که بناهای هرات شباهت بیشتری به بناهای خراسان امروز دارد و شاید بتوان آنها را پلی میان ماوراءالنهر و مرکز ایران دانست. آرامگاههای خانوادگی و نیز بناهایی که بر قبور شخصیتهای سیاسی و علمی این دوره ساخته شده به نوعی نمایانگر سبک معماری آن همچون سردرها و گنبدهای مرتفع و پیازی شکل و نیز تزئینات زیبا با غلبه رنگ لاجوردی است که چشم هر بینندهای را به خود جلب میکند. افزون بر این بناها، مساجد و مدارسی نیز متصل و گاه در همجواری آرامگاهها ساخته میشد که معماری این بخش از مجموعه آثار نیز قابل تحسین است. مجموعه مقابری همچون شاه زنده، گور امیر و نیز زیارتگاههایی که بر قبور شیخ احمد جامی، ابوبکر تایبادی و. . . ساخته شدند از زیباترین ابنیه آرامگاهی این دوره به شمار میروند. در این پژوهش به روش کتابخانهای و شیوه توصیفی به بررسی موردی معماری و تزیینات آرامگاههای عصر تیموری پرداخته شده است.

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