In this research, effect of surface characteristics including restitution coefficient, cohesion factor, sliding friction and rolling resistance on the green pellet motion on the roller screen were studied numerically with the aid of discrete element method (DEM). Sensitivity analysis pertaining to integration time step and surface meshing were conducted to ensure the results accuracy. Curve fitting were applied on the numerical results to represent the critical speed versus the surface characteristics in mathematical functions. Based on the obtained results, the critical speed was increased by increasing the sliding friction however, when this coefficient exceeds a limit (around 0. 3) its impact became negligible. Moreover, it was revealed that by increasing the rolling resistance, the critical speed was reduced. Regarding the restitution coefficient, it was observed that increasing this factor increases the possibility of remaining the pellet between the rollers. Furthermore, it was concluded that cohesion can cause increasing or decreasing of the critical speed depending on the other surface characteristics.