The subject of Divine Justice in Legislation (Tashrī ') has always been focused by religious thinkers. In this paper, justice is studied in Ayā t al-Aḥ kā m regarding family, particularly marital relationship, in the extent of “ order to good behavior” mentioned in Surah An-Niā ’ (4): 19. First, the necessity of the issue shall be proved through the context of the verse, encompassing the good over various marital relationships, the same narrations, the famous prophetic saying of “ ﺎ ﮭ ﺑ ﯽ ﻨ ﺜ ﻌ ﺑ ﷲ نﺎ ﻓ قﻼ ﺧ ﻻ ا مرﺎ ﮑ ﻤ ﺑ ﻢ ﮑ ﯿ ﻠ ﻋ ” (you should behave in good because I was only appointed to complete moral virtues), the imperative verb “ اوﺮ ﺷ ﺎ ﻋ ” (consort with them), determining criminal reactions to the abuse of good behavior in Civil Law, and not-separating morality from the necessities of marriage. Then in a different approach from the previous which have only studied the semantic, legal and moral scope of this ruling, the justice of this decree is proposed in the examples that the commentators and jurists for the good behavior have been shown in the range of approaches, such as: bilateral of this ruling, selection of man as the addressee of the verse, the application of the verb “ ﻦ ھ وﺮ ﺷ ﺎ ﻋ ” for the harmony of the good behavior with custom, scope of good behavior in various areas of life, consideration of individual characteristics of woman, special approach to the woman’ s temperament, the approach to all women’ s rights, compatibility with the man’ s abilities and God’ s wisdom in marriage issue, the order to associate with women in a good manner even if the man hates and the possible consequences out of the realm of good behavior.