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Aims: In the Safavid era, due to the government’ s approach to the issue of collective life, as well as attention to the issue of national unity and the society unity, certain changes can be observed in the type and manner of social activities. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to investigate the impacts of the Safavid government on the formation of urban spaces. It is considered the process of turning the bridges built during this period, such as the Allahverdi Khan and Khajoo Bridges, into the context of group activities and the role of the government in it. Instruments & Methods: In this study, with the interpretive historical method, Safavid Travelogue to extract social activities has been studied. Then, by explaining the role of government in such activities, the causes of government agency in holding various social events are examined and the creation of Allah Verdi Khan and Khaju Bridges as a place of collective behavior of the people are then analyzed. Findings: Since the legitimacy of the Safavid government relies on the national unity, the public territory, as the sphere of communication of society, has become the scene of national and religious events, and the government has been responsible for establishing and forming many social events. Hence, spaces such as Naqsh-e Jahan Square, Chaharbagh Street, as well as Allah Verdi Khan and Khaju Bridges have been formed during this period. Conclusion: The urban bridges of Safavid era, i. e. Allah Verdi Khan and Khaju Bridges, have become the context of social activities of the people and the king, and instead of the mere function of a passage, they have formed a key collective space in the structure of Isfahan with their special architecture.

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The most extensive contemporization of Iranian urban districts began in the first Pahlavi Era. During this period, coming Reza Shah’ s modernist government to power, renovation projects began and the face of many cities in Iran is changed. In this regard, the examination of the state of identity from two theoretical and practical dimensions during this period seems to be a reviewable and essential matter. The question that arises here is what is the position of identity in the theoretical dimensions and practical measures of planning and implementing urban contemporization plans carried out between 1925 and 1978? . To answer the questions, the present study is conducted by analytical-descriptive research method. In this regard, the projects implemented in the years 1925 to 1978 are classified in two first and second Pahlavi periods. Finally, the approach of each period and its measures are analyzed in terms of tendency towards differentiation, similarity, and unity in the realization of identity. The results show that the approach to identity in the first Pahlavi Era is in its tendency towards modernity and renovation as development symbol, and in the second Pahlavi Era, with the tendency of regeneration and contemporization plans, the approach is moving from predominance of the distinction of identity towards the continuing and preserving unity in identity.

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Housing and its related policies are important for every government. The rapid growth of urban population and the lack of space and environmental problems caused by large industries have implanted these industries outside city limits. Aiming at preserving their workforce and making them more comfortable with organizing institutional housing, these industries have adopted various policies for this purpose. The aim of this paper is to study the pathology of organizational housing location. To achieve this, the present study has analysed the planning of construction of residential houses for about 850 employees of Bandar Abbas Gas Condensate Refinery in the first phase and 1200 people in the second phase. Accordingly, residence satisfaction and quality of life environment were examined firstly, and then locating organizational houses with the same situation inside the city and its outside limits were investigated. Gas Condensate Refinery employees and their needs were identified and prioritized based on the priorities of the refinery management and the rate of importance coefficient using the Delphi method. Comparative studies of housing in both indoor and outdoor options have been performed qualitatively at first and then organizational accommodation options with AHP ranking model. Comparative economic studies are also presented in a separate section due to their slightly more accurate predictability. Finally, after the studies, the suggestions and classification of housing types in accordance with the housing and organizational audience and the proposed strategies for optimal accommodation of employees have been presented. The key finding of this study is that the establishment of organizational housing units near an industry will not necessarily be economically, socially or environmental successful compared to supply in central cities.

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Aims: The purpose of this study is to measure the level of social sustainability in distressed urban areas and explain its components in the historical and marginal context of Ardabil as two examples of distressed urban areas. Methods: The data were collected by library method and questionnaire in 2018 and analyzed by one-sample t-test, factor analysis and regression analysis. The sample consisted of 200 inhabitants of historical texture and 200 inhabitants of marginal context who were sampled by cluster sampling method. Findings: The components of social sustainability in both studied areas were inadequate. However, the marginal context was worse than historical area. Based on the results of factor analysis, factors that contribute to the improvement of social sustainability are in the subset of the four main factors, which together explain 63% to 68% of variance of the social sustainability as dependent variable. Also the effect of various factors in each area was significantly different. As, the most important factor affecting social sustainability in the historical context is the social capital that explained by variables such as social participation, social interactions, social trust, and collective identity. In contrast, the most important factor affecting social sustainability in marginalized area is the availability of amenities and infrastructural facilities that are explained by variables such as housing quality, security and access to public services. Conclusion: The final result was that the existence of intrinsic differences between historical and marginal context requires the development of separate regeneration schemes for each context in accordance with their characteristics.

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By the middle of the Qajar period, the discursive sphere in Iran gradually affected by a kind of modern awareness and a need for national identity. Indeed, the rise of nationalism as a modern idea provided the context for attention to cultural heritage. It was after the Constitutional Revolution (1906 AD) and with the opening of the National Assembly that policy-making and institutionalization began. It was in line with this institutionalization that in the last years of the Qajar period, a group of political elites founded an association called the National Relics Society (NRS). This society has undertaken a variety of activities aimed at identifying and celebrating cultural heritage, such as holding lectures, identifying and restoring historic buildings, and erecting monuments. The present study aims to examine the cultural-historical context within which the NRS was established. It explores that what groups and in what manner contributed to the emergence of the NRS? To answer these questions, it has been organized by historical method and is based on the analysis of the content of first-hand sources. The findings provide us with the efforts of three groups: intellectuals, political elites and orientalists in the plan of necessity, objectification, and the continuation of the NRS. The results show that the ideas of the intellectuals, which were mostly reflected in the periodicals, provided the basis for the idea of the NRS. In addition, political activists became a practical arm for the idea, and eventually the Orientalists, by expressing their views, played a role in perpetuating and enriching its activities.

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It’ s vital to recognize the industrial heritage as a part of the urban design process and the conservation of architectural heritage. This is not just about indicative factories, but include all the structures and elements that somehow relate to industrial activities. A place is a part of a culture that, over time has given certain meanings to that space. It is undeniable that, in the overall structure of the city, the conservation of industrial heritage is one of the most important aspects of preserving the cultural identity of that city, which can enhance the cultural identity of the community. Adaptive reuse is the most common and sustainable strategy for preserving and developing the industrial heritage, providing the platform for conservation of urban identity and enhancing a sense of place. This study investigates related documents and theories to the use of logical reasoning strategy and content analysis and analyze Tabriz Salambur Factory and Igualada Factory in Spain as case studies in comparative method. The findings of this study show that reusing of Igualada not only protecting the industrial value of construction but also keeping its heritage. Something that not accrued for Salambur factory as a result of not paying attention to inherit value of construction and adapt proper usage. Moreover, it causes fading out the role of this construction in the way of continuous urban heritage. Keywords Industrial Heritage; Adaptive Reuse; Urban Identity; Salambur Factory; Igualada

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Pourzargar M. | Abedini S



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Aims: Religious places are considered as important areas in cities so that they have supplied the bio balance and social life in the past. The development of cities and population growth have disrupted the balance of such textures and caused fundamental changes in their structure. An example of this issue is the inefficient texture of Emamzadeh Saleh (AS) which has been damaged in terms of historical values with the expansion of the city and its adjacent commercial space. Thus, regeneration of this urban area based on the recognition of contextual problems and the attitude of Islamic city studies and contemporization is among the objectives of the present study. Instruments & Methods: This study is applied-developmental and its method is based on descriptive-analytical method. The library is the data collection tool for discussing the component of regeneration and the criteria are extracted through analyzing the data. In addition, the analysis of texture is performed through field surveys and observations. Findings: By reviewing the previous studies, Islamic city strategies are explained based on environmental, physical, economic, and social criteria and the components of contemporization are extracted based on these criteria. Besides, the strengths and weaknesses of the adjacent urban area have explored for identifying the regeneration components. Conclusion: Urban regeneration facing runaway development requires an identity-oriented and originality-based approach in order to restore the past social value based on society needs by the help of the latest factors. In Islamic city studies, the status of religious places is of great importance in quality improvement and its epitome is contemporization adjacent areas of Ememzadeh Saleh (AS).

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