In this research, the effect of palm tissue densification on coating quality was investigated. From the palm trunk, specimens of 5 × 10 cm with thicknesses of 2, 2. 3 and 2. 5 cm were prepared and put into a conditioning room (T = 25 ° C and RH=65% ) for reaching a moisture content of 12%. Densification of samples was performed in three stages: warming, densification and steam treatment. Then, the samples were coated with alkyd, water and solvent based polyurethane and to evaluate properties, colorimetric, roughness and tensile adhesion tests were done. Based on the colorimetric results, the lightness was reduced in all samples by densification. Also, after coating the brightness of the samples decreased and the yellowness and redness of the samples increased. Statistical analysis showed that there is a significant difference in the brightness parameter (L *) between 10% and 20% compressed and control samples with water-based polyurethane coating. The results of roughness test showed that after densification and coating samples, the roughness of all samples was reduced and the best performance for the compressed sample was 10% with the solvent-based polyurethane, which had 4 times less roughness on average than the control sample. According to the results of adhesion test, the adhesion rate increased in all treatments with increasing densification percentage and the highest amount was observed in compressed samples by 10%. In other words, due to the densification and cohesion of the palm texture, the surface roughness decreased and improved by up to 10% of the adhesion resistance due to better penetration of the coating as well as the compressive strength of the fiber in the compressed sample.