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The main purpose of the research is to scrutiny the viewpoint of the Islamic Revolution leaeder, about cyberspace and intuition its policy implications. Therefore, the present study seeks to achieve this object, due to the contents published by him, including lectures, orders, letters and announcement about cyberspace and social networks. The overall research strategy is qualitative and the data collection method is library. To access cyberspace data, all speeches, orders, letters and notices of the Supreme Leader Searched in machine way by the keywords of cyberspace, internet, cyber, social networks, mobile and cellphone, on the website of the Office of Conservation and Publication. According to the search result, the date of the data is between the beginning of October 1998 and the end of June 1998. The analyze of the data is based on the Walcott’ s thematic analysis method. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the themes extracted from the revolutionary leader's content about cyberspace and the themes network, his overall policy view about this subject is understandable in a civilized context, and the opportunity-based approach to cyberspace outweighs the threat-oriented view. In this view, three options can be deduced as follows: “ ignoring the cyberspace as a large-scale phenomenon” , “ premature entry or mere synchronization with cyberspace’ s technological developments” and “ deliberate and intentional entry” , based on the results of content analysis and interpretation and the revolutionary leader's civilized view about cyberspace, intelligently and purposeful interaction and entry into this space, is preferred option.

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The Statement of second step of the Islamic Revolution as a strategic plan issued by Ayatollah Khamenei on the 40th anniversary of Islamic Revolution of Iran. The discourse analysis of the statement can reveal the principles and values embedded in the ideology of the Islamic Revolution and detect the historical statements associated with the text. The main question of research is that what structures, contextual issues and textual relations are formed in the statement as well as mutual influences of the declaration discourse are based on which social and Institutional elements. This paper uses the critical discourse analysis method of Fairclough, in three parts of description, interpretation and explanation for undermining relations and ideological discourse of declaration. The analysis of vocabulary and grammatical properties of the statement indicates that the author is seeking to creation of an interactive dialogue and aims to illustrate the path of the goverment's future with explaining the spirit and noble ideals of revolution for youth and narrative of the difficult course of Islamic Revolution. The verbs used in the text indicate the author's absolute commitment to the statement and the clarity of the author's view of the worldview. the study of Intertextual fields, reflects the author's emphasis on self-efficacy and reminding internal and international events. In the study of the reciprocal effects of discourse with institutional and social structures, the statement has been dealt with "intellectual system of revolution leaders" and the impact of the declaration regarding the knowledge of the "Islamic community of Iran".

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hence, the main aim of this paper is to suggest the optimal exchange rate arrangement with targets of resistive economy in Iran. For achieving this, we used the DSGE approach. In this model, economic agents such as households, firms, government, monetary authorities and foreign sector have been considered. The empirical model have been investigated in three exchange rate scenarios such as pegged exchange rate, free or independent floating and managed floating exchange rate arrangements in Iran by using of DYNARE platform and MATLAB software. The main findings of model evaluation showed that the free floating or independent floating exchange rate arrangement has more resilient in comparison with pegged and managed floating exchange rate arranements. So, this arrangement has more comparability with resistive economy indices in Iran. Moreover, if the preference of consumption to the domestic commodities has increases, the performance of free floating exchange rate arrangement will increase. By the empirical findings of this study, we can argued that the central bank and monetary authorities adopt the free floating exchange rate system and modify the consumption pattern with emphasis on prefence to consumption of domestic products.

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Purpose: The present study aimed to design a model of commitment of managers in the Iranian administrative system with an Iranian-Islamic approach. Methodology: Since this research has been conducted with an Iranian-Islamic approach, the texts used include the literature on the commitment of managers and the criteria for their selection and appointment, upstream documents of the system (constitution, state service management law, Imam Khomeini and speeches of Ayatollah Khamenei) And Qur'anic and narrative sources (Quran, Nahj al-Balaghah and software of Jame Alahidith). In this research, the qualitative content analysis method has been used to combine the findings. After extracting the codes, grouping, categorizing and abstraction, validation of the model was done by calculating the CAPA coefficient by a well-known expert. Findings: The most important finding of this research is to provide a native model of managerial commitment in Iran's administrative system. This template consists of 3 dimensions of commitment to the system, commitment to the organization and commitment to the citizen, and 9 components and 34 indicators. Based on the proposed model, this research can define commitment as a set of moral, value-based, and political-behavioral qualities, shared by administrative system administrators, and the behavioral characteristics of those features in selecting individuals to be significant managerial positions.

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Seyed Nourani Seyed Mohamad Reza | Ebadi Morteza | Amini Amroallah | Taghavi Fard Mohammad Taghi

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The assessment of the Iranian economy shows that banks play the role of Iran's economic artery and economic sanctions have also targeted Iran's economy arteries over the past decade. Therefore, evaluation the performance of Iranian banks and the impact of sanctions on this performance has a very important role in Future policies. This study aimed to Investigating the Performance and Impact of Sanctions on Iran's Banks in the period of 1395-1379. To evaluate this performance, have been used data envelopment analysis method and Bootstrap algorithm. The findings of the research show that the type of return to scale of the Iranian banking network has been constant during the mentioned time period and the Bootstrap algorithm has caused the realization and reduction of the average efficiency over the mentioned time period. With the Bootstrap algorithm applied during this period, the Iranian banks have not been fully efficiency at all years. The Bootstrap algorithm reduces the average performance by seven percent. The best performance of Iran's banks was in 2004 and the worst performance was in 2012 (the year of peak of sanctions). The assessment effect of sanction variable on the performance of the banking system shows that sanctions have a negative and significant effect on banking performance. So that a percent increase in sanctions level has caused the efficiency of the Iranian banks is reduced by 0. 14 percent. In the regression estimation, applying the Bootstrap algorithm improves the t-statistic and the meaningful level of independent variables.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Considering its geopolitical importance, the Islamic Republic of Iran play an important role in shaping the power equations in the West Asian region And try to create his own order. While in West Asia there are numerous structures and actors that influence the shaping of the power system. Therefore, the impact of the "structure of international power system" and "the structure of regional power system" and trans-regional and regional actor are impotent on Iran's geopolitical position in West Asia. The purpose of research is to answer the question of what are the future scenarios of the geopolitical position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the West Asian power system in 1410? To answer this question, we use Scenarios with method of Critical uncertainty. Gathering and analyzing the driver forces that influence the future of the geopolitical position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the West Asian regional power system in vision of 1410 show that two driver forces "the type of Iran-Saudi relationship" and "the extent of US intervention" Have more uncertainty. Therefore, using these two uncertainties for write scenarios related to the future geopolitical position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in West Asia in 1410.

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