In the last decade, factors such as economic crises, population growth, demand for further education, the relationship between education and employment, and rapid technological changes and information have affected, in particular, the employment and skills needed for the labor market. Also, changing the power of the hardware to smart and soft power has caused the quality of education and research to be one of the main concerns of higher education systems in most countries of the world. In the past two decades, some countries have reduced this concern by continuously evaluating and improving the quality of education and, in a faster and better way, reach the level of desirable global standards, and therefore, in the field of competition, the element of time has particular importance, and any waste of time means retardation and failure in reaching mentioned objectives. In this article, while referring to the necessity of improving the quality of continuing education system of higher education, first, the gained experience for capacity building of the educational system upgrade has been analyzed. Also, according to the existing criteria, the most successful efforts related to capacity building are mentioned. Accordingly, strategies to improve the quality of higher education in the country have been discussed, including the change in attitudes and insights, scientific management, decentralization, the competitive system for the employment of university professors, the link between university and industry and technology, interaction and scientific development, establishing the structure of university communication with institutions and social organizations, etc.