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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Achieving power, excellence, and prosperity and wealth generation through utilization of new technologies such as nanotechnology is considered as one of Iran’ s Meta-policies. This research was conducted to assess and analyze the cooperation of industrial companies and nanotechnology oriented businesses in a process of developing a new product. Its goal is to recognize major challenges and propose new approaches and solutions to overcome them. To do so, multiple long-term case studies method was implemented upon nanotechnology businesses from 2010 to 2017. To gather data for this article, semi-structured interviews were conducted with business managers and directors and company CEOs, also documents such as meeting agendas and agreements were analyzed to complement the interviews. To assess and analyze the date open and axial coding method was used. Some challenges include lack of knowledge between new businesses and industrial companies, existential discrepancy of academic knowledge of a new business and traditional ways of a company towards innovation of new products and services, prolonged process of developing a new product and its complexities and expenses, oversimplified view of new product development, risks and mistrusts, unfair financial benefits made by cooperation and unwillingness of industrial companies to progress towards new fields of technologies. Based on the mentioned challenges, related approaches and solutions were compiled to resolve them.

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Rule of Law is one of the historical ideals of Iranians. The main goal of the Constitutional Movement in Iran was "Law". Intellectuals from various nationalistic and religious groups, as well as ordinary people, Looked at the idea of eradicating despotism and achieving progress, from the perspective of the "Rule of Law". "Rule of Law" has experienced many changes since Constitutional Movement up to now, "Constitution"-the spirit of Law-is considered as one of the major achievements of both the Constitutional Movement as well as Islamic Revolution. It is in the Constitution that the civil law, the public law, and the public international law is defined and established. Although the separation of powers and civil law are stipulated in the Constitution, the Rule of Law practically has been faced with serious challenges. We think if Iran has encountered impediments in its development path, it relates to country’ s weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the realm of the Rule of Law and the legal system. The aim of this article is to achieve to a conceptual and strategic model for the Rule of Law in the Islamic Republic of Iran by taking advantage of the historical development of legal theories both in the West and in Iran as well as experiences of people in different societies reflected in the political science. Thus, we try to detect the weaknesses and challenges of establishing the idea of the Rule of Law from both theoretical and practical viewpoints so that we are able to overcome the challenges of the Rule of Law in Iran. This effort, we hope, may contribute to achieving Iran’ s national progress and development plans.

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Earthquake is among natural disasters faced by humans, and Iran is among countries which are especially prone to such disasters. With regard to high frequency of earthquakes in Iran, more attention should be given to earthquake crisis management in Iran, especially in Tehran, which enjoys high strategic significance as the capital city of Iran and is seriously susceptible to quakes. Building scenarios is a tool for strategic planning when faced with future uncertainties and has been in focus for a few decades. Therefore, given the inefficiencies of crisis management in Tehran, it is suggested to adopt the scenario building approach to reduce the impact of Tehran's earthquake. In this study, data has been collected by interviewing 10 scientific and executive elites, and theme analysis has been applied to analyze data. Finally, five important themes including the necessity of scenario building, barriers, challenges facing scenario building, the best solution to provide the ground for scenario building, requirements of scenario building as well the consequences of the scenario building have been identified. Study of these themes shows that development of an integrated system with the goal of supporting scenario building, documentation, information sharing, coordinating organizations, and emphasis on expertise, are major steps which should be taken to improve crisis management. In addition, further studies are needed to prepare the necessary infrastructures of earthquake crisis management across Iran and Tehran.

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In the last decade, factors such as economic crises, population growth, demand for further education, the relationship between education and employment, and rapid technological changes and information have affected, in particular, the employment and skills needed for the labor market. Also, changing the power of the hardware to smart and soft power has caused the quality of education and research to be one of the main concerns of higher education systems in most countries of the world. In the past two decades, some countries have reduced this concern by continuously evaluating and improving the quality of education and, in a faster and better way, reach the level of desirable global standards, and therefore, in the field of competition, the element of time has particular importance, and any waste of time means retardation and failure in reaching mentioned objectives. In this article, while referring to the necessity of improving the quality of continuing education system of higher education, first, the gained experience for capacity building of the educational system upgrade has been analyzed. Also, according to the existing criteria, the most successful efforts related to capacity building are mentioned. Accordingly, strategies to improve the quality of higher education in the country have been discussed, including the change in attitudes and insights, scientific management, decentralization, the competitive system for the employment of university professors, the link between university and industry and technology, interaction and scientific development, establishing the structure of university communication with institutions and social organizations, etc.

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Time "is the category where the social and individual acts of a human being take place, and it has a central place in the ordering and organizing of daily life of actors, the realization of social processes, planned development and management of societies. The purpose of this research is to examine the semantic system of Isfahanian citizens from time in terms of understanding, interpretation and their experience of time and temporality in everyday life. The study method is a qualitative type of interpretive phenomenology. After conducting in-depth interviews with 26 persons and discovering the basic concepts and important categories during coding with Colaizzi’ s method, seven major categories were obtained: overcoming the imbalanced speed on balanced speed; development-oriented/depletion development movements in the path of life; development promoter/inhibitor orientations and actions; inefficient temporal combination of events on the path; stagnant temporal organization; the overcoming of passive temporality over self-directed temporality; the dominance of present on past and future. All of these categories depict the conceptual space of the dual-core theme of "development-oriented/depletion development temporality". The lived experience of individuals suggests that presentism, uncertainty and selfish actions with an erratic rhythm in the path to life have overcome on futurism, certainty, and developmental actions with balanced social speed. The consequence of this is the formation of an inefficient temporality that prevents the realization of development processes in the light of the common horizons and expectations.

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The present study analyzes the regional policies of Saudi Arabia from years 2003 to 2017 in confrontation and encounter with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Saudi Arabia, which was known as a conservative country and protective of existing status in the region until 2003, changes were made in their regional policies after this period and they adopted offensive and active politics and started to confront and encounter with the Islamic Republic of Iran at an increasing rate up to now. Oil that has always been Saudi Arabia’ s main income plays a key role in consolidating the foundations of this country's economy and providing the necessary conditions and facilities to pursue foreign policy strategies and goals by Riyadh. For this reason, Saudi policies in the region versus Iran, in three periods of (2003-2006), (2006-2011) and (2011-2016), will be analyzed. According to this research, the main question is why Saudi’ s regional policy from 2003 to now has been increasing at an alarming rate? To answer this question, first we analyze and assess Saudi Arabia’ s offensive policies after 2003 and Saddam's fall until 2017. This study is written with an offensive realism theory in mind, using library and internet data and by the analytical descriptive method.

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The purpose of this study is to identify and rank components of the defense culture and national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran from the point of view of the Supreme Leader. In terms of purpose, this is an applied research and in terms of method, it uses both quantitive and qualitative methods. In the qualitative section of the text analysis, based on supreme leader’ s statements on the dimensions and components of defense; and national power were analyzed, and in a small part of the research, survey method was applied. The statistical population of the qualitative section of the scientific resources related to the subject and the statistical population of the section is a sample of 15 experts selected by snowball sampling method. Researchers made a questionnaire and a targeted sampling method was used. The analysis is based on matrix analysis using AHP. Defense culture and national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran, from the structural and material aspects, include seven components: national determination and national well-being; defense ability; economic authority; geopolitical extent and location; population and ethnic diversity; scientific progress; energy and natural resources. Also, the content and spiritual aspect include six components: strengthening of national morale; popular participation; self-reliance; self-esteem; the culture of jihad and martyrdom; insight and anti-pathology. The components of effective defense culture of the strength of national power from the perspective of the leadership of the framework include intellectual, cultural, political and economical; and most important components are insight, scientific progression and understanding the concept of “ enemy” .

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Among the important issues in the field of social damages are the addiction and drugs. This study carried out with the aim of identifying the obstacles of the execution of public policies in the filled of fighting against drugs, declared by supreme leader in the course of the pathology to implement public policies. Therefore 18 experts were interviewed applying case study strategy. Based on the thematic analysis, a thematic network of the obstacles to implement the meta-policies in fighting against drugs emerged. Findings of this research indicate that actors, process, structure, and the context of making policies had played the main role in implementations of the policies. In the next step, the elements of the thematic network were arranged in the framework of CIPP and the relations between them. In this pattern, meta-policies on fighting against drugs in inputs, actors, processes, and the structure of making policies within processing and the context of making policies were placed. Eventually, the nonefficient performance of meta-policies in fighting against drugs is regarded as an outcome of this pattern.

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