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Nowadays, the attention to Islamic economics has grown as a special approach and discourse in the field of economics, and Islamic economists emphasize this approach to theorizing Economic issues. The results of this approach can play a prominent role in the economic policies of Muslim countries. The review of recent economic literature, especially institutional economics, shows that today's economic literature emphasizes the impact of the economics of countries by cultural and religious components. In this paper, the effect of Islamic economic indicators on Iran's economic growth rate has been studied using dynamic simulation method. For this purpose, a macro-econometric model for Iran economy has been designed to measure the impact of Islamic economic indicators on a number of macroeconomic variables. After estimating the related equations using the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag method for the period 1963-1393, the validity of the specified macro model was measured. The results of single equations as well as the simulation power test of the specified macro model indicated the positive effect of Islamic economic indicators on the economic growth rate of Iran.

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mojahedi moakhar mohammad mahdi



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The Economics Values are the result of Economic Human’ s measurement of Society environment. These values are categorized in subjective and objective concepts. Also subjective and objectives value could play different roles in dynamic systems. In particular, the discovery of Maximum principle for optimal path can be described as a dynamics objective and subjective values. In this regard, dynamic Subjective values rely on mental variables such as: time preference, liquidity premium, and impatience, rate of marginal utility diminishing and time elasticity of consumption. Dynamic Objective values emphasize on natural root of value, such as: labor value’ s theorem, population growth and in some case implies production function’ s condition like that capital rate of return and in some cases they imply. The collection of these values create dynamic phenomena in economics literature. The phenomena like that intertemporal interest rate, interatemporal interest rate, wage rate, population growth could be explained. In This paper the concepts of value and its dynamic feature in Islamic philosophy (as a paradigm of Islamic economics thought) has been explained. In this regard, the paper introduces the concept of movement and time (as an ability to move and continuity and gradually actualized) in Islamic philosophy. In another step, the criticizes optimal time path of consumption, saving, capital accumulation growth and money growth path in dynamic control problem by argument and paradigm of Islamic philosophy of time and motion. As a result, the paper concludes that the time variables which do not have subjective roots and do not have the ability of moving and growth in dynamic optimal path. in contrast, the dynamic values which relay on human factor could create economic growth.

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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the business cycles quiddity in the Islamic economic system. Thus, by using the grounded theory method, it was concluded that if people accompany the divine governor and according to the thanksgiving indicator, the blessings increase. and also by turning their individual consumptions to social consumption, the public care principle prevents of the demand shortage occurrence and a consistent level of demand in the economy is maintained at all times. On the other hand, the payment of obligator rights of capital will increase producer profits and will prevent the bankruptcy of other firms and also will help to maintain employment and increase job opportunities. As a result, it can be said that in the Islamic economic system, with the Islamic state establishment, due to the implementation of divine laws in society and the reformation of consuming and investment behaviors, the business cycles do not create.

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Neoclassical economics is considered to be the mainstream of educational and research programs in economics, and other approaches are largely on the brink of these programs. The main discussion and discussion of this article is whether the combination of Islamic economics should also be the same, that is, whether the emphasis of Islamic economics should be on the combination of Islamic teachings with neoclassical literature. In institutional literature, with emphasis on neo-classical optimization constraints, "institutional decisions" and "transaction costs" are important. The main characteristic of religious behavior "institutional act" within the framework of the rules and structures of religious and "reducing transaction costs" have the core functionality of jurisprudence and Islamic ethics is, from this perspective, similarity and congruence form of literature institutional and teachings Aslamyta largely self-evident It will look. The purpose of this article is to deepen and redefine the meaning of this concept in a new way. In this context, and analytical and descriptive approach to comparative literature, the neoclassical and institutional areas of microeconomic we will and will try to emphasize the importance and role of "decision-making institutions", and the importance of reducing "transaction costs" in the economy, explain the proper analysis for It is arguable that economists, compared to neoclassical literature, have much more operational and uniformity in the construction of the combined economic component of Islam. Accordingly, it is necessary to pay special attention to econometric literature in the curriculum of Islamic economics and economics, along with econometric-pedagogical education.

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ccording to economic theory, if there is a compensatory equilibrium in the economy, there will be a competitive equilibrium on condition of positive income for all households. The condition of positive income also will be established when households have resource links with each other. According to a theory of Islamic economics, this relationship of resources (In the economic literature must have certain conditions) can be derived from sources such as Zakat. The present study intends to use a vector error correction model to answer the question that how much the actual amount of Zakat payment will be effective on income inequality in comparison with the amount of potential Zakat. Results after estimating three different models and applying control variables show that using the policy potentials available in Islamic economics, assuming other conditions are fixed, a simultaneous competitive and compensatory equilibrium in the Iranian economy can be established implicitly. In other words, if a policymaker can minimize the gap between actual and potential Zakat by applying some policies, Positive income establishment for all households will be possible.

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Measurement of fundamental factors of subjective poverty is one of the interdisciplinary issues that has been considered by economists in recent years. Subjective poverty represents the feeling, perception, and belief in poverty in individuals, which appears because of different causes and also be accompanied by objective poverty or without that. The main purpose of this article is to assess the relationship between religiousness and subjective poverty. For the achievement to this goal, the paper uses from data of “ study and Measurement of The of Iranin Public Culture Indices plan, (2012)” , that contains from 17000 samples of the population, upper than age 16, conducted in 31 provinces of Iran. The Partial least squares regression (PLS) has been used as the method of data analysis in this research. The Results of the paper indicate that religiousness has a significant and reverse effect on subjective poverty, and the promotion of religiousness reduces the feeling and perception of poverty. Other results show that there is a significant relationship between subjective poverty and variables “ income” and “ trust” .

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According to the first clause of article 110 of Iranian constitution, the supreme leader of Iranian revelation imparted the resilience economic policies in 2014. These policies are complementing the policies of privatization or article 44 of constitution to achieve economic goals. The main goal of this instruction is creating stability in economy. Therefore, in this research we have measured stability of banking system as a main part of economy against macroeconomic shocks. While the resilience economic policies extend the article44, we have divided banks in to two part: public banks and private banks. Then we have used survival analysis and Cox proportional hazard models to measure resilience and bankruptcy threshold of Iranian banks. Results represent that uncertainties of inflation and interest rate have more effect of resilience of banking system. Also results show that the resilience of public banks are two years less than private banks and the resilience and survival time of Iranian banking system is about 5years. Also, the positive coefficient of uncertainty of the GDP growth rate shows that there is a reciprocal relationship between the usury free banking system and the real sector of the economy. Therefore, usury free banking in Iran, due to the lack of attention of the policymaker and the supervisor of the manufacturing sector in providing the banking facility, has failed to its main advantage is to establish a close relationship with the real sector of the economy.

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Achieving economic development is the goal of all nations. Achieving economic growth requires the creation of special mechanisms. Powerful financial markets are among these mechanisms. The development of a variety of economic activities depends on their access to financial services. There are many financing tools in the world right now. Some of these tools can not be used in Islamic societies because of being kidnapped. In the last decade, in the field of Islamic monetary and financial discussions, efforts have been made to design and implement financing instruments in accordance with Islamic teachings. One of these tools is the issuance of Islamic securities called sukuk. These bonds are issued for government financing, financing of enterprises for production and exports, and government affiliated organizations, which are based on Islamic contracts. In this study, with the aim of investigating the relationship and effect of development of Islamic financial instruments (sukuk) on economic growth in Iran, an ARDL model error correction form has been used. In this case, the coefficients of short and long term models and error correction for the period of the fourth quarter of the year The 2010-2010 season is estimated until the fourth quarter of 1394. In the ARDL model error correction form, short-term fluctuations of the variables are related to their long-term equilibrium values. These models are in fact a kind of partial adjustment models that measure the long-term equilibrium with a long-term relationship, effective forces in the short run, and the speed of approaching the long-term equilibrium. The results show that Sukuk publishing has a positive and significant effect on GDP and it can increase economic growth.

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One of the most important and most trusted tissues in the country is the collection around the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS), which in addition to the annual adjacency receives more than 20 million pilgrims. Regarding the importance of the issue of renovation and improvement of the worn texture around the holy shrine of Reza (AS) began in 1993, which, unfortunately, has not had significant progress after more than 20 years. One of the most important reasons for the failure of this project is the financing problem, in particular the provision of funds for the construction of public spaces. In the present study, the willingness of people to participate in the improvement of the worn out texture surrounding the shrine of Imam Reza (AS) through the purchase of bonds was estimated using conditional valuation method. In this way, 240 pilgrims and adjacent people were interviewed. In order to distinguish the factors influencing the decision on participation and the level of participation, the Tobit model and Hackman's two-step method were used. By eliminating incomplete responses, 57 percent of those willing to buy bonds have been deposited. The results of the hacking pattern showed that the variables of trust in local institutions and social consciousness have a significant effect on the decision of respondents to buy papers, and the feeling of belonging to the city and the neighborhood only affects the level of willingness to participate, while the belief in the endowment and the household economic status, Both in the first stage (the decision to pay) and in the second stage (the rate of willingness to pay), has a significant effect. The average willingness to participate was estimated at 1, 660, 000 rials.

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