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Human cognition and experience of being in the landscape are achieved through diverse sensory perceptions such as vision, hearing, smell, tas te, touch, and mind-dependent senses. The importance of these senses in the landscape creates a non-intuitive connection with space, unders tanding aes thetics, the concept of the environment and empowering the human’ s mind about the environment. Senses affect human spatial behavior and the spirit of space, due to their s timulus features. The extent and depth of the experience can create quality for the landscape, known as »sensory richness«. It not only can increase human enjoyment but also make the environment more enjoyable. This increases the variety of sensory experiences for humans as space users. This s tudy refers to coordinate the relationship between the physical environment of contemporary parks regarding the needs and behaviors of users. This also leads to increase its sensory richness by identifying and prioritizing diverse sensory perceptions in the landscape. The present s tudy is related to the mixed nature and the comparative method. After identifying the senses affecting the landscape through the library method, data collection and analysis method in field s tudy will be a combination of two procedures called »Sensewalking« and »Sensory notation«. By Sensewalking method, in each case s tudy, a specific pathway consis ting of primary and secondary pathways, including sensory index elements, was selected for the s tudy. Furthermore, according to previous research, the Hamburg Sensewalking Project by Schultz in 2014, a team of researchers and seven participants, who were mas ters of architecture and urban planning, were formed. The group was already familiar to walk to identify six index sensory points. Semis tructured interviews were conducted with participants during the walk, and the sensory s timuli that triggered people’ s senses everywhere were identified. After identifying six sensory index points, sensory notation was performed to analyze senses. This is followed by connecting the dots on each diagram, in which a gray surface was created. By comparing the area of the painted surfaces in these six points, the sensory richness levels of each spot are determined qualitatively and quantitatively. A comparative s tudy of the sensory richness in the Persian Garden and Niavaran Park reveals that the sensory richness of the Iranian garden, which has an Iranian pattern was well supplied. However, Niavaran Park, which is one of the old gardens of Tehran, changed to the park during the garden transition. This leads to have less sensory richness. Although because of the features of the Iranian garden in Niavaran Park such as the water axis and the row of trees, the visual and auditory preference was the same, the other senses had different priorities. Consequently, modeling the sensory richness of the Iranian garden through identifying and prioritizing diverse sensory perceptions in the landscape can enhance the sensory richness of contemporary parks. This leads to tailor the relationship between the park's physical environment to user needs and behavior. For the sake of sugges tion for future research, we can address the impact of senses on the environmental quality of landscapes and their extent.

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This paper examines the relationship between urban Sprawl and urban compaction with quality of life. By technology progress and the use of fast means of transportation, the deployment of city dwellers was possible in rural areas around the city. However, due to problems in urban centers (such as high price of housing and land, over population jamming, etc. ) population is poured into the suburb and on the other side due to the existence of highways, they were able to meet their requirements easily by refering to urban centers where it was caused spread cities horizontally. Urban sprawl event was s tared at the united states in twentieth century then it was taken in to place in other countries like Iran. And surely conseques of this event have had some effect on quality of life (positive or negative). The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of urban sprawl on the quality of life and the sample is Khoramdareh city. The main question in this study is that if the urban sprawl affects on the quality of life and how much is it? Therefore, after the study and examination of the theories, concepts and approaches to the phenomenon of urban sprawl and quality of life, the global experiences in respect of sprawl and quality of life and indicators of their measurement was investigated. Firs t in the evaluation of case study, causing factors of dispersion in Khoramdareh was analyzed and then urban sprawl was investigated by examining 13 factors in 12 urban district. It was divided into sprawl district (1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12 neighborhoods) and compact districts (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 neighberhoods). Then urban neighberhoods of Khoramdareh gradation based on sprawl from 1 until 12 dirges (11, 12, 10, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 6 neighberhoods). Also quality of life by 18 indexes and questionnaire design by 18 indexes and by filling it in Khoramdeh selected neighberhoods (1 and 11 neighborhoods from sprawl district and 6 and 8 neighborhoods from compact dis trict) were evaluated. The number of questionnaires was calculated by Cochran formula and the number rose to 130 in the four neighberhoods of Khoramdeh and by Using of this technique, the samples were made to collect data. Then the questionnaire data were analyzed and summarized by using of descriptive statistics tools (tables and charts) and finally analyzed by using of inferential statistical techniques and the results was granted with a certain confidence level of extension. Used analysis includes: Mann-Whitney Test and t Test by using of SPSS16 software and exploratory factor analysis by using the LISREL 8. 5 software. The results show that the quality of life in 1 and 11 neighborhoods (ave = 2/5) is upper than the quality of life in 6 and 8 neighborhoods (Average = 2/22), with 95 percent confidence level. And then by this 95 percent confidence level, it can be said that quality of life in sprawl neighberhoods is upper than the quality of life in compact neighborhoods.

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Nowadays, with the emergence of instabilities and their numerous disadvantages hindering the path of development and progress, the paradigm of stability has to the picture and one of the concepts discussed in the paradigm of durability – stability – is the Social Durability, which directs attention toward the demands and qualitative reactions of individuals to the present space. The general interest in the subject of durability and stability which has turned into a strong trend in the contemporary architecture of the world demands a kind of critical reassessment to expurgate and augment the dialog of durability in architecture. In an architectural scale, durability discusses space; therefore, architectural space plays an important role in shaping human behaviors and actions, it plays the role of an institution and a socially acceptable resource. If space bears a meaningful quality, it will change into a specific kind of space which is intertwined with human norms and values and thus is called a place. The qualitative factors refer to social durability and effect spatial quality to be raised, as well as fitting within the limitations of the concept of “ place” , are well known as factors of place durability; which means that the place can handle challenges and problems and adequately react to outside changes. Higher education, as a scientific institution, is obliged to train the skilled workforce in order to attain coordination with the daily changes in our country. Research shows a link between educational quality and human-environment connection. Consequently, achieving social durability of place in educational space is imperative. This research is carried out with the goal of demonstrating the factors of social durability of place and presenting its pattern in architectural educational spaces in the form of developmental and applied research, using an elemental analysis procedure and considering the influential role of a server. Data collection was carried out in two procedures: library and free and in qualitative and quantitative phases. The research was limited to the Architecture Department of the Islamic Art University of Tabriz and sampling was performed in two fundamental combinational procedures: random and deliberate. The results of this research show that the social durability of the place is influenced by a variety of factors which overall, are there to supply the requirements of the servers; and these factors are dependent on each other and to supply them, all factors are required. Also, the results demonstrate and illustrate the effects of six factors on the durability of place: 1)-functional proportions of space (the accordance of demands and the framework conditions of space), 2)-place identity and social interactions, 3)-legibility and proportions of background, 4)-liveliness and visual aesthetics, 5)-comfort of the environment 6)-providing welfare which are all influential. To conclude, the results reveal and determine that resolving the physiological necessities and the need for safety and security were the prior importance for students, in compare with the resolution of needs for attachment and cognitive and aesthetic issues were second place importance.

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Residential areas are important factors in improving the quality of urban life, and since "home" is considered as a place for living and serenity, from the early days of human civilization, a variety of designs, plans and ideas were provided to improve the quality of houses and people are always seeking ways to add comfort and welfare to their lives. Quality can be expressed by defining the manner of phenomenon in different subjects, and the manner of phenomena is determined by the human perception, which is built based on the unders tanding of each phenomenon. Based on the s tatus of human perception and definition on each phenomenon, this study focuses on developing a conceptual model by considering a variety of factors influencing the quality of life in urban contexts. Whether for investment or jus t providing houses for people with low income, the growth of real es tate market and increasing rate of housing cons truction, without any regard to the s tandards of the desirable quality for these living spaces, form undesirable and in harmonious urban fabrics and neighborhoods that has made the image of cities unseemly; in addition, these houses can’ t provide the desirable comfort for residents and citizens. Paying no attention to these issues and their continuous existence in housing construction, has resulted in the loss of real sense for living in cities and gave inconspicuous meaning to the role of residential fabrics in improving mental health and good human relations. Therefore, studying the quality of housing in order to develop strategies for improving the quality of urban housing is critical for the improvement of human housing and living conditions. A brief body of literature, mostly in countries like Netherlands, America, and England, and some in Iran, has focused on housing quality; their methods, evaluations techniques, characteristics and standards have been examined in this research. Compared to previous studies, this study tried to develop a combined model of all effective components on the quality of housing in different dimensions such as social, cultural, economic, psychological-mental, and physical. The aim of this qualitative study is to find practical ways to improve the quality of residential environments, and the used method in this study is analytical. For this research, a questionnaire with 98 questions was developed; the validity of this questionnaire was approved by social scientists and city experts and the reliability was approved by using Cronbach’ s alpha method. This questionnaire was randomly distributed among 384 individuals (who were chosen by using Cochran Formula), and obtained results from these questionnaires were analyzed by means of Pearson correlation test and linear regression model. At the end, by comparing the residential situation in different urban fabrics of Kerman, turned out that Al-Ghadeer neighborhood which is located in the city's new development site, has the most quality, and the lowest rank of quality of living belongs to Tah-Bagh Laleh neighborhood, which is located in the old city texture, and totally the quality of residential areas in urban fabrics in Kerman result was good.

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Providing thermal comfort is one of the most important goals in building design, which accounts for a large amount of energy consumption. In-office buildings, thermal comfort has a significant impact on indoor quality and staff productivity. In many countries, several methods and standards have been proposed to determine the thermal comfort zone for air conditioning and naturally ventilated buildings. In Iran, the lack of appropriate standards defining thermal comfort zones determines the necessity of research in this field. The present paper aims to determine the thermal comfort range in Bushehr office buildings with natural ventilation. Environmental indices (temperature, humidity, wind speed) were measured through field studies using data loggers in the three days from 19 to 21 March while 180 questionnaires were answered simultaneously by users. Based on the results, 81. 1% of the subjects are comfortable with the overall thermal conditions. Using SPSS software, descriptive statis tics analysis was performed between measured data and individual responses. During the research time in March, the average temperature is 19 ° C and the relative humidity is 65%. In this way, the comfort range is calculated based on two proposed equations for thermal comfort in different cities of Iran and compared with field measurements. According to the results of high temperature, the comfort zone in Bushehr office spaces is 28. 6 degrees Celsius which is higher than the values from proposed equations for thermal comfort in Iran. There is a difference of 1. 13 degrees between the neutral temperatures obtained by the two methods. More than 79% of the people are satisfied with the flow of air while 63% of the moisture content is satisfied. This shows the greater importance of the airflow in creating a feeling of comfort on the amount of moisture. In the case of thermal preference, 40% of people do not want a change in temperature, and 51. 6% prefer small changes. In the case of humidity, 63. 2% of the moisture conditions are satisfied and their 45% tendency to no change in moisture conditions. While 47. 8% of people preferred modes t changes in humidity (slightly damp or slightly moist), 32. 4% prefer the environment without changing the airflow, and 52% prefer the air to more or more. Thus, despite the establishment of comfort conditions, the thermal preference for more than 36% of people is slightly lower and 17% less humidity and 52% more airflow. Regarding heat sensation and thermal preference, a suitable solution can be selected for flexible space design. The results of the questionnaires and the evaluation of behavioral parameters showed that the most important choice of the individuals to adapt to the thermal conditions is to stay in places with the possibility of wind flow. This issue shows the importance of the application of natural ventilation and its feasibility in space design. Therefore, to accurately determine the exact range of thermal comfort in Bushehr city, it is necessary to conduct extensive field study research in different seasons of the year in natural building ventilation buildings defining accurate thermal comfort zone.

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Research by design is an appropriate and also necessary approach for future architectural design. This article deals with the relationship between research and architectural design process. The purpose of this research is to use applied one, to create the interaction between theory, practice and optimize the learning process. This research is a practical way of how to use design in research, and it attempts is to answer the question how research is conducted to maximize the use of information or data collected also how does this method affect the quality of student's performance during the design process. The paper attempts to collect data on research on architecture and the relationship between research and the design process in various sources also interpretation that different designers and researchers have done, and to analyze and summarize previous studies, a model for applying research in the training architectural design was achieved then examined this method in the course of architectural design education. This model can provide a new insight into the relationship between research and design process of architecture. In order to apply the type of research in the model, Milburn & Brown classification were used and intrinsic research, case studies and combined studies were investigated in different groups. The test was carried out using a quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical target in this study can be used to encompass all architecture students who are undergoing architecture design course. In this method, the dependent variable was measured one time before the independent variable was manipulated, and again after. In this research, independent variable, proposed design process and dependent variable, design quality and student performance. The data of the study were gathered by qualified judge panel using functional evaluation and scoring method. The test of this model was carried out at the architecture studio. In this study, 48 master degree students has been analyzes in two semester. The work of students in different groups as well as their projects with them was evaluated and compared five times in different stages of the design process, in order to compare student design performance and design quality. The student's assessment scores were analyzed by ANOVA test. The findings of this study indicates that superiority of using combined research in this specific model. Based on the findings of this study, there was a significant different between the groups that were based on the designed model and the test group showed better performance and quality of students projects based on this model. In selecting the type research, the mean sources of the case group were higher than the library, and the significant difference between the combined group with the library group and case study indicates the superiority of using the combined research. Another issue was the type of that, according to Kolb’ s learning classification, learning in the control group is through the learning by experiencing; in the library study group, learning by thinking and in the case group, it was conducted through learning by observation.

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Eco-park is a recreational space which apart from protecting the environment, aims to create a research setting to raise environmental knowledge. Due to the current urban development in Iran and the existing environmental problems along with the ongoing rapid population growth, its impacts, and consequently the increasing amount of consumption, waste disposal and different household and industrial sewage, design and development of eco-parks seem inevitable. Bearing in mind that in the New Urbanism, impacts of green spaces, in the form of eco-park complexes, are current in various ecological, social, economical and psychological aspects. Among the most significant ecological impacts of urban gardens and parks, we can point to the reduction of various environmental pollutions, purification and refinement of the air, soil erosion prevention, reducing the adverse weather impacts, and sustainable urban ecological development. Among their socioeconomic impacts, perfect potential of eco-parks can be outlined in attracting tourists, as they provide recreational opportunities leading to increased social interactions which triggers social and economical dynamics as well. Hence, relying on existing capabilities and beneficial varied applications of eco-parks, the establishment of such recreational-ecological urban spaces, is essential in achieving and further advancing sustainable development. The overall objective of this paper is to enhance the urban environmental conditions in order to promote environmental sustainability through eco-park design and connecting the built environment with the existing natural virgin lands in the city. In this way, a suitable condition can be introduced as the scientific-economic support for education and developing environmental culture. The present study is an applicant form that is performed by focusing on descriptive– analytical method. In the theoretical foundations part, the library investigation with analyzing the context of text are used. Finally the criteria of the analysis are presented in this study. Among the primary requirements of eco-park design, the indicators, measures and criteria are taken into account which distinguish eco-parks from other types of parks and green spaces. In this research, the process of achieving these criteria through study of related theorists’ approaches and analysis of successful case studies is demonstrated. Furthermore, by identifying and understanding characteristics of eco-park, their aims and objectives, as well as their application, whether from local or international theorists’ points of view and in presented projects, the basic structure of this particular type of theme park which ensures their ultimate success and performance, is identified. Finally, regarding the studies and analysis carried out, the conclusion which is about the most significant eco-park design criteria is presented. These criteria are in accordance with the four main principles of environmental sustainability, socioeconomic sustainability, cultural sustainability and Physical sustainability and ecological design; representing the most important eco-park design principles. Use of renewable energy in the design, support from native outputs and products in order to achieve economic stability and growth, trying to improve private and public knowledge in the field of natural and environmental issues and design in accordance with the Nature (organic design), are the most important criteria in each of the principles which have been described above.

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The number of women in Tehran urban spaces has increased and the quality of their presence differs from the past. Tehran Bazaar attracts hundreds of thousands of people every day while a remarkable percentage of this population are women. The bazaar environment in recent years has encountered an increase in the number of women's presence. The research problem is that so far, women’ s experience of Tehran Bazaar as an Iranian shopping space, has not been recognized. While women are using this space that has been gradually formed over the years for men who had been in the majority. The research purpose is to find out the meaning of the Bazaar and how the spatial qualities affect the formation of this meaning in the minds of Bazaar’ s female users. Using a phenomenological approach, researchers have conducted in-depth interviews with 14 women (and to achieve complementary data, 6 men). The maps derived from the mental images of women and men show that the realm of presence of men in the bazaar is more extensive than the realm of presence of women. In the mentality of participating women, Tehran Bazaar finds its meaning in the form of five main themes as follows: shopping space, recreation space, layered space, gendered space, and intimate space. These meanings are affected by seven themes that describe the spatial qualities of the bazaar: a large complex of specialized “ Raste Bazaars” (or Bazaar branches), being historical, being a labyrinth, being movement based, being old and traditional, liveliness and social diversity. The research findings show Tehran Bazaar is not only a place to shop, but presents some important benefits of urban space such as being among the people, enjoying the physical qualities and being linked with historical identity of the city. Researchers' interpretations also suggest that there is a disjuncture and inconsistency between the women experiences and the pre-existing male structures. This disjuncture results from the lack of conformity between the socio-cultural characteristics and the spatial qualities of the environment with the needs and desires of women in the "lived space". In spite of these inconsistencies, some factors act in favor of women presence in Tehran Bazaar. The meaning of the Bazaar as a "recreation space", which makes good feelings for most of its visitors, and the "intimate space" that is welcoming to people from every culture and class, suggests that, despite all the restrictions and shortcomings, women have been able to benefit from the Bazaar characteristics in favor of their own interests. Being a place for shopping, Tehran Bazaar has the potential to enable women to disguise themselves as buyers and at the same time enjoy the spatial and social qualities beyond a shopping environment. The results of this study point out that for any possible modification in the Bazaar, the meanings of this place in the experience of its users should be carefully recognized. Designs that do not care about these meanings can lead to the destruction of values of the Bazaar for its audience.

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