The aim of the present study is to elucidate the Khums of loan property and criticize the popular view of jurists, because the Shi'a jurists and the laws of Iran, in accordance with Qur'anic verses, narrations, necessity principle, Taslit’ s rule and custom, the loan agreement is considered possessory and attributed the profit and loss of the loan property to the "borrower" and believe that the "lender" does not have the right to interfere with the possessions of "borrower" and in contrast, some jurists believe that the loan contract entails the acquisition of debt. But both groups agreed on the need to pay the Khums of this property and believed that if it is possible to collect Khums of the loan property at the Khums year, it is receive at the same time, otherwise, it must be taken as soon as it is received. This descriptive-analytical study suggests that the current fatwa is not compatible with the possessory of loan agreement, the belonging of profit and loss to the borrower, common law, the verses of Quran and the narrations. In addition, Imam Sadeq (PBUH), in a narrative, explicitly considered the Zakat of loan property to the borrower for such features. Therefore, in this narrative, the stipulation of jurisprudence and law on the possessory of loan agreement and belonging of profit and loss of loan property to the borrower and consequently the prohibition of borrower to interfere, it is cleared that a new comment can be made and based on this, the Khums of loan property is belonged to the borrower, or that property like bank loans is without Khums, as long as it has not been repaid or the loan is considered as part of the year's earnings income and if it remains until Khums season, then its Khums will be paid.