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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    2 (101)
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issue. Founded 29 years ago (1991) by the Iran Public Libraries Foundation, it began publishing under the title of Payame Ketabkhane (in English, Message of Librarianship). In 2009, the journal got a scientific promotion from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Bureau of Scientific Journals, under the new title of Research on Information Science and Public Libraries, with a high-level editorial board consisting of professors from all over the country in Library and Information Science (LIS), and related domains such as informatics, psychology, and management. Over the past ten years, the journal has undergone the following course: Now, the journal has reached its 101 st We received 1560 articles, from which about 1195 ones (about %70 of the articles) rejected, and 360 ones were published in 40 numbers from 61-100. It is necessary to mention two points in this regard: 1) The main subject area of the articles was mostly LIS management, which included subareas such as work depression, organizational culture, work satisfaction, organizational promotion model, cultural intelligence, organizational confidence, thought investment, organizational entrepreneurship, and work stress. The second major subject areas of articles were respectively information storage and retrieval, and scientometrics, cultural approaches, reading and reading skill, Articles about space, architecture, topology, designing and library equipment, were interesting subjects, too. Library services such as having skill in buying equipment and distribution of services and subservices to all were important. Librarians' education and training, their efficiency and effectiveness, evaluation of their skills, and planning for their instruction are other subjects addressed by the authors. Psychological studies, consultation, social values of librarians, their social intelligence, information literacy, library standards, professional ethics, and services to the people with special defects and handicaps were the theme of other articles. It is worth mentioning that the audience of most articles are the librarians, while users should be considered more, and people living around the libraries should also to be taken into consideration. 2) The second point is the aim and objectives of the editorial board. First, since the editorial has suggested that all LIS journals in Iran should be specialized and publish the most relevant subjects, this journal publishes only those articles that are about public libraries while other journals do not care this point specifically. After the interruption of the journal's publishing for a while and its republishing, the editorial decided to focus on some main areas and points which are seen in editorial articles. These areas and points are as follows: children's literature, scientometrics and scientific production, knowledge management, the meaning and limits of LIS definition and identification, and the necessity of mentioning and addressing librarianship in the highlevel policy documents in Iran. Being published for about 30 years is not too much, and I hope that the journal will be safe and sound for hundreds.

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    2 (101)
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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to explore some important views and theories of information and knowledge in the area of library and information science (LIS) and then to propose a new model of information and knowledge. Method: This research has been conducted by using a comparative content analysis of the existing materials on conceptualizations and definitions of information and knowledge and delving into them. Findings: In the present paper, the author considers different ideas about the information and then proposes a new model. According to this new model, information is the human’ s intentional attention to the relationship between the components of a phenomenon (i. e. entity) or process, or between a phenomenon/process and other phenomena/processes in the world. According to this view, all phenomena and processes exist ontologically. Our attention to them is existent too, but they are different from their physical existence. Furthermore, according to this model, information is based on the external reality which is outside our minds. They are not our information because we have not made them. They are God’ s knowledge and information. When they are in the presence of us, directly or indirectly, they are our information. In this case, we may acquire knowledge of the relationships between their components. This is our real information of which our minds take pictures immediately in order to be used in the absence of phenomena. This second position is mental perception which is based on the first one, not vice versa. From this time, when we want to use information or transmit it to others, we have to make signs and symbols of them which comprise tokens, words, sentences or pictures. From here, the domain of epistemology begins, which though based on the reality may be influenced by our mental, historical and cultural conceptions. Thus our given names or comments may differ from one another. These differences cannot affect and question the very realities. If we accept this model, there is no need to omit nonphysical phenomena from the information definition. Metaphysics is the other side of physics, except God who is the creator of both physics and metaphysics. In other words, the world consists of physics and metaphysics, or known and unknown. As science and experience grows, many unknowns become known. Moreover, our knowledge of things in itself is metaphysical. In addition, when we make a whole by observing similar individual phenomena, and then abstract a universal (i. e. a characteristic or property that particular things have in common) from that whole, this universal is somehow metaphysical. Meaning is nonphysical or metaphysics too. Although this model originates from human, it has not originated from his mind. Knowing the outer reality is an indication of our soul's ability to create information. Man knows a phenomenon, but psychological matters are not involved in the knowledge and perception of the very phenomenon. Furthermore, in ontological terms, this model is not based on propositions, but it is for the transmission of information to others that one has to make propositions. Here, our propositions do not affect the real facts, but only show our perceptions and interpretations. Originality/value: Such analysis has not been conducted thus far, and thus if it is fully considered, it can change our views about the phenomena and the creation of the world, mind and matter, both ontologically and epistemologically.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (101)
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Purpose: Since nowadays public libraries are considered lifelong learning centers, these centers must have the required standards and conditions to support lifelong learning in order that they could help society members to achieve their personal and professional learning more effectively. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop and provide a mechanism to support lifelong learning in public libraries. Due to the lack of practical guidelines for supporting lifelong learning in Iranian public libraries, the present study addresses the existing gap. Method: In the present research, the mixed method was used. To do so, an inductive content analysis was first used to present a framework for supporting lifelong learning in Iran public libraries. The statistical population of this section of research included all related articles indexed in the databases of Proquest, Springer, Science Direct, Emerald, Wiley, Ebsco, Sage, Eric, LISA, and Google Scholar, as well as documents, strategic plans, and websites of public libraries all around the world. At this stage, 71 sources were purposefully selected and analyzed in order to identify the dimensions and components of lifelong learning support through the world public libraries. In the second section of the research, the internet survey research method was used to validate the proposed framework. The statistical population of this section consisted of all specialists in Educational Science/Knowledge and Information Science who had academic or professional experience in the area of lifelong learning. 18 individuals of this population were selected purposefully as the sample of the study. A researcher-made evaluation questionnaire was used for data collection. The validity of the evaluation questionnaire was verified by 5 persons who were expert in Educational Sciences/Knowledge and Information Science. Furthermore, the inter-rater consistency was used to measure the reliability of the questionnaire, which yielded the acceptable value of 0. 86. Finally, Data were analyzed using the median and sign test. Findings: Using the findings resulting from global experiences and considering the Iranian Public Library's vision, a framework including vision, mission, values, and strategies was presented in order to support lifelong learning in Iranian public libraries. This framework was evaluated by experts, and the results of the evaluation showed that the proposed framework is comprehensive as well as suitable for implementation of lifelong learning in Iranian public libraries. Originality/value: Despite the emphasis of the Iran's high-level policy documents on the role of public libraries in lifelong learning, no serious efforts thus far have been made to support lifelong learning in Iranian public libraries. The framework proposed in this research can help Iranian public libraries to play a more effective role in building a lifelong learning community. Furthermore, this framework and the resulting executive actions can change the future of public libraries' business and services and impact on its current mechanisms and structure.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (101)
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Purpose: Bibliotherapy was originally used to treat emotional problems in adults, but during the second half of the 19th century, the theoretical and practical foundations and instructions for its use grew widely. Now, bibliotherapy is a prominent strategy that is not only used to treat clinical problems, but also is cosidered a method that can be effective in guiding clients by using the book to meet their needs. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of experimental intervention of group bibliotherapy on the Resilience and life expectancy of children with cancer in Besat Hospital in Hamadan in the process of improving their health status. Method: This research is a quasi-experimental study using a pretest-posttest on two groups, i. e. an experimental group and a control group. For the experimental group, several bivliotherapic sessions were held while no intervention more than the usual practices in the research environment were made. The research sample included 30 children afflicted with cancer, aged 10 to 14 who were in an initial stage of the disease and had completed at least one course of chemotherapy. The research instrument consists of two questionnaires: Conner's perseverance and Schneider's life expectancy. The experimental group underwent a group bibliotherapic intervention in eight sessions. Two books, namely Living with Chronic Pain: An Approach Based on Accepting the herapist's Guide and Patient Workbook by Kevin Wells and John Sorrell (2011) and Practical Pain Management Handbook: A Positive Attitude Toward Adapting to Chronic Pain by Michael Nicholas (2008), were the researchers' guide in this bibliotherapy. Data analysis was done using an independent t-test and a covariance analysis in the SPSS software. Findings: Results of the independent t-test showed that there is a significant difference between the mean scores of the two variables of resilience and life expectancy in the control and experimental groups. Furthermore, the effect of this kind of bibliotherapy on the life expectancy in the children afflicted with cancer was 43. 6% and its effect on resilience was 64. 1%. Moreover, all the assumptions related to the analysis of covariance have been fulfilled Originality/value: The current research is the first research carried out on the effect of group bibliotherapy on the level of resilience and life expectancy of children afflicted with cancer, while considering the positive effects of bibliotherapy, it can be one of the services of public libraries for patients.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (101)
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Purpose: Correspondence between the assumptions of the policies and the perceptions of the clients of service provider organizations can improve the effectiveness of policies and measures. The purpose of this study is to analyze the image of public libraries. Method: The present study is a qualitative study. To collect data, the structured interview method was used. A total of 72 people were interviewed. The grounded theory of Strauss and Corbin was the theoretical basis of this study, and the data from the interviews were coded in three stages. The Max Kioda software was used to encrypt the data. The interviewees were selected in such a way as to balance gender, age and education as much as possible. Sampling continued until the concepts were saturated. Four criteria of validity or acceptability, stability, verification capability, and transferability or appropriateness were evaluated to evaluate validity and accuracy of data. Findings: The results of the interviews were 163 open codes, 56 subcategories, 23 categories and 9 core categories. Among the categories, the categories of the unbalanced source of knowledge, the pleasant environment, and the unbearable place were chosen as the core categories. According to Glaser's recommendation, the two categories of the pleasant environment and the unbearable place were referred to the unbalanced source of knowledge and this latter category was introduced as the main core category. Evidence from this study shows that people's view of past libraries has been negative, and many people are reluctant to go to today's libraries because of their view of past libraries. On the other hand, the interviewees offered conditions and suggestions for visiting the libraries, and (according to them) if these conditions are taken into account, their number of visits to the library will increase. Originality/value: Evidence from this study suggests that the images that people had of the library often indicated that they considered library to be an unbalanced source of knowledge. This imbalance stems from the fact that on the one hand, people consider library as a platform for acquiring knowledge, and on the other hand, they believe that library environment is a contradictory environment. Summarizing these contradictions in the form of a code shows the creative vision of the researchers in this study. Furthermore, the subject of this study and the adoption of a qualitative approach in it show its value and authenticity. Attempts to understand the difference between past and present views and to focus on the analysis of people's mental images have distinguished this research from other studies.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (101)
  • Pages: 

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Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to measure the acceptance and role of computer anxiety among the users of public libraries in Kerman province while using Iranian Public Library Management System (SAMAN) within the framework of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). Method: This is an applied study in terms of purpose and a descriptive study conducted using the correlation method. The statistical population of the research consisted of 130 public libraries in Kerman Province, which totally included 35906 respondents. The sample size was estimated by using the Cochran's formula and the multi-stage method at 380 people. Findings: The findings indicate that there was a meaningful relationship between the expectations of performance, effort expectancy and the social influence of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology with behavioral intention. Facilitating conditions and users' behavioral intention were correlated with the practical use of the information system of Saman. There was no meaningful difference between the levels of admission of the information system of Saman by the users of public libraries in Kerman Province in terms of gender. However, a significant difference was seen in terms of age of the users. Furthermore, it was found that computer anxiety moderated the relationship of performance expectations, effort expectancy and social influence with the behavioral intention users to use the SAMAN information system. In addition, computer anxiety moderated the relationship between facilitator conditions and the practical use of the SAMAN information system by users. Originality/value: According to the present researcher's review, no research thus far has been conducted on the role of computer anxiety in the adoption of a public library management system within the theoretical framework of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (101)
  • Pages: 

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Purpose: According to Scharf (2013), the library profession is one of the professions in which communication plays an important role. In other words, not only the quantity and quality of library equipment are effective in attracting the client to the library, but also the quality of the librarian's communication is important. With the evolution of approaches and theories in the field of counseling and psychotherapy as a communication-oriented profession, various interventions have emerged to improve the quality of communication. The Sociodynamic approach is one of these interventions, which was put forward by R. Vance Peavy in 2004. Method: This research is a quasi-experimental study using a pretest-posttest design on an experimental group and a control group. The research population included all public libraries' librarians of Khomeyni Shahr County in 2019, from whom 30 members were selected by using the convenience sampling technique and were randomly divided to an experimental group and a control group (each group with 15 member). To assess the librarians' communication skills, the Queendom Interpersonal Communication Skills questionnaire (2004) was used. This questionnaire has 34 questions that have been developed to measure the adult communication skills. The reliability of this questionnaire in Hossein Chari & Sacrifice's research (2005) is equal to 0. 69 and in Yousefi & Khaiier's research (2002) is equal to 0. 77 and in Mahmoudi and Najafi's research (2012) is reported to be 0. 81. To analyze the data, the SPSS-23 statistical software and the indicators of descriptive statistics (median and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (i. e. analysis of Covariance) were used. Findings: The results show a meaningful difference between the mean scores of relationship skills and their dimensions in the experimental and control groups. Accordingly, it can be concluded that training sociodynamic approach has been effective in the enhancement of communication skills and their dimensions (ability to receive & send massage, emotional control, listening, insight into the process of communication and communication with decisiveness) among the librarians. Originality/value: By reviewing the studies carried out thus far in the field of librarian scope, one can realize the importance of the variable of communication in this profession. However, most of the studies conducted in this regard have been descriptive and there is no study which has examined the effectiveness of an intervention in improving the quality of Librarians' communication skills. Therefore, this study is valuable in terms of method and subject.

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