Introduction: Competencies-oriented management is the key to the success of any organizations, including health care systems. Thus, identifying the factors that influence the skills and competency required by managers of health care institutions could help to improve the organizational performance. Based on the mentioned notes, the present study aimed to identify the competencies required by managers of medical-educational centers in Kermanshah City. Methods: This study was an applied-developmental research with a qualitative exploratory approach. The research was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, all the related documents were retrieved from institutional databases and studied to gather the data. Accordingly, 16 documents were selected by the convenience-purposive sampling method. In the second step, 12 senior managers, deputies and experts of health-medical centers were selected using the snowball sampling method and were studied by the semi-structured interviews. In both stages, the sampling continued up to the theoretical saturation. Data analysis was done by Glaserian grounded theory approach based on open, axial and selective coding. Content validity was performed for verification in both stages, and the data was reviewed by members and colleagues for the reliability assessment. Results: Our results showed that the competencies required by managers of medical-educational centers are divided into two general categories: job-promoting competencies (executive, communicative, developmental, team and knowledge competencies) and interactive competencies (attitudinal, personality, control, and general competencies). Conclusions: Given to these findings, the aforementioned nine competencies can be a guide for the actions of the medical-educational centers managers, and those enjoying these competencies can readily assist the organization to achieve their goals.