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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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With the extension of technology and industrialization of communities, people's active lifestyle has changed to a sedentary lifestyle. This sedentary lifestyle has many complications and negative outcomes. Sport for all is a form of "physical activity" or regular participation in physical activity that it can reduce inactivity and its complications. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify those factors influencing the institutionalization of sport for all in Iran. The research method was exploratory qualitative. The statistical population consisted of all those who had experience in sport for all and institutionalization. The sample was selected by snowball sampling method. 15 subjects were interviewed to reach theoretical saturation. The validity of the interviews was assessed by examining the form and content of the questions by the professors and their reliability was calculated through retest method and their reliability coefficient was calculated as (%83). The results revealed that four categories including individual, team, organizational and environmental factors influenced the institutionalization of sport for all in Iran. In this article, due to the widespread size of factors in each category, merely individual factors including acceptance, belief and attitude, motivation, freedom of choice, commitment, feedback and contextual attributes were examined. Individual factors are a set of factors that are related to the person himself and include psychological, attitude, motivational states, and contextual attributes.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the attitude of employees in sport organization of Tehran municipality toward glass ceiling and weakness society acceptance in women which was conducted by descriptive-survey method. The statistical population consisted of all employees working in sport organization of Tehran municipality (93 women and 120 men). As the population was limited and in order to obtain better results, the sample was equal to the population and 93 questionnaires were collected from women and 109 questionnaires were collected from men. The inner stability of the questionnaire was calculated as 0. 92 using Cronbach's alpha. The data were analyzed by K-S test and independent t test. Research findings indicated no significant difference between men and women attitudes in glass ceiling (P>0. 05) and both groups believed that glass ceiling existed sport organization of municipality. Also, there was a significant difference between men and women attitudes in weakness society acceptance (P<0. 001) and men believed in weakness society acceptance (in women) more than women. So it is recommended that the positive supportive actions should be taken for women and also strategies should be presented to make basic changes in principles and attitudes.

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Many researchers believe that commitment to strategic planning is one of the factors influencing the implementation of strategies. The results of a study by Peymanfar (2011) on the identification of barriers to implementation of Iran’ s sports system strategies showed that the most important barrier was that the managers did not have commitment to strategies. Due to the importance of this issue in the formulation and implementation of strategic plans in Iran sport system, this study explored the minds of Iran sport top managers by Q method to understand why they did not have commitment to this planning. The results of this study which were obtained using the correlation matrix and factor analysis, suggested that there were 4 types of thinking and dominant mentality in managers’ lack of commitment to strategic planning. In this study, the most predominant mentality was called mentality of competency-oriented managers. Other models identified in this study were strategy-oriented, vision-oriented, and environment-oriented. Since each of these models is based on their own mentality and aspects, we hope to see higher commitment of the sport managers to the strategic plans through the appropriate employment of these models.

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NAZARI RASOOL | latifi azam

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The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of glass ceiling on improving women management position as top managers in sport organizations. This study was descriptive, correlation conducted as a survey. The population consisted of all the sport managers and experts in sport organizations of Isfahan province (N=450 according to the statistics provided by the centers). 207 subjects were selected from the population by stratified random sampling method based on Cohen (2000) formula. Barriers to women's progress in management questionnaire by Guzman (2004) (reliability=0. 87). Statistical analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences software, version 19 at descriptive and inferential levels (P≤ 0. 05). The findings indicated that gender barriers, family support barriers, work-family conflict barriers and leader support barriers influenced women's progress in management. In general, it should be noted that women are entitled to take advantage of opportunities for growth and excellence in organizations provided that the barriers to their success are eliminated.

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The aim of this study was to design electronic management information system for Iran sport volunteers. This study was descriptive-analytic, application in terms of aim; the methodology used for analysis was UML with RUP object-oriented design model. The population consisted of all sport federations in Iran and random sampling method was used with Morgan table (N=200). 3 researcher-made questionnaires were used to collect data. Face validity was confirmed by 15 experts and professors of both sport volunteer management as well as software sciences. Its reliability was obtained by Cronbach's alpha (0. 76). In this study, sport volunteering electronic management model was designed using literature and the results of the questionnaires. Results revealed a volunteering electronic management information system that provided fair and interactive communication which facilitated accurate and reliable information when necessary and was usable for the entire population of the society regardless of time and location.

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Because of special attractions of FIFA World Cup it has become the area to show advantages of countries over their competitors. For this reason identifying success factors of countries in this tournament is important for sports policy makers. Regard to the exploratory nature of the subject were used qualitative methods to determine the most important factors in predicting success of countries. First preliminary list of indicators were identified through initial studies. Then semi-structured interviews was conducted with (n = 24) of the elites that aware of these issues. Results showed that, 232 indexes Including Per capita GDP, population, Age structure, The duration of the establishment of the Football Federation in the countries, The duration of the federation join to FIFA, World Cup hosting and Military cost could predict the success of countries in FIFA World Cup. In this analysis, indexes were classified into 5 elements: political, economic, social and cultural, technology and sport (PEST+S). Also, using De Bosscher et al’ s model (2006), the factors were divided into micro, meso and macro levels. Finally, it is possible for managers according to given facilities and resources of the country compared to other countries adopt appropriate policies and programs.

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Talent development in sports is a long-term process. One of the most important issues in this context is talent development environment which is affected by different factors. In this regard, some tools have been developed to assess talent development environment in sports. The present study aimed at determining the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the questionnaire of talent development environment in sport. The Martindale et al. questionnaire (2010) was used in this study. The population consisted of all male athletes in Markazi province who exercised regularly. The statistical sample consisted of 384 athletes who were selected by simple random sampling method. For data analysis, factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha tests were used in SPSS version 22 and LISREL version 8. 8. The results confirmed the construct validity of the questionnaire with six factors including long-term development, quality preparation, communication, support networks, challenging environment and long-term development fundamentals and the obtained model had a good fit (RMSEA=0. 037, CFI=0. 92, AGFI=0. 92, x2/df=1. 93). In addition, the reliability of the questionnaire was α =0. 927, which was appropriate. Hence, this questionnaire can be a useful tool to assess the status of the talent development environment in sport. Therefore, it is recommended that it should be used in sport in Iran.

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The aim of the current study was to design a model of the effect of emotional attachment on emotional loyalty and word-of-mouth advertising in customers of bodybuilding clubs of Tehran city. The study was application in terms of aims and descriptive-correlation in terms of data collection. The population consisted of customers with a minimum of six months of membership in the bodybuilding clubs in Tehran city. 5 regions were selected from all districts of Tehran city by cluster sampling method. 10 clubs and 10 subjects were selected from each selected region and each club by simple random sampling method. With literature review, the primary model was designed and a questionnaire was made based on the model. Its face validity was confirmed by some academic experts using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. It was distributed among the population after its reliability was determined. For data analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient and SEM were used. The results showed that emotional attachment had an impact factor (PC=0. 53) on emotional loyalty and (PC=0. 48) on word-of-mouth advertising. Also, emotional loyalty had an impact factor on word-of-mouth advertising (PC=0. 42). Goodness indexes (AGFI=0. 90, GFI=0. 91, CFI=0. 94, NNFI=0. 91, NFI=0. 93) showed that all indexes were more than 0. 9 and they were accepted. According to the results of this model, it is suggested that emotional factors that increase customer emotional loyalty and emotional attachment should be identified and there should be planning to implement them so that customers’ word-of-mouth and positive advertising can increase.

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The aim of this study was the effect of intellectual capital on organizational performance with the mediating role of decision making strategy in Sport Sciences Institute of Iran. The research method was descriptive-survey. The statistical population included all employees of Sport Sciences Institute (N=50). The Sample was equal to population (census sampling method). Standard questionnaires of intellectual capital of Bontis (1998), organizational performance of Patterson (1970) and decisions strategy. For data analysis, SEM and PLS by Smart PLS3 were used. Results showed that relational capital had a significant, negative and direct effect on organizational performance and structural capital had a significant, positive and direct effect on emotional decision making strategy. The dimensions of intellectual capital (human, structural, relational) respectively had direct negative, positive, positive and significant effects on the rational decision making. Rational decision making strategy had a significant, positive and direct effect on organizational performance. Human capital and structural capital had a significant, negative and indirect effect on organizational performance with the mediating role of rational decision making. It is recommended that the employees of Sport Sciences Institute should use proper decision making strategy and enhance organizational performance by strengthening intellectual capital.

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Javani Vajiheh

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Economic outcomes of direct and indirect effects of sport in development have attracted much attention to this industry. In line with other fields, it is a necessity to strive for resistive economy policy in difficult conditions in order to convert threats into opportunities. Knowing that this fact requires a roadmap for the implementation of resistive economy in sport, the present study aimed at explaining the implementation of resistive economy in sport industry. Using qualitative content analysis method, in-depth interviews with experts in the field of economy and sports were explored. 17 elites and experts of sport economy and university professors who were selected by purposive sampling method were referred to. According to the results, a three-level model including infrastructure optimization, retrofitting, and salience was proposed to implement resistive economy in the sport industry. Based on the results, it is necessary to focus on subjective goals in policy-making of implementing resistive economy in sport and attempt should be made to act in a balanced way. Therefore, policies should be developed and implemented so that objectives of infrastructure optimization, retrofitting and salience can be realized and resistive economy policy can be implemented in sport industry and environmental requirements can be met proactively.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of physical activity on productivity, reducing absence from work and work engagement of the female employees of Islamic Azad University, Parand branch. The method was experimental-field carried out with pretest and posttest and two groups: control and experimental. 72 female employees of Islamic Azad University voluntarily participated as subjects in this study. Work engagement was assessed by Schaufeli and Bakker inventory; productivity and reduced absence from work were assessed by public health and work productivity inventory of Hang. Aerobic exercise increased work engagement (P=0. 001) and productivity (P=0. 001) in subjects, but this exercise had no effects on reducing absence from work. The results of this study showed that physical activity do not equally affect work indexes (effect size=0. 55 in work engagement, effect size=0. 37 in productivity). According to these findings, it is suggested that managers should provide proper opportunities to participate in physical activities for all employees especially women who suffer from many restrictions on physical activities in order to promote work engagement and productivity of human resources so that they can enjoy their active human resources more effectively in the organization.

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