The short-term effects of fire on vegetation changes were studied in Khosbijan station rangelands, which was burnt in 2015. A systematic-randomized method was used to collect data in late May 2016 and 2017. Sampling was carried out in the burned site, with a nearby non-burned site (as control). Vegetation characteristics such as cover and density of shrubs, perennial and annual grasses, perennial and annual forbs, and forage production were measured. The paired T-test was used to compare burned and unburned sites vegetation properties. A total number of 80 vascular plant taxa belonging to 25 families and 72 genera were identified. Asteraceae (with 17 species), Papilionaceae (with 12 species), Poaceae (with 7 species) were the most common plant families in the study area. Therophytes and Hemicryptophytes were also identified as the most life form in this area based on the Raunkiaer classification system. The floristic composition of the area is strongly influenced by a large number of the Irano-Turanian elements. The results showed that density, cover percentage and forage production of perennial and annual forbs, and annual grasses were increased significantly in the burned site. In contrast, density and cover percentage of shrubs decreased in the burned site. Our results revealed that density, cover percentage and forage production of species with various palatability (e. g. I, II, and especially III) increased in the burned site compared to control site. Overall, our results indicated that fire changes the vegetation properties based on the existing floristic composition and range condition. Therefore, fire occurrences do not lead to a better forage quality in all conditions.