Tourism Impact Assessment is importance due to population growth and having high sensitivity of natural recreational resources. In this study, attempting to introducing process of Recreational Opportunity Spectrum in the field of visitor impacts management for developing tourism in possible level of carrying capacity. The study area is part of Golestan province (three Towns: Gorgan, Kordkuy and Aliabad). Structural equation modeling was used to obtain the relationships between factors. The research findings showed that the Recreational Opportunity Spectrum was not influenced by the Moderating of demographic characteristics. Therefore, 97% of the changes in the Recreational Opportunity Spectrum Latent variables are explained by access, onsite management, social interaction, acceptability of visitor impacts, acceptable regimentation, and non-recreational resource uses. The relation of Latent variables, with the exception of, non-recreational resource uses with Recreational Opportunity Spectrum, is positive and significant at 1% level. The regression equation obtained in this study can be used in tourist planning by Managers of recreational area, especially in potential similar areas. It is expected that with the application of Structural Equation Models in the tourism sector, the negative effects of this activity on the nature will be minimized...