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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Psychological capital as a force for progress, improve individual performance, increased leverage, improving the performance of organizations, institutions and human settlements, increase revenue and competitive advantage, leading to accelerating economic gears communities. The present paper intends to study the Psychological capital of the students and the role of religion in the development of the concept of society members’ religiosity. The method of the present study is survey method and is conducted by using a questionnaire with 405 students as sample among students of Tabriz University in 1393-1394. To fulfill the process, stratified random sampling method is used. For data analysis, Pearson correlation and multiple regression was used. Findings of this paper suggest that there is a positive and significant relationship between religiosity and psychological capital That is, the increasing religiosity leads to an increase in Psychological capital. In addition, the results indicate a significant positive relationship between psychological capital aspects (self-esteem, self-efficacy and locus of control) and dimensions of religion (ritual, experimental, and outcomes The results also show the intermediate to high mean score for the psychological capital of students The authors of the present survey conclude the highest average is allocated to a self-efficacy among the psychological capital dimensions. Also based on research results, psychological capital is mainly affected by the ritual aspect of religiosity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The changes that have occurred in recent decades have dramatically affected the formation and intensification of social problems among the youth. One of the problems caused by these developments is cultural distortion among people. The concept of social capital, following the nature and content, is associated with social problems and harm. The present study is aimed at studying the cultural deviance among undergraduate students of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University and seeks to study the relationship between social capital and it. The study employs a survey researchconducted on 366 undergraduate students of the Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University in the academic year of 2016-2017 who were selected via the stratified sampling method. Validity and reliability of the research Instrument were analyzed through factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha, which indicated the appropriate validity and reliability of the research instrument. The research findings indicate that there is a significant indirect correlation between social capital and its dimensions (social trust, social participation and social cohesion) with cultural deviance. Moreover, three variables of social trust, social participation, and social cohesion have been able to explain 30 percent of the cultural deviance.

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According to Lefebvre’ s theory of space, the dominance of capitalism on everyday life and its tendency to organize private/public life, leisure time, consumptive activities and symbolic interactions has always been actualized through managing spaces. The most obvious organized spaces in late modernity are urban spaces which can regulate and control the processes of sense-making, identification, getting pleasure and all the usual interactions of people. In Sanandaj, Pasdaran is the only street that owes these attributes and has a different atmosphere. This research attempts to analyze this special difference through relying on Lefebvre theory and using critical ethnography. For doing this and to describe the everyday experiences of flaneurs, we have used various techniques: deep interviews with flaneurs (18-26 age), direct observation, participatory observation and semiotic analysis of some images. The thematic analysis of data, gathered through interviews and participatory observation along with semiotic analysis of some images, show that practices, regulations and special representations in this street make individuals “ subjects of emulation” , means that urban space as ideology has been successful in interpllating the youth to accept consumption discourse. This space, through “ imposing micro disciplines” , makes the youth to accept a kind of everydayness that is structured according to the special regulations thoroughly. The youth “ represent youth” in the context of this everyday life, but this is not a kind of resistance to the special practices and regulations. This space is dominated by capitalistic images and is not at all an open space.

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Today's World is full of thinkings which each one is seeking to solve the current idealist society's difficulties. Humanity is always trying to reach redemption and welfare and in this way, religions and various philosophic, literary and social creeds have been found. The main objective of this study express the views of Richard Rorty and Jü rgen Habermas, a philosopher-sociologist to draw the human society in which freedom is. Habermas, Rorty in line with our view on this was to look at the match between these two thinkers to achieve better results look. Research leading to the rationality and language of the two thinkers how to get rid of the problems in modern society pose new definition of rationality nd reach the goal to tie the use of language. The philosopher's ideas about rationality and common purpose encompasses slightly different language; And that understanding and agreement in society and individual freedom. The postmodern philosopher Habermas, Rorty and defense unfinished project of modernity, rationality and language in ways similar and partly different; But both dream of rationality to achieve the dream of a utopia in their minds to the realm of action draw. The results showed that those elements of rationality and language as tools for solving the problems of the modern society to applyAnd also negate the special meaning of rationality to rationality are looking to replace other meansAs a result of the possibility of building a relationship and dialogue regardless of external pressure and fear and intimidation to achieve their Hmfhmy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The progress of science and technology in the field of medical science, hoping to improve many diseases which cause organ damage, organ transplantation is often the best or only way to save these patients. The aim of this research was to study of the socio-cultural factors related to organ donation among yazdi citizens. The study method is survey add questionnaire used in this study consisted of a combination of questionnaires global health, and researcher made its validity through formal reliability through Cronbach's Alpha obtained. Using Cochran formula, 384 people were selected as sample size in a multi-stage sampling. In the first stage, 20 family were selected randomly from family, and in the next stage, they were selected in a systematic manner in family, and in the third stage, in the selected family, one person over the age of 18 was randomly assigned a questionnaire. Has completed. In the first household, a person who does not have a donation card has completed a questionnaire, but the next households among one who has a donation card has completed a questionnaire. In cases where the family members do not have a donation card, they should go to the adjacent family. It continued until a qualified person was found.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this paper is development and measurability of social tolerance questionnaire based on the structuration theory of Giddens and determine the validity and reliability of it. In this research, survey method and factor analysis were used. In order to determine validity, 598 participants and for reliability two sample of 40 & 60 of young people in Isfahan were selected using stratified random sampling. In this study, to determine the validity of social tolerance, content validity, face validity and constructive validity and to determine the reliability, internal consistency and stability of the two methods were used. The findings showed that social tolerance based on the Strucration theory have three-dimensions. The results of exploratory factor analysis, showed acceptable load factor for each dimension of social tolerance. Cronbach's alpha of the questionnaire was 0. 88 and test-retest coefficient higher than 0. 69 is also desirable. Thus, this scale has constructive validity and reliability and social researchers can use it to assess the social tolerance.

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The present research, considering the issue of the relation of the social to the natural in general and the relation of the livelihood system with the environment in particular, seeks to understand the processes of their coexistence and opposition in the context of the daily life of local communities. In this context, by adopting a phenomenological approach and by conducting in-depth interviews and focused group discussions, the experience of local biologists has been questioned about human interaction with nature on the basis of the concept of "work. " Findings indicate that the relation between the social to the natural in the context of daily life has led to three approaches: "coexistence, exploitation and opposition". This process has occurred in a way that today livelihoods bring the greatest pressure on nature, and this contrast is more pronounced than ever before. Therefore, sustainable livelihood pattern is considered as the most important determinant of environmental sustainability; Therefore, it is recommended that with the awareness and social community of social activists, the use and care of nature be transformed into a desire and collective will according to the indicators of the sustainable livelihood pattern; So that collective and responsible action by all individuals and institutions is considered an environmental protection factor; Because the unilateral action of the government and the relevant institutions is not very efficient or, in the worst case, will have a negative and negative result.

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