The present s tudy was conducted with the aim of designing and validating a culturalmodel based on an Islamic-Iranian approach for the Iranian higher education sys tem. Amixed method of explorative plan-tool development model was used. In the firs t place, inthe qualitative s tudy, a ques tionnaire consis ted of 4 factors, 14 criteria and 64 indicatorswere designed by using the method of Grounded Theory and interview with 9 experts. Inthe next s tep, in the quantitative section, the designed ques tionnaire was conducted on 36members of Iranian experts with higher education. Based on the received feedbacks, theques tionnaire was revised, Then, the final and modified version was dis tributed among150 experts in different City of Iran. The validity of the ques tionnaire was confirmed byexperts and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach’ s alpha which was equal to (0/954). Non-probability purposive sampling method was used in the qualitative part of the s tudy, whereas classified random sampling method was applied in the quantitative part. In addition, analysis of s tructural equation modeling was used for tes ting the mentioned model. Inthe firs t phase of open coding, 76 concepts were obtained. The data of the second phase ofopen coding were classified in 64 concepts and 14 major categories. In axial coding s tage, 4 theoretical codes were determined. Then, in terms of condition, interactive/process andoutcome characteris tics was classified. In selective coding, category of Superior culture, Islamic-Iranian culture, as the central category where selected. By doing confirmatoryfactor analysis, all factors were approved. The results of second-order confirmatory factoranalysis also showed that all 14 factors are sufficient factors loading to prediction ofcultural model based on Islamic-Iranian approach for Higher Education Sys tem in Iran. The goodness of fit indices (GFI) were: (CMIN. DF) which equals to 1. 896, (RMSEA)= 0. 038, (GFI) = 0. 991, (AGFI) = 0. 921, (CFI) = 0. 942, (NNFI) = 0. 961, (TLI) = 1. 000, (IFI) = 0. 919 and (RFI) = 0. 934. The results of s tatis tical tes ts display that the designedmodel enjoys very favorable fitness for a cultural model based on Islamic-Iranian approachfor the Iranian universities. Also, the model designed in this s tudy is a complexand multidimensional concept. This model will have a positive function, only if it isconsidered as a single totality equal due attention is paid to all its aspects.