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Rural housing is the most primitive and original form of housing for people with fixed habitation. It has developed and expanded due to the changes in the forms of nomadism, especially those that occurred based on agriculture and animal husbandry. of the society— are influential in encouraging economic changes. This study seeks to understand Rural housing reflects the concept that the spaces of livelihood and living are mostly interrelated and that there are no definite time boundaries between activities in rural life. The Iranian Land Reform, a prominent landmark in the 1960s, has been the starting point of major changes in the economy, social relations, migration, occupation, and urban development and marked a major shift in the physical form of rural housing. Three fundamental sources of noneconomic affairs — changes in the knowledge and science of societies, changes in technology, and changes in the public institutions and explain the process of economic change and how it affects rural housing. In this descriptive-analytical study, with the help of field and desk studies and investigation of the ideas of theorists, it was concluded that the process of economic change has only improved living spaces and increased facilities and local amenities for villagers, but livelihood production spaces in rural housing, as a link in the production system, has been neglected during these years. Moreover, in the spatial organization of rural housing, the only spaces that receive attention in the area of livelihood are warehouses and stalls. However, in rural housing, a site also includes gardens, orchards and farms that are the most important parts of a rural house. This has changed the living patterns of residents and caused rural settlements to become semi-urban. Furthermore, the productive economy of rural life has turned into a consumer economy. Therefore, the need to use agricultural elements (gardens, farms, pastures and livestock) becomes an inevitable necessity in the architecture of rural housing.

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Iranian houses have changed physically and communicatively over the years. The turning point of these changes can be seen in the architecture of houses of the Qajar and Pahlavi periods. In order to examine these changes, eight houses of Tabriz were selected in this study. Four of them belong to the Qajar period and the other four to the Pahlavi period. One of the houses, which belong to the transitional period between these two eras, was analyzed due to its noticeable changes. The purpose of this article is to compare and evaluate the spatial structures of Iranian houses in the two periods of Qajar and Pahlavi by studying and analyzing the selected houses in Tabriz from the aspects of physical layout and spatial relationships. To serve this purpose, a mixed research method is used based on historical approach and interpretive and comparative strategy. Desk studies and filed studies were both used for data collection. Since the results of the research are qualitatively based on having a quantitative analysis of data, analysis has been done in the qualitative part by comparing ground floor plans and extracting effective spaces from the quantitative analysis of the spaces by the method of space syntax and with the help of Auto Cad, A-Graph and Depth Map software. After that, the obtained data was compared, and aspects of physical layout and spatial relationship were described based on the process of changes made in the selected houses. The results of the study showed that the entrance, Hashti (vestibule), outer courtyard, Tanabi (a type of hall) and inner courtyard are the influential factors of physical changes in the Qajar and Pahlavi periods, evident in the plan of the selected houses. Some of the main spatial elements, form, shape and elongation of houses, spatial hierarchy, constructed facades, building orientation, neighborhoods, the place of the entrance and its multiplicity, and the place of spatial elements have the greatest impact on spatial relationship and human behaviors in comparison with the main and secondary axes in the selected houses from the Qajar and Pahlavi periods.

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Cities and villages are the main centers of human societies. They shape the geographical foundations of an area that have special relationships with each other based on socio-economic and spatial characteristics. The rapid spread of technology in recent decades has transformed the way of living and working in cities and villages. On the one hand, this expansion has caused anti-urbanism and on the other hand, it has increased the desire for second homes and rest in places far from cities. This is especially the case for neighboring villages in metropolitan areas, especially Tehran and other large cities. Therefore, every rural settlement located on the outskirts and around these urban centers has been exposed to attention and impact, which affected the villages in different ways. The question is that how villagers see these developments and how they feel the impacts of such changes. The purpose of this article is to study the social and economic effects of the expansion and growth of the metropolis of Tehran in the village of Mehrabad from the perspective of the residents themselves. The research method is based on documentary and field studies and quantitative and qualitative methods. The statistical population of this research is the householders of Mehrabad village (612 households), form which, due to financial and time constraints, the researcher selected 230 householders using the Cochran formula. The next step was to randomly distribute a questionnaire among the householders and to analyze the answers using SPSS software. The results showed that, in the social aspect, the most important effect of metropolitan growth and urbanization in Mehrabad village was the change of the attitude of villagers towards rural life and economic activity, and in the economic aspect, it was the imbalance in employment and the decrease in income and savings of the villagers, which has occurred as a result of neglecting agriculture and animal husbandry.

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Moradinasab Hossein

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One of the most important concepts reflecting the principles and values ​ ​ of Islam is Mahramiat, which is especially evident in the traditional housing of Iran. However, it seems that the principle of Mahramiat, as one of the qualities of human-environment in Islamic architecture and urban planning in traditional housing, while having commonalities with the equivalent concepts considered for Mahramiat by Western experts, namely territory and privacy, has fundamental differences with these concepts. The purpose of this study is to explain the concept of Mahramiat in relation to privacy and territory in the traditional housing of Iran based on the Islamic teachings. To explain the problem, this research has used a mixed research method of content analysis with logical reasoning. Data collection has been done through documentary and desk studies, and the research method is descriptive-analytical. The paper first reviews the ideas and definitions of Mahramiat in the views of Western experts, and then examines its components in the physical aspect of traditional houses based on the Islamic teachings (Holy Quran and hadiths). In conclusion, in addition to presenting the research model, the research findings revealed the following: Firstly, Mahramiat in the material field is the embodiment of architectural spaces by using the elements of the entrance system of traditional houses in a way that is in line with the concept of territory in this field; secondly, secrecy in the psychological and behavioral spheres is synonymous with intimacy with the other, which in this area is consistent with the concept of privacy in traditional housing in courtyards, halls, balconies, tanabis (a type of hall), and 3-door and 5-door rooms. however, in the semantic field, the concept of mahramiat in traditional housing creates a context of introversion with the hierarchical order of the entrance system, and establishes a spatial zoning in private homes and corners. it lays the foundation for the presence and peace of the heart to create the spiritual excellence of man.

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Nayband is a historical village in South Khorasan, which is located on the western edge of the desert. The adjacency of the village to the caravan route, its strategic position, and the existence of water resources and fertile lands have led to the formation of its texture. The harsh climatic conditions of the region and the existence of miscreants and bandits in the historical periods, while caused the establishment of castles and watchtowers, have given a tangled and compact structure to the region. The present study aims to identify the structure of the cultural landscape of Nayband, and its architectural patterns and housing typology. Moreover, the paper is concerned with the historical texts and travelogues that are about the village to analyze its physical structure and answer the following questions: What period does the history of living in the village go back to? In what evolutionary process did Nayband go through its formation process and why does the texture of the village have a compact structure, such as impenetrable castles? And what are the shaping paradigms of Nayband cultural landscape? The method of the present research is historical and desk studies, with an analytical-interpretive approach. It is concerned with the case study in the texture of the village and tries to identify the cultural paradigms that formed the landscape of Nayband through field studies and documentation of physical and nonphysical factors and comparing them. The results show that the composition of the natural factors including high mountains, green valleys and water springs, which are in contrast with the arid lands of the region, have created a unique ecosystem in this village. In addition to this, the artificial and man-made elements including agricultural landscapes (farms, citrus orchards and groves on the outskirts of the village), architectural works (handmade areas, castles, defense towers, unique residential patterns, passages and shelters) and special cultural and social structures have created an intertwined cultural and natural structure in the village. This is intertwined with a rich history of pre-Islamic times, biological customs, living traditions, historical and continuous land use with horticultural and agricultural patterns, extensive architectural structures and a special visual view of the Lut Desert. The village of Nayband is a valuable example of organic cultural landscapes and has constantly changed the desert settlements of the country.

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Megaprojects have emerged as one of the tools of urban management to create opportunities for economic growth, entrepreneurship and attract national and international investment in many developed countries. Such projects have a wide range of effects on many social groups. Some of these effects are population displacements due to the departure of some residents and the establishment of new groups, changing the identity of neighborhoods and creating an alien physical environment for residents, affecting the type and quality of employment and or unfulfilled promises of resolving social crises and losing trust in the public sector. Shiraz Beinolharamein project was put on the agenda of Shiraz Municipality with the motive of balancing urban services and creating quality urban spaces in coordination with adjacent historical and religious buildings, namely the two holy shrines of Hazrat Ahmad Ibn Mousa and the holy shrine of Seyyed Aladdin. This article evaluates the social, economic, physical and environmental effects of the implementation of this project on the two surrounding residential areas, Eshagh Beig and Lab-e-Ab, based on the results of a questionnaire distributed among the residents of these neighborhoods. This questionnaire, which was answered by 375 participants, was designed based on the impact theory and previous studies to collect the required data. The collected answers were analyzed by the hierarchical multiple regression model. The result of the analysis indicates that all 25 indicators used in the research analysis model have a significant relationship with higher level criteria and have the necessary adequacy to meet the criteria in question. The greatest effect was on the physical dimension and the criterion of access to facilities. However, the project had the least effect on indicators such as increasing construction and improving the quality of buildings, which were some of the goals of this project. The least positive effect of this project is in the social dimension and in cases such as increasing trust in the municipality, government institutions and non-governmental organizations; the desire to cooperate with them; the existence of a memorable place or event; tendency to remain in the place; relations with neighbors and residents; and the use of public spaces.

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Tehran, the 200-year-old capital of Iran, is a young city with a complex political and social structure compared to many other cities in the country. Therefore, creating a sense of place and the formation of social relations in this metropolis has faced complexities, and the partisan and modernist view of urban planners has reduced the sense of belonging in the residents and, consequently, has reduced the vitality of this city. In the comprehensive plan for organizing and developing cultural spaces in the metropolis of Tehran, an area called the cultural zone of Tehran has been determined. The purpose of choosing this zone was to give the Tehran Space Organization an outlook for the development of cultural spaces. The boundaries of this zone are designated in accordance with the natural-historical structure of Tehran and is located in the north-south and east-west. Using the combination of three models – Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM), Micmac, and Topsis– this paper attempted to prioritize attention towards the factors influencing the sense of place based on the views of experts and residents of Jamaran cultural tourist zone, an area located in the cultural zone of Tehran. The results of the interpretive structural modelling in 5 stages showed that the most important factor that influence the sense of place is the concept of territory. This was determined based on the first stage questionnaire of Delphi from the perspective of urban planners and design experts. Based on the output of the Micmac model, in explaining the sense of place in the cultural zone of Tehran, three categories of "drivers", "dependents" and "autonomous" was identified but there was no "linkage" factor. At the end, in order to provide suggestions and prioritize attention towards the sense of place in Jamaran cultural tourist zone, the overall result of the three models was used, and it was found that the top priorities that needs attention to enrich the sense of place in the study area, are the sense of presence, level of security, the concept of territory, and social amenity.

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In the Architecture of Iran, the vernacular architecture of Bushehr’ s historic city is distinctive since it is both introverted and extroverted and has different semi-open interior and exterior spaces. Tarameh is one of these semi-open spaces. Using a qualitative research method, conducting desk and field studies and reviewing the technical documents of the historic buildings of Bushehr, this paper collected the information of historic buildings of this city that has Tarameh to study their typology. According to the study of 29 buildings, it was revealed that Taramehs fall into three categories based on their location in the building. These types include exterior, middle, and interior, among which interior is the most widely used. Moreover, Taramehs are either enclosed on three sides, two sides, or one side. Interior Taramehs are mostly enclosed on two sides, exterior ones are enclosed on three sides, and all middle Taramehs are enclosed on two sides. In terms of shape, Taramehs of Bushehr are of four types, including linear (rectangular, trapezoidal and irregular), L-shaped, U-shaped and four-sided, among which rectangular linear is the most prevailing type. Moreover, it was revealed that most Taramehs are southward and westward, and at least one Tarameh is seaward in the buildings that are along the coast. In the end, according to the typology of Taramehs based on their location in the building, enclosure, type of plan, and whether they are roofed or not, this research provides a modified and complete definition of Bushehr’ s Taramehs. Tarmeh, Historic fabric of Bushehr, Semi-open spaces, Vernacular architecture, Architectural typology.

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Providing temporary shelter after major disasters is one of the major challenges for survivors and relief and reconstruction officials. In Iran, besides the distribution of tents, a common solution is to construct and deliver containers to the damaged areas. Following the 2017 earthquake in Kermanshah province, extensive damage was inflicted on urban and rural settlements, especially in the Dasht-e Zahab and Qasr-e-shirin districts. The high extent of the destruction, the proximity to the cold season, the rain, and the problems of living in emergency accommodation tents necessitated the acceleration of the provision of temporary housing and permanent shelter. The present article is a report of an action research project to find a different solution to this problem. Experience shows that accident survivors, especially in rural areas, provide shelter for their families by the locally available materials and technology, or the materials remained from the destroyed buildings. Aware of such a capacity, we tried to take a step towards providing temporary shelter by making maximum use of local materials and some non-local but inexpensive and affordable materials. For the first time, PVC pipes were used as the main structure of a temporary shelter. In the first phase, in December 2017, researchers visited the city of Sarpol-e Zahab and several villages in the region for six days in order to identify and evaluate the conditions of the region. Then, the design and execution of the first experimental sample of this structure called Kashaneh with dimensions of 2 × 3 meters was done in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Shahid Beheshti University. During the execution, many points were identified and corrected, the strength of the structure was tested under gravity loading, and the structural calculations were performed using SAP2000 software. In the next step, the original sample with dimensions of 3 × 4 was built in the village of Kuik Aziz in the city of Sarpol-e Zahab. The willingness to participate among the residents and the positive feedback of the people towards the original sample indicated the success of this type of temporary shelter. Monitoring the samples, lower costs, speed of execution, participation of local labor force, ability to develop and attention to the psychological needs of the survivors in terms of similarity of the created space to a normal building, are among the advantages of this project.

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A crisis is any event with low possibility of occurrence and high impact of consequences that disrupts the order of the main system or parts of it and threatens its stability. Therefore, a proper management of this event will play a pivotal role in the improvement of a society. In fact, making correct decisions for an optimal crisis management depends on the success of several levels, and the characteristics of crisis managers is one of them. In this sense, paying sufficient attention to this factor will be of high importance in the optimal management of crises and the better performance of managers. This research aims to explain the effect of crisis management characteristics on the performance of crisis managers using the Structural Equation Modeling (Case Study: Southeastern Provinces of Iran). The required data was collected using an analytical-descriptive method, and the statistical population encompasses all the members of the Crisis Management Headquarters in the Provinces of Sistan and Baluchestan, Hormozgan, Kerman, South Khorasan and Yazd, who are roughly 100 persons. Using Morgan and Krejcie sampling table, 80 people were selected as a statistical sample by stratified random sampling method. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient test and Friedman test) were used to analyze the data. The results of this study not only confirmed the model of crisis management characteristics affecting the proper performance of crisis managers in the southeastern provinces of the country, but also showed that there is a significant difference between the crisis management characteristics of crisis managers (p <0. 05). Among these characteristics, the just culture has the highest rank, and the commitment of senior management is in the second rank. A proper crisis management is reached when the effective characteristics of crisis management, including the characteristics of crisis managers, are recognized and tasks are delegated to managers in accordance with their inherent and skillful characteristics. The results of this study suggest that the characteristics of crisis managers should receive more attention. Moreover, it is necessary to create an environment in which the managers have a better sense of responsibility and commitment – a precondition for the better performance of managers.

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