The title of state properties was a new term that, after the end of Mohammad Ali Shah's despotism, was used to accurately monitor all the properties of Iranian government, including the monarchy and its government. In other words, the term, unlike in the past, included the royal properties. Previously, the common term for this properties was the word Boyutat (Royal Households). After these changes, the title of State Properties was used in the official correspondences, but the rooted title, Boyutat, was still common. Boyutat was a set of service units in the courts that had responsibility of doing of Shah personal tasks and also functioned at the courts of pre-Qajar dynasties. Each section of Boyutat had properties in proportion to their duties. The court and Boyutat of Qajar period, which was responsible for keeping the valuable properties of court, was located at the Golestan palace, and the past structures was changed by a modern evolution in proportion to the needs of Qajar period. The formed discipline in Boyutat was disrupted from Mozaffar-e-Din Shah's period. During Ahmad Shah period, the status of state properties of Golestan palace and Boyutat was inappropriate and the chamberlains didn't carry out their responsibility properly and sometimes they themselves were robbers of state properties. This paper attempts to study the status of state properties, which was in unsuitable situation during Ahmad Shah period, and reveals how much the attempts of supervisory arms were successful for protecting the royal and state properties. The study has employed field and library research, comparison and analysis of existing sources, especially documentary sources. In this historical study, after collecting the necessary data, they are organized, analyzed and finally conclusions are drawn.