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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The title of state properties was a new term that, after the end of Mohammad Ali Shah's despotism, was used to accurately monitor all the properties of Iranian government, including the monarchy and its government. In other words, the term, unlike in the past, included the royal properties. Previously, the common term for this properties was the word Boyutat (Royal Households). After these changes, the title of State Properties was used in the official correspondences, but the rooted title, Boyutat, was still common. Boyutat was a set of service units in the courts that had responsibility of doing of Shah personal tasks and also functioned at the courts of pre-Qajar dynasties. Each section of Boyutat had properties in proportion to their duties. The court and Boyutat of Qajar period, which was responsible for keeping the valuable properties of court, was located at the Golestan palace, and the past structures was changed by a modern evolution in proportion to the needs of Qajar period. The formed discipline in Boyutat was disrupted from Mozaffar-e-Din Shah's period. During Ahmad Shah period, the status of state properties of Golestan palace and Boyutat was inappropriate and the chamberlains didn't carry out their responsibility properly and sometimes they themselves were robbers of state properties. This paper attempts to study the status of state properties, which was in unsuitable situation during Ahmad Shah period, and reveals how much the attempts of supervisory arms were successful for protecting the royal and state properties. The study has employed field and library research, comparison and analysis of existing sources, especially documentary sources. In this historical study, after collecting the necessary data, they are organized, analyzed and finally conclusions are drawn.

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With the occupation of Iran during the Second World War, the banks and the northern shores of the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea fell under the full control of the Allies. This process has imposed negative consequences on the southern lands of Iran. The purpose of this study is to investigate the devastating consequences of World War II on the economic life of this strategic water sector. The geopolitical position of Iran and the Persian Gulf has led Iran to be in a difficult and sensitive position in global equations. On this basis, it was selected as one of the main transferring equipment to the Soviet Union. Throughout the Second World War, the military elements of the United States and the United Kingdom have been active in the islands and ports of the north and south of the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea, and effectively deprived the Iranian government of any real power of maneuver and regional policy of influence. They were. This situation exacerbated the negative economic consequences of the presence of foreigners.

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With the fall of Abbasid caliphate, mystics and Muslim scholars expressed new ideas about governance and legitimacy. They were influenced by the idea of the unity of the existence of Ibn Arabi and expressed thoughts about the perfect man and the position of the man as the successor (Khalifa) of God. In the ninth Hijri century, in the mystics’ views, man appeared as a manifestation of the Holiest and as the highest manifestation of God and found a respectable position. In their thinking, the Prophet (pbuh) and after him the Shiite Imams (a. s) and in the time of Occultation, the saints of God were introduced as examples of the perfect man and God's successors on earth. In this way, a new form of political legitimacy in the government was introduced. The leaders of this mystical intellectual trend, such as Ibn Tarke Esfahani, Shah Nematollah Vali, Khajeh Mohammad Parsa, Abdul Rahman Jami, and Pir Jamal Ardestani considered the prophets and saints of God as the perfect men who deserved the formation of the government, and in their absence, the Sultans were introduced as God's successors on Earth. Some of them introduced themselves as the perfect man and claimed to govern. Thus, by introducing the idea of the perfect man and the position of the human as the successor (Khalifa) of God in their works, they led to the coherence of the mystical thought. In this paper, the views of two kinds of mystical thoughts on the position of the perfect man and their approach to governance are investigated analytically and descriptively on the basis of historical sources. This study explores the factors leading to the idea of the governance of the perfect man and to what extent, it proved successful. It claims that the idea of the perfect man was introduced by Iranian mystics at the time when Abbasid caliphate fell, and the absence of the political legitimacy provided space for introducing the novel thoughts, including the thought of perfect man. It has been shown that by offering this idea, the mystics found an alternative to Abbasid caliphate in terms of political legitimacy.

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The era of the Qajar reign is one of the most important historical periods in Iran. This era has been the beginning of political, social, cultural, and economic developments in confrontation with West. It is during this period that western goods and machine products were launched to the markets bazaar of big and small cities of Iran for various reasons such as innovation in the production and superiority of technology and political-military superiority; and brought changes in the Iranians lifestyle. Some of these foreign products were welcomed and accepted from the beginning of the entry and supply in the markets of the country, others were gradually accepted by the time, and some of these products and goods were faced with popular protest and resistance. The way Iranian people encountered and dealt with these new material is what this paper has addressed. As a default, it can be claimed that Iranians of the mentioned era in the face of the flood of western goods and the social changes resulting from them showed different reactions, Which is categorized into two categories of positive reactions that means accepting these new elements and reacting negatively or resistance to the entry of these elements. Based on the data of present research, which has been provided by the use of various library resources and descriptive-analytical method, one can conclude that accepting (positive reaction) or rejecting (negative reaction) the European goods, factors such as: unfamiliarity with new products, the sense of imposing these imported elements, the confrontation of these elements with the dominant cultural and religious habits and values in the society, economic benefits, and interference with native jobs and products have been effective. In fact, four social, cultural, economic and psychological factors have been effective in accepting or rejecting these new elements.

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Iranians have frequently faced famine and food crises throughout history. There were many factors affecting the Persian Famine of 1917-1919, which can be generally divided into natural and human (internal and external) factors. The intentions of conduct of the landowners and government officials are of great importance to consider among the internal human factors, which played a key role in the mentioned food crisis during 1917-1919 (mostly, shortage of bread and grain according to the historical records). These strata had a significant impact on the famine and other socioeconomic problems. Adopting an analyticaldescriptive methodological approach, the goal of this research is to explain one of the effective factors in the public food (grain) crisis and its consequences. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this research aims to determine the effects of the perfermance of the owners and the authorities in the food crisis in 1917-1918. Moreover, it seeks to investigte the concequences of their performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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A look at the political changes in Iranian history after Islam shows that the era of governance of the local Iranian dynasties of Atabakan-e Lor Kouchak (550-1006 AH) and Ardalan(564-1006AH) has had more political persistence and stability than many central and local dynasties. Therefore, the present paper, using a comparative-historical approach and analyzing the historical references and documents, sought to explain the persistence backgrounds of the local dynasties of Atabakan-e Lor Kouchak and Ardalan. The result of the research shows that regarding more persistence and stability of the ruling dynasties, geographic factor should be significantly emphasized. The geographic conditions of the Lorestan and Kurdistan regions made it difficult to pass through these areas, and it was also possible to build strong defensive castles and to take advantage of the strategic situation of these areas, especially in later periods. Also, the geography of these regions has led to the establishment of the social structure based on the tribal system that main population of which was Kurd and Lor tribes who had ethnic and cultural ties with local rulers and so they significantly supported the rulers. On the other hand, this led to more attention and doing wider welfare and civil measures by the rulers of these dynasties, which resulted in more legitimacy of the local dynasties. Finally, the implementation of policies such as declaring citizenship in a timely manner to larger powers and occasionally conducting political marriages promoted the status of political stability and their immunity against possible dangers.

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