Layered stylistics is a novel method for studying the stylistic characteristics of works that practically and objectively investigates the styles of different texts through the provision of a design of appropriate layers or levels and components for the text. By analyzing texts at five phonetic, lexical, syntactic, semantic and rhetorical levels, the outstanding characteristics of style and its role and value are specified at each level, and the discovery and interpretation of the link between the formal characteristics of the text and its content is facilitated and the ultimate goal of discovering the worldview dominating the text can be achieved. The present research used a descriptive-analytical method to investigate the outstanding stylistic features of Surah "an-Naba'" at three syntactic, phonetic and lexical levels to shed light on how, applying appropriate variables to each level, the thought of the inclination to the hereafter governing it is reflected. To this end, at the syntactic level, three variables of the length of the sentence, the modality and the grammatical voice; at the phonetic level, the rhythm and signification of the voices, and at the lexical level, the codes were selected. The results of the research indicate that the shortness of ayahs regarding the main subject of Surah, which is the Day of Judgment, notifies humans of the shortness of the life time and the necessity of becoming prepared for the life in the hereafter. The prevalence of the epistemic-indicative mood shows the certainty of the word of God about the coming of the Day of Judgement and the dominance of passive voice, is an indication of the passive state of the world and of man who moves towards his destined fate, which is bad for the evildoers and good for the God-fearing. The sharp and strong rhythm and high usage of void and intense sounds which come down to the readers' senses as furious screams and blows, calls for contemplating about the universe and that following such a firm and precise plan, there is certainly a Day of Judgment, and paradise and the hell. The presence of codes such as "the great news", "the Day of Separation", "blowing the Trumpet", "hell", "scalding water", "transgressors", "purulence", "recompense", "torment", "the God-fearing", "attainment", "that Day", "near punishment" strengthen the aforementioned thought. Meanwhile, from among these levels, the stylistic level due to its high capacity for creating various meanings, has played the most prominent role in serving the main subject of this surah.